Homeopathy Remedy Cannabis sativa


      Itching swelling on wing. Stupefying pressure on root as with a dull point. Dryness; with heat. Warmth, as if it would bleed. Sneezing, with sensation of stooped coryza, although air passed through the nose. Bleeding; in spurts till faintness.


      Pale; and sunken; and he fell prostrated. Red; l. cheek, but not hot, r. pale, with pain in r. tooth. Grimaces as in chorea. Contraction of muscles. Efforts to laugh. Stupid expression. Drawing pressure in l. malar-bone. Stupefying compressive pain in l. side of chin, affecting l. teeth. Pulsations in various parts, especially in l. buccinator. Eruption on red part of lips and in corner of mouth. Spasmodic contraction of jaws. Pricking in l. ramus of lower jaw, the drawing.


      Teeth. Crumbling of a hollow one and the pieces were like hard leather. Shooting in several at the same time. Cramplike pain in l. lower. Drawing pain in a hollow one, (<) evenings, with swelling of gums; D. in a hollow one after a vexation, changing after trying to suck air from it to sticking. Drawing in a hollow one, (<) touch of anything acid. Dullness as after acids. Painful bunch on r. upper jaw, on side of palate, as from an ulcerated tooth. The gum around a hollow broken tooth is inflamed, swollen painful, with drawing in root.

Tongue coated. Inability to speak as usual, at times he missed a word, at another he lost his voice, towards evening at one time a torrent of words, at another faltering so that he spoke the same word ten times in the same breath, at times his idea was anxiously repeated and he was angry if he could not repeat it in the same words. Dryness; and of lips and throat; (<) evening, with sticky saliva, loss of thirst and heat of hands; of mouth, with tenacious mucus in throat; of palate in morning. Taste lost.


      Difficult hawking of mucus. Rising of water, which gets into trachea, so that he is obliged to swallow. Pain as if sore, (<) mornings in bed, (>) after rising by discharge of a lump of mucus, with dryness. Dryness. Swallowing difficult on account of absence of saliva, with inability to eat.


      Eating like a glutton, and after the meal appearance of astonishment. Appetite increased evenings, with discomfort after much eating. A lost. Cocoa relished tolerably at breakfast, but he can take only a little and feels neither hungry nor satisfied, with growing and rumbling in abdomen, cramp in stomach, when he thinks of what he could eat he has no desire for anything and yet his stomach feels empty.

Eructations of air; of bitter, sour, acrid fluid; of a bitter sour fluid; with taste of bread after breakfast. Hiccough in morning. Nausea; in morning on waking, (<) lying on r. side, (>) lying on l. side; on waking, (<) thinking of what he has eaten; (>) drinking coffee, with inclination to hawk mucus and with vomiting; with discomfort, weakness, empty eructations, fulness in abdomen, no appetite, but tolerable relish when he eats; rising into throat, when nearly satisfied with food that he relished. Retching; rising from pit of stomach into throat. Choking suddenly rising into throat, as from acidity of stomach. Vomiting profusely; of tough acid mucus after coffee; difficult, of mucus, bitterish at first, then flat, which left the teeth dull, then hunger and eating with relish; V. of slimy, bitter water, with scraping in throat, then Dullness and confusion in occiput; (green bilious vomiting).

Stitches in front near pit, just below ribs, (>) bending trunk forward or backward soon returning. Cutting across upper part after stooping; in pit. Cramp; mornings. Pinching in pit. Ulcerating pain on touch, (>) on eating. Anxiety in pit, with oppression of breath, palpitation, rising of something warm into throat, with arrest of breath, as if something lodged in trachea, and flushes of heat. Heartburn. Feeling as if he had taken cold, (<) forenoon, with movings in abdomen and griping. Discomfort all the morning, sleepy yawning, indolence and disinclination to everything. Heaviness in epigastrium.


      Emission of almost odorless flatus every morning; noisy emission in morning. Incarceration of flatus till evening, with pain. Movings, then stitches in l. side, extending to ear. Shaking of intestines on violent motion of arms. Fulness, compelling deep breathing. Pinching stitches. Cutting, (>) drinking cold water. Pinching as if to stool. Griping. Pain before stool; as before menses. Bruised pain. Painful jerks, as from something living, moving form one place to another (Crocus), with drawing from l. hip-bone across to r. and thence into knee, still the pain remained in hip, where it was a tearing, pushing pain. Shivering as if cold water moved in it. Complete loss of tone of intestines, not overcome by the strongest cathartics.

