Homeopathy Remedy Baryta Carbonica

Clinical Chronic aphonia in scrofulous patients. Capilla bronchitis, suffocative catarrh of old people.


      Stitches in I.; on every respiration; in I. on lifting a heavy weigh with both hands; in r. in evening causing her to cry out; deep under sternum, then i. in evening, with burning. Tearing externally in breast, with sticking (con., sep.). Pain; (>) partly by beneath r. ribs, with coldness of hands and feet and heat and redness Stitches. Soreness when coughing; pain in I. side; F. (<) ascending, with sort breath and in forepart. burning in I. side (Senega, Ran-b.).

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation; when lying on I. side (Puls); renewed when thinking of it, for then it makes her anxious, (<) noon. Pulse full, hard,


Clinical Palpitation and distress in region of heart, etc. See. Baryta mur.


      Swollen glands in nape and occiput (Silicea, Sulphur) Swelling in nape, extending over head with redness and ulcerative pain in skin and great swelling of all glands of this region. Boring bone-pain. Stiffness on waking from midday sleep.


      Pain in r. side on lying down; backache as if he had lain too hard; tensive pain under r. ribs when rising from a seat and when stooping far forward (to lift sometimes), extending forward. Pulsation, (<) rest and after excitement. Stitches through I. scapula. Bruised pain between scapula. Dislocating pain in I, scapula. Weakness of spine, with clumsiness, it falls together when sitting a long time.

Loins-Stitches; worse when sitting than on motion. Pain; tensive, (<) evening, so that he could not rise from a seat nor bend backward. Bruised pain during menses Sore pain, extending around abdomen externally. Painful drawing, as if a heavy body dragged downward. Heaviness as from taking cold. Burning, extending through abdomen.


      Weakness in afternoon, sweat towards evening, vomiting at night, all appearing (according to a three-day type). Feet, arms, etc., go to sleep when lying upon them.

Upper Extremities

      Pain in axillary glands (Mercurius S.). Audible cracking in I. shoulder-joint on every motion of arm. Throbbing alternating with tearing, now on I. shoulder, now between scapulae; all night Swelling of r. arm, with pain in axillary glands Tension here and there in arms Heaviness of arms, with trembling. Falling asleep of I. arm; of arms when lying on the table. Ulcerative pain in humerus. Pain as from a blow above above I. elbow.

Twitching in bend of I. elbow, almost like shuddering, extending to middle of upper and forearm. Twitching-tearing in bend of r. elbow. Bruised pain in elbow. Tearing extending from middle of I. forearm to wrist. Paralytic pain in forearm in morning, (>) motion, returning during rest.

Stitches in I. wrist, (>) motion. Sudden tearing in wrist. Drawing in I. wrist, extending to middle of upper arm. Tension in wrist and other parts of r. arm, or drawing. Distended veins on hands, with redness. Trembling of hands when writing. Pinching in hand. Wrenching pain in back of hands.

Fingers-Ulcerated nail on I. fourth. Cracking in joints of thumb and little f. on motion. Stitch in first joint of thumb and suddenly in tip. Tearing under thumb-nail; T. in first joint of thumb and in fourth ringer, so violent that it seems as if the finger would be torn off. Drawing pain in first joint of thumb. Drawing in index as if paralyzed, with sensation on touching and bending as if pithy, especially at tip. Throbbing in middle joint of middle finger.

Lower Extremities

      Tearing, extending into heels, (>) when walking, with tension. Pain at night, as after a long walk or much dancing. Tension, (>) walking, with tearing; extending up to hips, as if all tendons were too short, (<) when standing, (>) when lying. Stitches in nates Drawing pain in r. nates as if flesh were drawn downward.

Thigh-Twitching above r. knee. Sticking in r., so that he could scarcely walk; sudden, on inner surface; sudden, in hip- joint, as if it would be wrenched out, with pain on walking as if it would break to pieces. Tearing in r. in morning after rising, (>) warmth of bed. Pinching in r. hip-joint, as if stiff or screwed up, extending down front of thigh. Pain in r. hip-joint on walking in open air. Pressing inward in bend of r. thigh. Bruised pain in middle of r.; extending over whole leg and lasting from afternoon till towards midnight. Blow above r. knee when standing so that he believed he would fall forward. Drawing down front, as if in bone, (>) when walking.

Knee-Stitches. Tearing on inside, extending to middle of tibia, (>) when walking, returning when sitting. Intermittent cutting in r., making leg lame. Cutting burning in r. knee-pan. Pain, and in legs.

