Homeopathy Remedy Bovista

Stoppage at night; S., with pressure in temples; of l. nostril, with flow of a few drops of water; troubling her in talking. Coryza; in morning after rising, with frequent sneezing and ability to draw air only through r. nostril; stopped; fluent, also with confusion of head. Discharge of thin water; of thin mucus. Frequent need of blowing, but slight discharge. Sneezing; in morning after waking. Bleeding in morning; a few drops every time on blowing (Carbo-v.).


      Pallor mornings after rising; at one time, at another redness. boring in malar-bones, with digging. Eruption at corners of lips. Tensive pimples on both lips. Cracked lips. Stitches in lower L. Burning on inner border of l. side of lower L., as in a cut. Tearing in l. side of lower jaw and in one of its teeth. Throbbing on l. side below lower jaw, with sensation as if a gland were swollen.


      Teeth. Mucous coating. T., gums and lips filled with clotted blood in morning on waking. Gnashing now and then in evening, as in a chill. Stitches, (<) at night, with easy bleeding of gum, the pain (>) sucking blood out of teeth; S. extending into eyes. Aching in evening in bed, (>) only by warmth; (>) going into open air; then pale swelling of upper lip and sweat all night, especially profuse on head; in upper incisors, (<) touch and chewing, (>) after upper lip began to swell, the lip being far over the lower one and was even with nose, after this swelling began to subside the l. cheek began to swell, pain on touch in all swollen parts; as if the exposed nerves were rubbed; jerking. Drawing toothache waking before midnight three successive nights; D. in hollow tooth; in a right lower hollow T. in evening; in l. lower hollow molar evenings in bed till morning, during menses; as if the roots would be torn out, in evening. Digging in a hollow tooth in morning and evening; tearing, in a hollow tooth in evening in bed, extending into temple. Boring in evening; digging, in a hollow T., (<) cold, with drawing pain in r. side of head and stitches in ears. Elongated feeling in a hollow T.

Gums. – Bleeding on sucking (Carbo-v.), with pain. Oozing of clear blood. Retraction. Swelling and pain. Ulcer exuding blood on pressure. Inflamed spot over a decayed tooth, with ulcerative pain (<) touch, and throbbing and feeling as if the root were too long.

Tongue – Yellow coat in morning. Depressed ulcer on r. margin, sore and painful to touch. Red spot painful to pressure near l. ligament of T., where it is united to tongue. Cutting. Burning in tip every morning after waking, with numbness on posterior part of tongue and over whole mouth. Stammering; when reading.

(Swelling internally on l. cheek then externally a burning blister filled with yellow fluid.) Stitches in palate extending to chin. Dryness of mouth towards evening, in the evening satiety; D. as form sand, with thirst. Heat in mouth. Painful tension in r. cheek. Numbness of M. and tongue in morning after waking, (>) after eating; in morning on waking, with sensation as if burnt and will bitter slimy taste and with soreness of throat. Salivation (Merc-s.). Offensive breath. Taste bitter; T. of blood; bad, with much mucus in mouth.


      Pain. Soreness in evening, pain on swallowing saliva as if something were sticking in T. and difficulty in swallowing food. Rawness mornings after rising and evenings. Scraping mornings, with mucus; s., with irritation to cough; and burning, as if he had eaten something too hot; as if sore, extending into chest, with tough mucus in chest, which threatens to suffocate her, this mucus is difficult to raise and tastes salt; interrupting sleep, with necessity to hawk up mucus. Irritation. Burning. Dryness on waking, (>) rising and eating, with sticking on swallowing and with numbness in mouth; D. in morning on waking, so that the tongue seemed almost like wood.


      (Hunger in afternoon); towards evening; excessive. Appetite without real hunger. Appetite lost; for cooked food, only for bread; lost, in a child, with heat of whole body, puffy, scarlet face, it lies and vomits mucus and food, then sweat all night, mostly on head, with nosebleed twice in sleep. Thirst; in afternoon and evening; during chill; (<) evening; for cold water; for wine and water; for milk in morning; unquenchable; lost.

Empty eructations; mornings fasting; eructations all the forenoon, tasting of the breakfast. Hiccough at 1 P.M.; after dinner; inclination to H. in forenoon, amounting to only half a hiccough. Nausea in morning, (>) after breakfast, with vomiting of water; in morning, with febrile chilliness, then vertigo, which relieved the headache; in morning, with chilliness and sticking tearing toothache, (<) l. side, the pains (>) cold water; in forenoon, also with coldness; during chilliness, (<) motion, with palpitation; as from prolonged fasting.

