Homeopathy Remedy Borax

Borax homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Borax …

      Dilutions are made from a solution composed of one part dissolved in ninety-nine parts of distilled water.

General Action

      A tissue remedy, allied to the Potashes and to silica. Its action on mucous membranes is marked by a tendency to aphthous ulceration (compare Mercury). The peculiar nervous phenomena are very characteristic and unlike any other remedy.

Study in close relationship Silicea.


      The infant becomes pale and nearly earthy-colored, flesh soft and flabby, cries much, refuses the breast and screams out anxiously in sleep. General trembling, especially in hands, while meditating at his work, with nausea and weakness of knees. Restlessness; while eating, (>) stretching backward, with nausea; after animated conversation, with nausea, stupefaction and vertigo.

Weakness; with heaviness of feet; with indolence, fretfulness, thirst after the midday sleep, heat when walking in open air, sweat on head and face, confusion of had, pressure in forehead and eyes, which pain on touch as if sore, inclination to breathe deeply, and when doing so sticking in intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse; of joints; especially in abdomen and limbs.


      Violence; with scolding and swearing at trifles. Fretfulness; every day at 4 P.M.; in afternoon before the easy stool, with indolence and discontent, after it liveliness, contentment and cheerfulness in regard to the future; F., with whining and crying. Irritability during important business. Crying violently at intervals (in a child).

Anxiety increased till 11 P.M., with sleepiness, then vertigo and sleep; A. ( in a child) when dancing and if rocked in the arms anxious expression of fade during the downward motion; on riding down hill, feelings if it would take away his breath; with rumbling in abdomen. Fright, with starting at a distant shot; with starting in every limb on hearing an anxious cry; (in a baby) at hawking and sneezing; on waking, the rustling of a paper of dress or the slamming of a door would cause the child to start, scream and seem badly frightened with laying her down he would start and throw up he hands as if afraid of falling, and some nights they could not put her down at all. Far of contagion.

Idling through the afternoon, changing from one business to another and from one room to another. Disinclination to work. Earnestness. Liveliness in forenoon, with affectionate mood and desire for work. Voluptuous mood. Vanishing of thoughts. Obliged to reflect long before he can remember what he has done through the day, and for a long time is uncertain whether he was at a place yesterday or to-day.

Clinical Extreme anxiety, especially in children, especially in motions which have a downward direction, rocking, being carried down- stairs or laid down, there is starting as in great fright this dread of a downward motion is extremely characteristic of the drug.


      Aching in morning, especially in forehead; at 10 A.M., with nausea and trembling in whole body; evening, with confusion of had and sticking in I. ear. Throbbing during menses, with roaring in ears. Lightness, clearness. Confusion on waking. Heaviness. Fulness in morning, (>) after walking in open air with lack of clear ideas, of presence of mind and of desire for mental work, leaving weakness in feet and joints. F on ascending a mountain or steps; with pressure about eyes as if held fast, so that he can scarcely move them; with pressure in small of back when sitting and with sleepiness in eyes, Vertigo in morning in bed; in morning, with full feeling in forehead, so that h lost his good humor; in evening when walking, as if some one had pushed him from r. side towards I; in attacks, with loss of presence of mind.

Forehead-Sticking over eyes and in temples alternating with heat and coldness, so that on time the hands we hot at another blue, with sticking in the swollen glands of the neck, which afterwards became softer and smaller. Aching; in evening, with sticking in I. ear and in a I. lower hollow molar; above eyes, walking in open air; intermittent, above eyes. Drawing pain extending towards eyes; above eyes and towards root of nose, at times extending into nape, and on stooping pressure in frontal none, when reading and writing the pain becomes more violent, with pressure in region of spleen. Twitching pain in afternoon, with nausea and tearing in eyeballs. Throbbing.

Temples-Sticking in r; from rt. to l. half of forehead; rhythmic, in r. Throbbing; throbbing pain, (<) r.

Vertex-Stitches in l., then in genitals, and the next night lascivious disgusting drams in a married woman). Tearing in forenoon, with roaring in ears.. Boring in a small spot near V. Pain in evening and in forehead.

Stitches deep in r. side, with discharge of pus from r. ear and tickling in l. ear as before a discharge, then acute hearing. Throbbing pain in occiput as if suppurating, with general shivering. Pulsating rush of blood to occiput. Hairs tangled at tips, so that they cannot be separated (in a child), as in Plica Polonica, and if these bunches are cut of they form again.