Leg-Cramp; in calves; in calf on stretching leg. Twitching in r. calf. Paralytic pain, (>) elevating leg, as, for example, on a sofa, especially in r. tibia. Drawing pain, as if in bones in evening when sitting, obliging him to stand and walk. Tension in tibiae on descending a crawling in I. calf when sitting, as if going to sleep. Weakness in morning, so that he sinks down.

Sprained pain in ankle; and on back of foot, with stitches on motion. Trembling of feet when standing, so that he must hold on to something. Stitches in heel; deep in ball of r. foot; burning is. in a corn. Tearing in feet, extending to knee, (<) motion. Pinching in corns. Pain in tough skin of sole like a corn; when walking. Ulcerative pain in ball of foot on stepping, (<) morning after rising. Drawing pain in feet when walking. Cramplike pain in soles. Uneasiness in feet; when sitting, with constant necessity to move the leg in order to relieve the tension in thigh and the burning in public region.

Toes-Corns. Cramp on stretching foot. Tearing in. great, towards tip; in I. great, by the nail, with stitches, sensitiveness of the place and fretfulness. Drawing pain.


      Eruption on ears. in r. eyebrow, with stitches when touched. Desquamation on backs of hands. Chaps on tips of finger’s and desquamation. Dryness of hands, like parchment. Roughness and dryness on back of hands; in a spot on r. cheek. Rash (teeter like) on upper part of forehead, with a sensation that is more burning than itching. Boils on forehead; on nates; on face, but without sensation. Pimples on arms; hips, nose, upper lip, forehead, etc.; itching in a cluster, with a red base, below I. corner of mouth. A small wound easily becomes unhealthy, for example, the wound would not heal after removal of a splinter from a finger, it ulcerated, throbbed and prevented sleep at night.

Stitches-Tensive feeling in face; tension in forehead after a meal. Crawling in I. cheek; on both sides of nose; in hands, then they fall asleep. Itching in hernial ring; on back; evening in bed, now in face, now in back, now in hands; in thighs, even at night; her and there, partially (>) scratching; here and there, then pain after scratching; on I. scapula, then pimples after scratching; on back, now in hands; in thighs, even at night; here and there, partially (>) scratching; here and there, then pain after scratching; on I. scapula,, then pimples after scratching; on back, with eruption; over whole body, preventing sleep for several hours; burning, here and there; ticking, in nates.


      Yawning; every morning. Sleepiness every day after dinner; in evening, with involuntary closure of eyes. the thought which she had had all day that she would sleep very well prevented sleep all night. Sleeplessness; on account of heart. Falls asleep late, then restless sleep, with dreams. Starting in evening on falling asleep. so that the whole body rises. Waking every hour. the child wakes frequently and calls for its parents. Unrefreshing sleep in afternoon, then heaviness, bruised feeling, painful confusion of head and constant yawning. Drams nearly every night; anxious, nearly every night, with restless sleep; A. at night, then heaviness of head in morning; frightful; of fire and the like; so that she wakes in sweat; confused, several nights, so that in the morning on rising it is some time before she collects her mind.


      Sensitiveness to cold. Chill in forenoon, then sudden heat in evening, with pulsations of blood in head; C. in afternoon, with thirst; towards evening, alternating, with heat; general, at 8 P.M., with shivering beginning in feet and with bristling of hair; alternating with heat all night; on entering house; as if dashed with cold water, (<) afternoon; sudden in forenoon, with gooseflesh, external, coldness and bristling of hair. Shivering in arms in afternoon (>) warmth of stove, (<) last draught. Coldness of hands, then itching; C of r. foot when walking in open air, with tension in calf; of feet from afternoon till evening, then general hear after lying down. Cold sensation in r. side of head, and at same a burning; burning cold sensation in forehead in forenoon.

Heat all night, with anxiety, H. when eating or drinking; after dinner, with discomfort and with pressure in r. side above stomach. Organism of blood and palpitation preventing lying on I. side, with sore feeling in heart and anxiety. Alternations of heat. Dry H. all night, with sleeplessness, but if she puts her hand out of bed,, chilliness and thirst. Hot and dry skin. Burning, now here, now there, on skin. Burning in upper part of r. scapulae; in nates; Heat in head in morning on rising, and stitching as with knives; H. in head, with sweat on it, then thirst in evening; frequent rising in head; H. and redness of one cheek, with coldness of the other; dry, of face in afternoon; on back of nose, as from a drop of hot fat. Burning externally in whole breast, with redness; B. spots on I. side of lumbar vertebrae and lower part of I. scapula, (<) rising from a seat, (>) walking, occurring also at night, so that he can lie only on one side; in bend of thigh when sitting, as if in bone; in soles all night, yet he cannot bear anything cool on them.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.