Homeopathy Remedy Bovista

Genital Organs

      Red, hard, painful nodule, which suppurated, on penis. Burning. Emissions two nights in succession, once with voluptuous dreams.

Voluptuous sensation in female. Leucorrhoea; after menstruation; profuse, yellowish-green, acrid L.; mucous, tenacious, when walking; thick, like the white of an egg when walking (Borax). Soreness of pubes during menstruation. Traces of menses between menstruation (Carbo-v.). Menstruation too soon; and copious, then leucorrhoea. Menstruation too late; and beginning in evening on lying down, then after midnight painful urging towards genitals, with heaviness in small of back, (>) next day with discharge of blood. M. most profuse in morning, but scanty during the day and night. M. did not last as long as usual and flowed for the most part only at night (Mag-c.). M. less than usual and did not continue so long. M. watery, with weariness of thighs.

Clinical Metrorrhagia, blood flows at night; or early in morning, easily from a little overexertion between the menses, blood dark; can- bear nothing tight around the body; menses preceded and followed by diarrhoea. Leucorrhoea follows the menses, acrid, corrosive; discharge only at night. Cyst in the board ligament.

Respiratory Organs

      Catarrhal voice in morning, with roughness in throat. Hoarseness every morning. Cough in morning on entering house from the cold air, from tickling in chest; every evening and morning after rising, from tickling in trachea; at 5 P.M. from tickling in throat; from irritation in larynx; spasmodic, (>) opening window, with deep, anxious respiration and calls for help in feeble tones; dry, evening and morning; dry, from scraping and burning in throat; (irritation to C. from tickling in larynx, with difficult expectoration of tough mucus.) Respiration anxious; R. deep, noisy; short on every exertion of hands.


      Stitches in l. side; in l. lower part; in r. side and at same time in r. great toe; in middle, then in r. hypochondrium, then in l. H., in middle of sternum; beneath r. axillae in morning; in r. lowest rib in morning; in r. side in forenoon, with constant stretching; in sternum in evening, or boring; in lower forepart after dinner when standing stooped; during dinner, extending backwards, (<) deep breathing; in forepart of l. lowest rib, extending up into chest; below r. ribs alternating with stitches in r. groin; as with an awl in upper part of l. mamma, extending through to back; burning, on last l. rib.

Pressure beneath sternum and in stomach; spasmodic, beneath sternum, s if stomach were overloaded. Oppression in middle, with stitches on inspiration; O., with necessity to sigh, intolerance of anything on chest and sensation as if his large waistband were too small; with heat, the latter rising into head. Heaviness, with difficulty in inspiring deeply. Constriction below sternum. Burning on sternum, with visible pulsation, especially in pit of stomach; cutting, in middle, more externally. Visible pulsation above r. mamma, near clavicle.


      Pressure in praecordial region and on sternum, with tension in temples. Sharp pain in praecordia. Fulness in praecordial region, with anxiety. Palpitation; with general trembling and uneasiness; with vertigo and headache; with congestion to head, heat, thirst and itching in r. eye.


      Swelling of cervical glands; with tension and drawing pain. Stitches in nape in evening; on l. side extending into ear. Tearing in tendon of l. side. Tension in nape, with bruised pain on pressure; painful, on r. side on moving head, with twitches in l. ear. Stiffness in nape in morning on rising.


      Stitches on inner border of r. scapula, (>) sitting bent and rising up, with tearing and feeling as if a piece would be torn off; on inner border of l. S., deep in bone, with tearings; as with a knife between scapulae in afternoon; in lumbar region, (<) turning body. Pain in region of kidneys.


      weariness of hands and feet; sudden, in afternoon. Increase of a previously-existing onion-like smell in axillae. Shoulder- joint, tearing; piercing T. in r. in afternoon; tensions, also as if too short, on bending arms backward; weakness of r., with difficulty in raising arm; W. of r., with pain in arm if she took hold of anything.

Arm.- Swelling of r., with soreness to touch and with pressure in shoulders. Weariness, especially in shoulder-joint; in l. Paralyzed feeling in l., (<) movement. (>) morning by sweat, with a sprained feeling.

Upper Arm. – Tearing on inside of l., as if in bone; as if in bone in outer side of l. in afternoon. Pain on inner side of l. as if it would break, in morning. Bruised pain in r. humerus in morning, (>) firm pressure.

