Homeopathy Remedy Bovista

Clinical Urticaria, itching on getting warm. Eczema of external ear. Red eczema, burning and itching disturbing sleep. Eczema, moist, formation of thick crusts.


      Yawning at 5 P.M., with sleepiness; Y. in evening. Sleepiness early in evening; during dinner; after dinner. Sleep after eating. On waking at night from a sound sleep he did not seem to know where he was. Little sleep. Restless sleep; with waking every hour.

Sleep full of dreams. Frightful dreams, that she was in a cellar, the walls of which had fallen in, and she could not get out, etc.; vexatious, with waking every moment. Tiresome; of the past and future; in a sound sleep, of subjects of previous conversations; unremembered.


      Chilliness; every day at 5 A.M. in bed; every day from 6 to 9 A.M., with external coldness and with griping in abdomen; in evening; all night. Intermitting fever, chill every day from 7 to 10 P.M., beginning with shivering in back, the first days with thirst, without subsequent heat or sweat, every time with drawing pain in abdomen. Shivering in evening on lying down; during supper; with glowing heat of face; with thirst, sticking in chest and tension and stitches in throat, so that she could not turn her head easily. coldness of hands and feet; of feet at night; on uncovered parts, on neck and chest, and necessity to bind cloths about them, even at night.

Heat in afternoon; in evening, with sweat; (>) uncovering, with oppression of chest; with thirst; with anxiety and restless; in flushes. Orgasm of blood, with thirst. Orgasm and heat rise into face. Heat extending from r. ear down to angle of lower jaw. Burning above knee; in l. sole; externally in pit of stomach after dinner, with stitches in it. Sweat every day from 5 to 6 A.M., especially on chest; profuse, under arms when walking slowly in a cold temperature.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.