      Stitches in l. in evening. Sensation as if something sore penetrating them, (>) rubbing. Cutting lengthwise in l., coming and going suddenly. Pain as if it would be pressed into the orbit, in morning. Itching, with sensation of sand in them. Pressive burning in r. in afternoon. Burning as soon as he put on the glasses, with contraction. Lachrymation. Stitches in ball, with contraction of upper lid. Tearing in balls, with twitching in forehead and nausea in afternoon.

Lids-Lashes turn inward towards eye and inflame it, especially at outer canthus, where the margins of lids are very sore Great redness around eyes when crying (in an infant). Agglutination in morning, and lachrymation: At night, with hard mucus, which irritates the eyes like sand. Inflammation of margin in an infant, he rubs them, and at night they are agglutinate. Aching in upper on opening. Sensation in r. when sitting as if something pressed outward from between the skin as if something pressed outward from between the skin coming from temples, then pressure around eyes. Difficulty in closing in evening and difficulty in opening in morning.

Canthi-Inflammation of r. outer, with irregularity of lashes and at night agglutination of eyes: I. of I. inner, with nightly agglutination. Soreness in outer. Itching in inner.

Sensitiveness to candle-light in evening. Vision obscured in in I. eye in evening. Vision of bright waves moving now from r. to I., and now from above downward, morning when writing.

Clinical Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, which turn inward towards the ball, so that the lids run against the ball, entropium.


      Purulent discharge preceded by itching in occiput; P. discharge, with sticking headache; with hot inflamed swelling. Stitches; in I.; I. on waking unusually early; in morning when washing in cold water. Pain internally, with pressure behind r.; sore pain on boring in with finger. Itching in I. in evening when walking, and at same time sticking in I. side of neck. Sudden sensation as if enveloped or stopped. Difficult hearing in I. (in a child). Rearing and difficult hearing; R. in r., with ringing. Ringing in r., with piping, changing to roaring. Rushes in I. as from a storm. Drumming in I. as over a subterranean vault. Crackling in I. in evening, as if thick wax stopped the ear, which then opened again.


      (Red and shining swelling, with throbbing and tensive sensation). Ulceration superiorly in I. nostril towards tip, with sore pain and welling of tip (Aurum, Kali). Itching internally, with crawling. The infant rubs his nose vigorously, then his eyes. Sneezing, with great pain, causing stitches in r. side of chest; S., with fluent coryza. Dry crusts in nose constantly. Fluent coryza, with crawling in nose. Discharge of much greenish thick mucus. Bleeding; in morning, a nd pulsating headache in evening; on blowing nose, preceded by itching in nose.


      Pale, earthy (in an infant), with suffering expression. Flushed. Expression of fear of suffering whenever lifted up or put down in bed. swollen, with pimples on nose and lips; S., hot and red, with tearing in malar-bone, and pain in the selling when laughing. Twitching of muscles near r. corner of mouth. Feeling of cobwebs on r. side by the mouth.

Lips – Red inflamed swelling on lower, with burning soreness when touched. Large herpetic spots upon mouth, and after burning heat that upper lip became scurfy. Pain in corners as if they would ulcerate. Burning pain in lower in evening. Burning below I. nostril in morning in bed. Crawling as from beetles.

Clinical Erysipelas of face, with feeling of cobwebs on it.


      Teeth. A piece broke out of a hollow one. Sticking in a I. lower hollow back tooth in evening, with sticking in I. ear and pain in forehead; intermittent, mostly in a I. lower hollow back T. Tearing in upper hollow, with griping and sensation as if enlarged, so that she cannot bite nor clench the teeth, with inflammation and swelling of gum, as if a gumboil would form, in the evening the pain extends into lower teeth, (>) going to teeth, (>) going to sleep; T. in hollow, extending into I. half of head; from hollow in to half of head if touched with the tongue or if cold water is is taken into I. cheek, with pressure in forehead and eyeballs. Griping in hollow, in rainy weather constrictive, in hollow. Aching in hollow, in bad weather in upper hollow, with swelling of cheek, which pains as if tense when touched; drawing. Boring in hollow in cool evening air. Digging after every supper and breakfast, (>) tobacco-smoking. Elongated sensation. Crawling in upper and lower incisors, with tickling, then salvation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.