Stitches in elbow in evening, r. then l. Tearing in morning in l. elbow; in r.; in tip of r. E. Stitches on inner side of l. forearm, with tearing; boring, on marking of radius, beneath elbow, extending to fingers, which became paralyzed on account of it. Tearing a hand’s breadth above wrist and extending into wrist in morning. Pain on inner side of wrist near thumb, as if tendons were torn, and the same pain on outer side of other arm, in direction of index. Paralytic and itching sensation in radial arteries.

Wrist. – Stitches in r.; (<) taking hold of anything, especially bringing thumb and index together, then in l. Tearing in r. in evening, with throbbing. Suppurating pain in a spot on back of r., on bending hand and pressing upon it. Sprained and ulcerated pain in middle of upper surface of l. on touch and on bending hand upward and downward. Spasmodic drawing in tendons of l. Numbness of l.

Trembling of hands, with palpitation and anxiety. Heaviness of l. hand; of r., with bruised pain at place where pulse is felt and with intolerance of touch. Stiffness of hands, with weakness of fingers. Weakness of hands; (<) r., allowing the slightest objects to fall. Stitches in joints of r. index while working. Tearing in l. thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Stitches in middle of l. thigh on sitting down; in l. T. and leg and in chest. Intermittent pain in r. hip on stooping, as if small of back were broken. Bruised sensation above knee-cap. Sore feeling in bend do thigh during menses; in bend of r. thigh, and on walking feeling as if something woolen rubbed against it. Stitches in l. knee, (<) rising form a seat; in l. K. in forenoon; on inner side of r., as if in bone. Stiffness of l. knee and pain if he tries to stretch it after it has been bent some time. Weariness in hollows of K.

Cramp in l. leg; in calves towards morning, in bed, pain till evening as if legs were too short. Stitches in middle of l. tibia. Raging or beating pain in r. fibula in afternoon, with tearing extending to knee. Weary pain in r. leg during menstruation. Whole l. leg so sleepy, with formication, that she cannot stand upon it; r. leg asleep in afternoon. Stitches in r. external malleolus, with pain in internal malleolus.

Stitches in corns. Tearing breaking-drawing pain in foot which ad been sprained in childhood, as if joint had been broken, with swelling. Pain in corns; P. in forepart of l. sole when walking. Drawing in r. foot, with tearing. Heaviness of feet. Stitches in great toes in evening, extending into ankles.


      Fingers unusually dented by instruments, with which she was working (Carbons.) (shears or knives.) roughness over body, with itching. Painful eruption on temple. Reddish had swelling like a boil on r. leg. Pimples on forehead; on l. side of face near mouth; on back of hand and between middle and ring fingers; dry, reddish, covering hands; on tibia, with sensation as if burnt; itching, over whole body, on temples, above knee; itching P. on neck; itching, on forepart of neck, the I. (<) after scratching; hard, red, rashlike, on feet and half way up calves, with itching-burning pain.

Raw spot below r. side of chin, with itching, like tetter, the itching not (>) scratching. Maturating eruption in l. corner of mouth, on chin and forehead. Itching maturating eruption on forehead. (Panaritium from a slight prick of a needle); (P. on one finger after another.) A previously existing wart developed a red point, suppurated and burst. Longish, flattened pustules under nose, on which a scab remained for more than fourteen days. Vesicles containing water about l. corner of mouth; white, on r. hand, with red areola and itching; red, sore and painful, on backs of feet and at roots of toes. Formication on back at night. Biting on hips and abdomen, as from fleas.

Itching on inner side of l. forearm; on head, lower jaw, l. side, extending to behind ear, on l. side of neck, on abdomen, r. arm, inner margin of r. foot, heel, over whole body, especially on hands and head; over whole body in evening, then tetter; on arms always at evening, then after washing biting and burning; on arms every day, (<) evening and morning after washing, with biting; (<) scratching, near nose, beneath lower jaw, below r. hip. Itching (>) scratching on r. knee; above forehead, r. side of nose, r. shoulder, l. hip, inner side of r. knee, hollow of knees and in r. sole. I. not (>) by scratching, on forepart of nose; on l. side of head, on nose, chest, abdomen, inside of r. upper arm, inside of l. forearm, on r. hip, inside of thigh, here and there in limbs; I. not (>) scratching on inside of r. forearm, then itching pimples. Itching always returning after scratching, on forepart of scalp, on inside of r. upper arm and on l. shoulder. I. on various parts, with red pimples. I. in coccyx so that he scratched it sore then a crust; on chest, then after scratching itching pimples; on r. forearm, then after scratching redness and burning for a long time; on l. side of chest, then fine eruption. Burning I. on forearms, in region of pulse, in evening, not (>) by scratching.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.