Distention of epigastric region, (>) passage of offensive flatus at 8 A.M., with twinges. Gurgling in morning, (>) after eating; on l. side, near pit of stomach, in evening. Pressure in pit after eating, extending into chest,(>) walking, (<) sitting, with drawing tearing in l. side of head; P. as if overloaded, after eating, with good appetite. Feeling as if one had fasted, even after eating. Coldness as if a lump of ice lay in it. Foul sensation mornings on rising, with nauseous taste.


      Distention increasing till midnight, (>) passage of flatus; (>) passage of flatus in morning (Carbo-v.), with rumbling; with pain. Rumbling, with gurgling and constipation; R. and noises as before diarrhoea, but diarrhoea only after several hours; as from a purge, (>) passage of flatus. Violent motions in evening, (>) passage of flatus, with urging to stool. Trembling, (>) at 10.A.M., by passage of flatus, with cutting as before diarrhoea. Emission of flatus (Carb-v.); copious, in bed; loud, at 5. A.M., then distention of abdomen and cutting; offensive, (<) morning and evening; offensive, in evening, with rumbling (Carbo-v.).

Stitches; on stooping; with discomfort. Cutting, extending towards stomach, intermitting in evening, renewed next morning and till noon, (>) emission of flatus. Colic in afternoon, with urging to stool; C. night and morning, with diarrhoea; (always after dinner, with chilliness); with trembling and gnashing of teeth on account of chilliness, (<) after stool, the pain (<) morning on waking, with distention of l. side and urging to stool, the side (>) walking or pressure on abdomen, (<) during rest, the pain (>) stool, which was first hard, the fluid.

Cramplike pain, (<) inspiration and on retraction of abdomen. Twisting pain. Suppurative pain on last day of menstruation, with tearing, diarrhoea and exhaustion. Colic obliging him to bend double, with high-colored urine and much thirst. Colic in morning on waking, as if he should go to stool. Pain as if everything were dried, in evening in bed. Sensitiveness internally and externally, with intolerance of touch and necessity to walk bent. Creeping coldness.

Stitches in l. hypochondrium and at same time in l. elbow; in r. H. near back; in r. H., with indescribable pain; burning, in l. H. when sitting bent. Twinges in r. hypochondrium after dinner. Pain in sides of abdomen, almost like burning, after dinner. Tension in upper part, with sticking. Cutting in forepart in morning, (>) after eating.

Stitches about umbilicus; S. below U. Cutting in umbilical region after eating. Pinching about umbilicus. Burning internally about U. at 11 A.M. Stitches in r. groin; alternating with stitches below r. ribs. Suppurative pain extending from l. to r. side of hypogastrium. Pinching in r. groin. Constriction in r. groin, (>) stretching body.


      Pain deep in, extending forward, after diarrhoea. Itching as from worms, on riding. Urging to stool, then, a scanty, thin, yellowish stool, then burning in anus; U. then three attacks of Diarrhoea, then tenesmus and burning in anus, with general prostration; frequent, and after exertion, with twisting in abdomen, a stool, first hard, then soft; ineffectual, at 6 A.M., with emission of flatus. Feeling after an ordinary stool as if diarrhoea would come on. Burning in anus after a watery stool. Stitches through perineum towards rectum and genitals.


      Diarrhoea frequently before and during menstruation (Aloes); D. in morning; in morning, with pain and feeling as if abdomen were suppurating; in evening, with colic; at night, with tearing in abdomen and tenesmus in rectum; with cutting in abdomen; profuse, morning and evening. Liquid, in afternoon, after a normal S. in morning; two L. every day, mostly in forenoon; frequent, with tenesmus and burning in anus. Irregular, at an unusual time and too hard. Soft in morning and hard in evening. Constipation.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent urging to urinate; with profuse discharge. Frequent urging, with scanty discharge; after micturition. Frequent micturition in afternoon and much each time; (frequent M., with sudden urging). Frequent intermission when urinating. Urethra, stitches; pain on urinating as if urine passed over a sore place; burning on urinating; burning always after urinating; burning when not urinating; itching when not urinating; orifice inflamed and agglutinated. Urine copious in afternoon; in night. Urine turbid, like gruel, with violet sediment. Yellowish-green U., afterwards turbid. Very yellow U., with a slowly forming cloud.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.