Homeopathy Remedy Borax

Respiratory Organs

      Tearing in larynx in evening; in larynx, extending into chest, provoking cough. Cough at night; C., with scraping in throat and pressure in chest. Dry cough from tickling in throat; from scraping in throat. Dry hacking in a child. Dry cachectic cough, as in old people, (<) morning on rising and evening on lying down, with sticking in r. side of chest and r. flank (Kali c), the pains (<) wine, (>) washing on rising and evening on lying down, with sticking in r. side of chest and r. flank (Kali c)(. the pains, wine, (>) washing chest in cold water. hacking and violent cough in evening, and with every paroxysm of cough expectoration of mouldy tasty and smell from chest. Cough with difficult expectoration of white mucus streaked with blood. C., (<) morning, with expectoration of mucus and with pain i. liver, which continues, but without cough, till noon.

Necessity every three or four minutes to take a quick deep breath, which is every time followed by a stitch in r. side of chest with a subdued painful sigh and slow expiration. Arrest of breath when lying, he is obliged jump up and catch for breath which causes a stitch in r. side of chest (Kali c) Respiration short after, ascending steps, so that he cannot speak, and every time he speaks a stitch in r. side of chest Kali carb., Mercuriusx.), the same on running or on any other excision which heats him. Difficult R.; with necessity to breathe deeply, which he cannot do on account of stitches in chest.


      Milk increased. Milk flows, so that the bed is wet: M. which flows from the breast is curdled. Stitches with every cough (Mercurius, s). and deep inspiration (Kali c). S. when yawning; in region of r. nipple in evening with every paroxysm of cough; between r. ribs, (<) lying on r. side, with drawing and obstruction of breathing; on sternum after dinner, (<) deep inspiration; in r. side if he raises the arm, with drawing; in I. ribs, with soreness internally in chest; as from incarcerated flatus; in I. on every inspiration, as with a knife; drawing, in r intercostal; muscles, waking him as soon as he turns r. side, obliging him to sleep on I. side; drawing, in r., extending into r. flank, where it is, by hiccoughing, sneezing, coughing and yawning.

Griping in I. breast, sometimes with stitches and when the child has nursed, necessity to compress the breast because it aches on account of being empty. Pain; in r. when about the room; in side,(>) holding it with the hand; at night in pectoralis major, as from a hard bed, with soreness o touch. Drawing pain in. intercostal muscles if bends forward and to the right; in a spot in intercostal muscles, which changes on bending to the left into a pain as from a blow. Contractive pains in l. breast when the child nurses the r. Contraction at every attempt to breathe.

Oppression in evening in bed. Heaviness preventing breathing. Tightness, with constrictive oppression of breath on ascending steps, he is then obliged to take a deep breath, which is accompanied every time by a drawing stitch in r. side of chest. Feeling as if the heart were on the r. side and were squeezed. Weakness, with dryness in throat. Feeling better when lying quietly stretched out on back.

Clinical Pleurodynia or true pleurisy in upper part of r. chest, with cough, expectation of a mouldy smell.


      Rheumatic drawing pain in nape in evening when walking in open air, extending into I. shoulder and then into scapula.


      Stitches in evening, extending into chest. Pressive pain on both shoulders. Stitches in r. lumbar region, (<) in morning by stooping while walking, (>) sitting. Pain in small of back; when stooping when walking; with mucous discharge with the stool; when siting and stooping as from pressure. Pressure in kidney region, (<) turning, with sticking.

Upper Extremities

      Stitches in r. shoulder. Drawing and tearing in shoulder and between shoulders, so that he cannot stoop. Burning pain in upper arm a hand’s breath around the whole arm. Sticking in palm in evening, with feeling in whole hand, extending above wrist, as if asleep. Tearing in forepart of r. hand, with breaking sensation, as if rheumatic. Feeling as of a cobweb upon hands. Throbbing pain in tip of thumb day and night, waking frequently at night.

Lower Extremities

      Burning pain on I. thigh, a hand’s breadth around the limb. Tearing in r. femur, extending from the middle downward and up again, from morning till noon and in evening. Numbness of I. leg, with heat. Stitches in sole; in corns, (<) rainy weather; boring S.; in corns, (>) pressure. Pain in heel; as if sore from walking. Pain in joints and toes of I. foot on stepping as if something pressed them. Heaviness of feet in evening on ascending steps. Burning pain in great toes, especially in balls, (<) when walking.


