Homeopathy Remedy Baryta Carbonica

Tongue-Coated. Vesicle under; burning V. at tip; pointed, in middle. A tear on I. border, which smarts and pains as if sore. Hard spot in middle, with burning when touched. Smarting burning pain in tip. Pain in side as from vesicles. Rawness in morning on waking, with feeling when it touches the palate as if it wee a grating-iron. Dryness in morning, with swollen sensation in throat when swallowing.

Mouth filled with inflamed vesicles, especially palate and inside of cheeks. Much thick mucus in mouth. Stitches in palate. Stickiness. Dryness in morning after rising. Numbness in morning. Continual spitting of saliva; saliva runs out during morning sleep. Intolerable odor,. which he does not perceive himself. Taste foul every morning, with coated tongue; taste and smell foul; and bitter. Bitter taste, with slimy mouth and coated tongue. Sweat T. behind root of tongue. Sour taste in morning after rising; in evening; before eating. Salt T. in mouth and throat in afternoon. Loss of T.

Clinical Paralysis of tongue in old people.


      Submaxillary glands swollen (Calcarea, Mercurius i. r.). Takes cold easily and has inflammation of T. in consequence. Inflammation (after a bruised feeling in all limbs, chilliness and heat)., with swelling of palate and tonsils, which suppurate (Merc-cor) on account of which he cannot open jaws; speak nor swallow, with dark-brown urine and loss of sleep. Swallowing of I. tonsil. Stitches; in evening, (<) swallowing, with dryness; on swallowing; on swallowing after taking cold. Smarting pain when swallowing, (<) empty swallowing, with pain externally on sides of throat when touched. Rawness after night-sweat, worse during empty swallowing than when swallowing (soft) food, with smarting, (<) after swallowing, with scraping; then paroxysms, of cough (Argent). Pain when swallowing.

Constriction, (<) afternoon, with sensation on swallowing as if a plug were in region of larynx. choking in attacks after dinner when sitting and writing, with sensation as if the thyroid gland were pressed inward, thereby impending respiration; c. during dinner, with arrest of breathing so that he must open his cloths. Stretching, then feeling as if a plug or morsel lodged there. Sensation as if a fine leaf lay before posterior nares in morning after waking. Sensation in upper part when sneezing, as if a piece of flesh were loosened, with burning. Feeling of mucus, with desire to drink to relieve the sensation. Swollen feeling internally in morning when swallowing, with dryness of tongue. Dryness in I. back part when swallowing, with sticking and pressure as from swelling. Tickling, causing constant hawking.

Clinical Submaxillary glands swollen, indurated, especially those glands posterior to parotids. Quinsy (it seems to remove the predisposition to quinsy). For suppurating tonsils from every cold; indicated when the tonsils are inflamed with swollen veins, in persons who have habitual sweat of the feet.


      Hunger but no appetite; H. even in morning on rising. Insatiable appetite. (Desire for dainties). Appetite lost;slight. Aversion to fruit, especially to plums. Thirst, with dryness of mouth; T. almost every day at 6 P.M.

Eructations; from afternoon till far into night, preventing sleep; forcible, with pressure in stomach, as if a stone rose and fell; suppressed, after dinner, then spasmodic constrictive pain in stomach; empty in morning, walking him empty, in morning, with sensation as if a lump the size of hazel-but rose with them; empty, in afternoon; empty, after a (natural) stool; rancid; sour, after eating; bitter; sweetish, after dinner or of bitter water. Water rises from stomach and fills mouth constantly. Hiccough; violent in forenoon and after eating. Nausea rises from stomach and fills mouth constantly. Hiccough; violent in forenoon and after eating. Nausea in morning fasting, with palpitation and anxiety; in morning as from foul stomach. Vomiting, with diarrhoea; frequent V. of mucus; of fluid, water and chalk, forming a sediment.

