Homeopathy Remedy Borax

Gums-Painful gumboil on outer side, with pain in a hollow tooth, and with swelling of cheek and whole I. side of face, as far as below eye, where there was an oedematous swelling (the pain (>) swelling of chamomilla). Swelling, with pressure in hollow teeth in bad weather. Bleeding of upper.

Tongue-Aphthae. Red blisters, as if skin were eroded, with pain on every motion of tongue and on touch of anything salt or sour. Dryness in afternoon. Cramp, as if stiff and sleep, so that breathing is impeded.

Palate (of an infant) wrinkled, and frequent crying when nursing. Mucous membrane of forepart of palate shrivelled, as if burnt, with pain, (<) chewing. Membrane of hard palate pinched and dry, with a few small erosions. Mouth of an infant very hot (Kali, sil.). Slimy mouth. Copious, cold saliva. Taste, bitter, if she eats anything or swallows saliva, everything tastes bitter; insipid; lost, to food; lost, to soup, at dinner, and the soup causes sweat.

Clinical Aphthous sore mouth, the ulcers bleed on eating or on touch; mouth very tender in nursing children; mouth is very hot, with thirst and vomiting.


      Mucus, which he must expectorate. Hawking of lumps of mucus in morning. Tough, whitish mucus, difficult to loosen. Tough mucus, difficult to loosen; causing vomiting. Hawking of green, loose mucus, Hawking of a piece of blood-streaked mucus. Roughness; in morning. Rawness in pit, (>) hawking up mucus, with drawing stitches when coughing and sneezing. Dryness, Burning, causing him to swallow saliva, which is painful.


      Appetite increased for breakfast; in evening. Hunger, without real appetite. Little appetite; in evening; especially for supper. Appetite lost for dinner; evening, with nausea, drawings from vertex to temples and drawing from abdomen towards groin. No desire for tobacco. thirst in morning, he must drink much. Longing for sour drinks.

Hiccough after eating; H. (in an infant; which makes the throat raw. Nausea; in morning, (>) after dinner; in morning, with faintness; at noon, at the thought of food, with coldness, drawing headache and pain in abdomen, (>) diarrhoea; in afternoon, with faintness; every day from 3 P.M. till evening, with pain in sternum; while eating; after waking, and on drinking water difficult, copious vomiting of mucus drinking water difficult, copious vomiting of mucus and some bitter substance; periodical. Vomiting when riding; v. of a tough fluid; of mucus, with heat and rapid, feverish pulse; of sour mucus after breakfast ( of coca).

Distention after eating, (>) in evening on going into open air, with discomfort, sick feeling and ill humor. Sticking in pit with oppression of chest, which impels him to take a deep breath, but he cannot do it on him to take a deep breath, but he cannot do it on him to take a deep breath, but he cannot do it on account of pinching in r. side of chest. Pain in region after lifting something heavy (before menses), the pain after lifting something heavy (before menses), he pain goes into small of back, where it becomes sticking, so that she cannot turn without pain the whole night, (>) in morning; P. as from bad digestion, on external pressure on pit. pressure after every meal; in pit after eating pears, especially in morning or forenoon with discomfort, in pit (>) walking.

Constriction in pit; in every day from 4 A.M. till noon, a kind of winding up sensation, which extends to spine, where it causes sticking. Tightness in pit when sitting stooped, extending into chest, impeding respiration and causing sticking in lungs. Fulness after eating apples and mutton, with ill humor and with fulness in head, as if the blood forcibly pressed into it. Heaviness (>) waking in open air.


      Distention after supper; D., especially epigastric region; flatulent, after every meal. Flatulence. Rumbling at night, (>) passing flatus upward and downward; after dinner, with diarrhoea. emission of flatus. Pinching; with diarrhoea. Griping, with shivering and gooseflesh. Pain as if diarrhoea would result; after eating, (<) after midday nap. Weakness.

Hypochondria-Cutting in r. after breakfast, extending downward across through abdomen then sudden diarrhoea; C. in I. on walking rapidly, as if a hard, sharp, movable piece were there, with sensation in abdomen as if only hard pieces were in it much mixed up. Pressure in I.; from lowers ribs to hip bone, after midday sleep till evening, (<) external pressure In., sometimes with a burning and with a sensation on deep breathing as if something rose into chest, which sank down again on expiration; in I. as with hands, when riding in a carriage without springs; in I. as from a stone, when dancing, (>) continued dancing.