Pain in upper, then diarrhoea and smarting in anus. Anxious throbbing in upper. Sticking in l. side, just below ribs; in both sides in evening in bed, extending up back to between scapulae and again down sides of A. Pinching on l. side near umbilicus and posteriorly. near spine. Shocks in sides below ribs. Beating as with a hammer in l. side below ribs, extending towards back. Griping above umbilicus after eating. Pain in r. side near umbilicus like a beating outward. Sensation below U. as if he had taken cold, mornings from 8 till 10 O’ clock, with movings in abdomen. Stretching outward in sides. Griping in hypogastrium, with cutting in loins. Pain in abdominal ring, with pressing outward, as if suppurating. Shocks above l. groin; jerking in bend of groin, then distended sensation in region of abdominal ring and sensation as if ring were pressed outward. Tickling in parietes hypogastrium.


      Sticking, (<) walking, with contraction of sphincter. Pain in R. and in sacral region while sitting, as if intestines would be pressed out. Woke at 6 A.M., with desire for stool, but emission of only noisy flatus, urging to stool and micturition continued, after drinking coffee and smoking a hard stool, then nausea, that was only (>) keeping quiet. Urging to stool after dinner, then itching in R., with stitches; U., tenesmus and urinating continued so that he could hardly walk, after coffee and a pipe of tobacco crumbling stool and decrease of symptoms, but vomiting of coffee mixed with mucus.

Anus and Perineum

      Constrictive pain in anus, with sensation as if thighs were drawn together, so that she must close them. Sensation as if something cold trickled out of A. Itching of perineum.


      Thin and yellowish, she thought it was flatus; but it spurted away. Sometimes like diarrhoea, sometimes hard. Scanty, crumbling, with flatus. Suppressed. At irregular times, only a little is evacuated by straining, and tenesmus remains after it, sometimes sudden urging and a forcible pappy or liquid tool, with relief.

Urinary Organs

      Urging to urinate, with pain; frequent U., occasionally some burning, when the urine, especially in morning, is wheyey and turbid. Micturition in a split stream. Micturition difficult, profuse. Frequent M., with copious watery urine.

Urethra. Orifice agglutinated by moisture which could be pressed out. Orifice inflamed, painful and hard to touch. Painless mucous discharge; and transparent; watery mucous discharge. Stitches along when not urinating; in end, (>) when urinating; anteriorly in orifice when not urinating; jerking, posteriorly while standing; burning, posteriorly while urinating; itching- tickling, in forepart. Zigzag tearing in fibres. Cutting in forepart when urinating. Inflamed sensation, with soreness to touch, and with tensive pain during erection. Burning-biting pain, extending backward from orifice while urinating, posteriorly more sticking; sticking-biting on urinating, biting when out urinating. Pressure to urinate, especially in forepart of U., when not urinating. Burning while urinating (Nux-vom.), (<) just after urinating; (<) in evening; in orifice while urinating; in forepart while urinating; at beginning and end of micturition; from glans backward while urinating, biting after urinating. Burning pain in forepart when not urinating (Sulphur), compelling him to urinate almost constantly, even when there is no more urine to pass (Nux-v.). Itching. Urine scanty. Red and turbid. White and turbid. Full of fibres, as of mucus, with pus.

Clinical In urethritis, with burning biting pain extending backward towards bladder when urinating, with frequent urging to urinate, the urine is scalding, with spasmodic closure of the sphincter o the bladder, cystitis in consequence of gonorrhoea, with bloody urine; gonorrhoea, great swelling of prepuce, etc. This drug is useful in gonorrhoea immediately following Aconite, provided Aconite has been indicated in the first few hours of the disease; cases which require Cannab. have less profuse discharges than those requiring Argentum nit., and usually there is much less swelling and inflammation about the glans penis, though the excessive swelling of the prepuce has proved a valuable indication in some cases. Many physicians are in the habit of using Cannab. sat. through the whole occurs of gonorrhoea, claiming that by its use the disease usually does not last more than ten days.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.