Stitches extending into pine. Drawing-tearing in pit on becoming erect after stooping, with sensation of a heavy body there. Pressure after bread, not after cooked food, with nausea and salivation; in r. side from morning till afternoon, extending into chest, with retching, as if a hard body pressed upward with difficult; as from a stone, (>) eructations. Ulcerative pain on pressure. Constrictive pain in afternoon. Tension in pit, with heaviness, as from flatulence and palpitation., Feeling of repletion. fulness after eating, as if he had eaten too much (Lyc). Throbbing in pit, extending into I. chest, with stitches. Burning in region in afternoon. Cold and empty feeling. Weak feeling, (>) after eating (Sepia)


      Hardness and tension (Calc c.) Distention (Carb v., Lycopodium, Mag. c). painful Offensive flatus. Many troubles from flatulence, whereby haemorrhoids protrude, with pain when sitting. Cutting in evening, especially around navel; at night; wakes about midnight; during menses., with griping. Pinching, with nausea. Pain at night preventing. Pinching, with nausea. Pain at night preventing sleep, renewed on slightest motion; after a customary walk, then exhausting night-sweat; (>) partly by eructations and partly by eructations and partly by warm poultices; in evening so violently that the umbilicus is retracted and he is obliged to crouch. Tension, with sensitiveness to touch. Feeling as if something were swollen.

Aching in forepart as if in muscles, (<) evening and when walking and on motion, (>) sitting and lying. Stitching in I. hypochondrium; short, elbow r. H., without effecting respiration. Drawing-cutting in I. upper abdomen, extending upward. Aching in region of liver, (<) motion and touch. Feeling of contraction in a spot in I. upper abdomen. Stitches in r. side and in small of back; in r. side when hiccoughing, turning body, yawning and breathing deeply, not when walking. Pressure in r. side morning in bed, (>) when walking. Pressure in r. side morning in bed, (>) rising. Pinching around umbilicus on slightest motion when lying down at night and when sitting by day, (>) passage of flatus and ceased when walking; P. around umbilicus, more when sitting than when moving. Sudden stitches below umbilicus.

Hypogastrium – (Inflammation of a hernial ring.) Pinching on urinating. Cutting at night when lying outstretched, with pressure towards rectum, rending pain in intestines, fulness above pubes as if everything were stopped and the abdomen would burst, the pains (>) by a stool, which at first was hard and knotty, then deep seated drawing pain, down along r. groin, as from a string. Pressure above pubis in morning when lying on back; outward in abdominal ring on motion and during stool. heaviness over pubes during menses.

Clinical Habitual colic of children who do not thrive, who seem hungry but refuse food. Enlarged mesenteric glands, the abdomen is hard and swollen, the swallowing of food is painful, in scrofulous children (Calcarea carbonica,).

Rectum and Anus

      Stitches in rectum all day, and hard stool. Frequent desire for stool. Urging of stool, She cannot retain the stool because it is forced out rapidly. Haemorrhoids, with smarting and sticking; Frequent passage of blood, with distention of abdomen. Painful soreness around anus, as from excoriation (Nat m). sore pain around A. towards evening, with burning. Burning in anus; with the (natural_ stool;. Crawling in anus. Biting in anus (Alum).


      Diarrhoea; mixed with blood (in a child). Soft, with urging (previously there had been a hard one), when burning in anus (Sulph). H and difficult, with pain in rectum and bloody mucus. Tough. Light colored.

Clinical Constipation, with heard knotty stools (Mag-m); haemorrhoids, burning and soreness.

Urinary Organs

      Renewed desire after urinating then when walking a few drops of urine pass. Urging to urinate after dinner. Urging, she cannot retain the urine, it passes so quickly. Frequent micturition every other day; twice every night, with much urine each time. Micturition rare and scanty, with burning in urethra. Burning in urethra on urinating (Sulphur). Yellow sediment (Lycopodium, Sepia.).

Sexual Organs

      Numbness. Sudden erection in evening, with shivering and great desire, slow E. Itching on r. side of scrotum. Burning in I Testicle. Desire disappears. Falls asleep during coition, with of dryness in whole body; E. in close succession, then exhaustion; profuse shortly after coition.

Painful drawings in pudenda in evening, like takings by jerks. Discharge of bloody mucus from vagina, with anxious palpitation, restlessness of body, pain in small of back and faintness. Menses too early; and too profuse. Menses scanty; and short.

Clinical Diminished sexual desire and premature impotency. Enlarged prostate.

Respiratory Organs

      Sensation in larynx as if he inspired only smoke. Stitches in trachea. Hoarseness; or rather loss of voice. Cough after midnight; from continued speaking (Caust); from incessant irritation, with mucous expectation. Suffocative cough (Ip). Dry cough in morning after rising, then sensation as if a hard body fell in chest; D. cough from a tickling in trachea and in praecordial region, (>) at night and sometimes after dinner; short, in evening; violent, in evening, then weakness in head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.