Pressure as from a stone in r. flank (after menses), extending to scapula, from which place it extends spasmodically into stomach and small of back, then vomiting. Pinching constrictive pain above navel every morning, obliging her to bend double, then it ceases. Spasmodic dragging in hypogastric region ceases. Spasmodic dragging in hypogastric region during menses, with shooting.


      Stitches in evening. Contraction, with itching. Desire for stool in morning, stool at first hard, then diarrhoea-like, with burning in anus; frequent desire, with rumbling in abdomen and diarrhoea; frequent desire, with pinching in abdomen and easy pasty stool. Feeling as if diarrhoea would come on, after smoking.


      A swollen vein as large as a quill, painless, soft to touch. Brown mucus after stool;. Boring sticking, and in small of back. Itching in evening; I. as from hemorrhoidal; mucus.


      Soft, light yellow, three times a day, with weakness,. Diarrhoea; six times from morning till 2 P.M., without pain; in morning, then usual stool in evening; immediately after eating, with weakness in joints and legs, which is? by walking; with rumbling in abdominal then no stool for several days, afterwards a hard stool daily; sudden, with rumbling and grumbling in abdomen. Slimy stool every hour. Like yellow wear. Water, greenish, with some mucus, crying out during each evacuation. Constipation, with faeces like sheep-dung. Hard in morning, then diarrhoea in afternoon, with much wind; H., with staining. Two scanty, pasty. Green (in an infant), preceded by crying. Frequent; and easy; F. diarrhoea after breakfast. Pale mucus passes four times, with the stool once involuntarily. Reddish liquid mucus with the stool. Tenacious, glutinous, yellowish mucus with the stool. Passage of blood and mucus from anus, after diarrhoea. passage of round worms.

Clinical Diarrhoea in nursing infants, offensive, preceded by colic, stools mucous, with aphthous sore mouth, screaming before urinating, etc.

Urinary organs

      Urging to urinate; several times at night; after an emission, and on urinating cutting in urethra; ineffectual, with cutting in genitals and distention in hips. Frequent micturition; (in an infant) often with cries before the urine passes (Nux v).

Urethra-Dark blue spots at orifice, as if skin were off, with biting pain on urinating. Orifice seems agglutinated. Smarting after urinating; (<) touch. Cutting during involuntary emission of such thin semen that he thought he urinated. Pain in orifice as if sore,

Urine hot, in an infant (Canth). Pungent smell to urine (Benz.ac.).

Clinical Children are afraid to urinate, almost have convulsions when the desire to urinate comes.

Sexual Organs

      Sticking sore pain on penis at margin of place where a chance formerly existed, (<) touch. Tensive erection in morning on waking. Excitement, without desire for coition. Senses sensations while resting his hands in a kind way on sick woman, without desire for coition. Indifference to coition. Rapid emission, with dream of coition waking him. Emission very soon on coition and continual irritation in genitals. Obliged to wait long during coition for discharge of semen.

Easy conception. Sensation of distention in clitoris at night, with sticking. Leucorrhoea like the white of an egg, with sensation as if warm water we flowing; as thick as paste and white (Aur); white, like mucus, fourteen days after menses. Sticking in region of uterus. Menses too soon; and very profuse, with griping in abdomen, nausea and pain in stomach extending into small of back, which lasted till midnight, then sweat; and preceded in evening and morning by heaviness on chest, with difficulty breathing, and roaring in ears. M. delayed, pale at first, redder in afternoon and more profuse, ceased on third day in the night and returned on the fourth. M. very scanty for two days, then profuse and pale red from third to sixth day, with weakness, M. omitted in second month, but after dose of Borax in the sixth week appeared next day, with pinching in abdomen.

Clinical Dysmenorrhoea, extreme pain during the menses; Membraneous dysmenorrhoea (Acetic ac). Leucorrhoea preceding and following the menses, albuminous and acrid. Very valuable for inflammation of mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus, endocervicitis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.