Homeopathy Remedy Cadmium Sulfuratum

Cadmium Sulfuratum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Cadmium Sulfuratum …

      This salt is triturated with sugar milk for use.

General Action

      Our knowledge of its action is too meagre to enable one to generalize. It seems, however, to be analagous to Zincum.


      Lying with the head low and the hands under it. Jactitations, startings of limbs (Zincum met.). Cutting in joints. Restlessness. Weakness after vomiting; W. of affected parts, with horripilation. Aggravation of symptoms in morning, before noon, after grief, after drunkenness, by hunger, when lying and sitting; after sleep, on walking in open air, from a draught of air, from reflection, in air, in sunshine, when staring at an object, when ascending steps, when walking, after running, when lying, finally they may compel lying down; during deglutition and after vexation. Amelioration when sitting; when eating.

Mind and Head

      Horror of solitude; of work. Anxiety; before going to stool. Apprehension at approach of anybody. Irritability. Head, lancinations. Hammering in H. Inflammation of brain. Tingling in head, with digging and twitching. Tension and sensation as if in a vise. Apoplexy. Pressure above eyes. Pain in vertex. Pulsation in temples.


      Hollow. Surrounded by blue circles. Lancinations extending outward. Rending pain. Burning lachrymation. Dilatation of one pupil with contraction of other. Tension in brows. Inability to read small type. Hemeralopia (Lycopodium). Aggravation of symptoms in the dark, at night, on looking at a white object and when walking.

Clinical Opacities of cornea, with sluggish inflammation (scrofulous).


      Lancinations. Lacerating pain. Pressure behind. Clucking. Abnormal hearing alternating with abnormal vision. Sounds echo in head.


      Obstruction by swelling. Lacerating pain. Tension. Tightness at root. Numbness. Epistaxis. Smell ulcerative. Smell cancerous. (Caries of bones and ulcerations?)

Face, Mouth and OEsophagus

      Face grayish. Countenance gloomy. Looked vexed. Trembling of jaw. Lips swollen; aphthae on lips; spasmodic motion of upper lip. Mouth symptoms (<) during deglutition. Salivation. Taste pitchy; salt T. Constriction of oesophagus.

Clinical Facial paralysis from cold.


      Thirst; at night in bed, with heat. Rancid eructations, (<) noon. Nausea; at chest, in mouth, in abdomen, generally with red face and trismus. Gagging and retching up of tough mucus every few minutes. Vomiting; of food, bile and mucus; of acid matter, with cold sweat on face and griping (Phosphorus, Zincum met.). Cutting Pain, and at umbilicus, with urging to stool; burning. Aggravation of symptoms in forenoon; during pregnancy; in drunkards (Arg-nit.); after cramps in stomach; after drinking beer; walking or carrying burdens, and symptoms in hypochondria.

Clinical Black vomit of yellow fever or of other diseases. Persistent vomiting of drunkards.


      Lancinations; in l. hypochondrium. Griping in in lower. Stretching pain. Bruised pain. Pressure in sides. Compressed feeling. Pulsations. Inertia.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

      Breathing interrupted during sleep. Want of air on waking. Cough, with unconsciousness, agitation, red face, pain in stomach or vomiting of bile. External chest swollen. Inflammation of mammary glands. Painful blows in chest. Rheumatic pain in external C. Drawing in external C. Lungs feel as if adherent to chest. Contraction of C. Feeling of dilatation in C. Tingling in C. Beating near heart. Weakness of C. Symptoms of C. (<) squatting posture.

Neck and Back

      Pain in muscles of neck, as from efforts to vomit. Griping in region of kidneys.

Upper Extremities

      Stretching of arms. Swelling of bones of arms. Swollen sensation in arms. Tension in forearm. Gnawing in hands. Jerking of fingers. Tearing in metacarpal joints.

Lower Extremities

      Lancinations in joints and in heels. Digging. Sprained pain. Boring. Rheumatism. Numbness of thighs. Cramp in legs, with trembling of knees. Pressure in knee. Tearing in legs. Cramp in calf. Feet agitated by shocks while asleep. Heaviness of feet.


      Blue. Red spots on limbs. Brown spots on elbow; on chest. Yellow spots on cheeks and nose. Yellow eruption. Eruption on forehead, nose and around mouth. Chilblains. Erysipelatous inflammation of nose. Erysipelas of mammae. Herpes on temples. Scaly, tearing, damp, suppurating herpes. Boils on nose; on buttocks. Suppuration of axillary glands. Crawling in face. Itching at night in bed; l. when touched and during cold; (>) scratching, which excites a voluptuous feeling.


      Sleepiness in forenoon; S. when sitting. Sleeps with his eyes open. Moaning and smiling in sleep. Somnolence, with revery. Nightmare on falling asleep, with startings.


      Coldness; after sleeping and after waking; with heat of hands. Horripilation after drinking; H., with hot hands. Fever before midnight. Sweat in axillae; in palms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.