      Inflammation of balls of little toes, with itching, as from freezing. Erysipelas in face. Erysipelatous inflammation of leg, with coldness, shivering, thirst, vomiting of food and bile, then heaviness in head and throbbing in temples, with restless slumbering at night, afterwards nosebleed. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of I. leg and foot after violent dancing, with tearing tension and burning in it and increased burning pain when touched, on pressure of finger the redness disappeared for a moment, afterwards tension on back of foot, l. so that standing was difficult. Wartlike in undations on inner surface of hands after beating something with a stick.

Herpetic eruption on nates of a child. Psoriasis on limbs and trunk. Pimples on face; red, on cheeks and around chin (in an infant); inflamed, on back of little toe, which pains like a corn; whitish, with red areola on chest and throat as far as nape. Pustule with red areola on r. middle finger, with swelling and stiffness of finger, which continued to suppurate and pain long after the pustule opened. Healthy, slight injuries superior and ulcerate. Old wounds and ulcers are inclined to suppurate. Long-continued suppuration under thumb-nail where she had stick a needle, with pain on touch. Suppurating spot in heel, that had been rubbed by a shoe. Ulcer in I. axilla. Corroding blister upon nates.

Formication of feet, (>) open air, with trembling of feet, nausea and tendency to faintness. Itching on back of finger-joints; here and there on backs of hands, as if bitten by fleas; on malleolus; on os coccygis, with crawling and after scratching discharge of mucus from anus.


      The child at the breast sleeps more than usual, but wakes frequently. Sleepiness at noon and deep sleep for two hours. Sleepy in evening and long sleep in morning. Sleepiness in the twilight, but disappearance of sleep when he went to bed. Feeling in the morning as if he had not slept enough.

Falls asleep late and wakes early. Wide awake in evening. Wakes at 3 A.M. and cannot sleep again for two hours on account of general heat, especially in head, with sweat on thighs. Wakes before midnight and cannot sleep till 2 O’clock; W. at 1 A.M., and cannot sleep till 4 on account of much thinking Wide awake at 4 A.M., so that he goes to work cheerfully.

Restless sleep; on account of rush of blood to head, restlessness of body, rumbling in abdomen and diarrhoea; with thirst and coldness; with frequent waking, crying out in fear, and during sleep muscular twitching and starting at a slight noise. The child tosses about, cries till 4 A.M., frequently out of its sleep, and in the morning in 3:42 P.M. a whining mood. An infant cries to of sleep and anxiously grasps its mother, as if frightened by a dream. Dream of sore throat and other diseases. Vexatious D. Voluptuous D. She dreams of coition, but without pleasurable sensation.


      Chill, from 2 to 4 A.M., with trembling, vomiting of food, tearing in thighs and pain in their bons as if they would be broken, followed after sleep by heat and thirst, then at 8.30 bitter vomiting, then sweat, with diminished thirst. C. from 2 to 6 P.M. (after thirst in forenoon), then till going to sleep heat, with pain in I. hypochondrium. Coldness every second afternoon, with thirst and sleep, on waking heat with aching on inguinal ring. C. after eating, with more thirst than appetite for dinner, tensive drawing backward around hypochondria, heat suddenly rising into that a on deep breathing, then heat at 6 P.M., during which he must lie down till 10, then sweat, then thirst.

Coldness, with headache and subsequent heat, with out first, (>) walking in open air. C. alternating with heat, often with sweat in face, during which coldness runs down back, with stretching of limbs. weariness and sleepiness so that he must lie down in afternoon, but inability to sleep, when walking he drags the feet and is fretful and taciturn. General shivering, with throbbing pain in occiput as from suppuration. Coldness, especially in back, without thirst, with flat taste, rawness of larynx, stitches increase when breathing, weakness, stretching of limbs, contracted, quick pulse, heat, heaviness and stupefaction in head and burning of eyes, with sensitiveness to light. Sensitiveness of external had to cold and to chance of weather.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.