Homeopathy Remedy Aurum

Cutting on I. near sternum, (<) during inspiration. Pressure in I. wall; on r. side, with anguish; on sternum, with drawing tearings towards shoulders; on sternum, with busy demeanor, as if something agreeable were about to happen. Tightness, with anxiety. Oppression when coughing, and in abdomen. Sensation of narrowing in the direction of the sides, with feeling of a movement anteriorly. burning, with stitches. Shuddering in r. when yawning.


      Swelling of praecordial region and of upper abdomen, with stitches when press upon or laced tightly. Attacks of anguish with tremulous fearfulness; anguish coming from praecordial region and driving on from place to place. DRawings, with cutting. Heat, with itching. Seemed to shake as if loose, when walking. Palpitation; to night; when lying on back. Strong irregular beating. Sometimes a single violent beat.

Clinical A remedy of considerable value in hypertrophy of the heart, with tendency of fatty degeneration, wandering pains. Sometimes with palpitation and irregular pulse, feeling as if the heart would cease bearing, with hypochondriasis, etc. Rheumatic endocarditis in the course of rheumatic fever.


      Tearing near r. clavicle. Jerking tearing stitches in I. external muscles. Tension as if a muscle were too short, (<) stooping. Difficulty in turning head, as in torticollis


      Stitches below r. scapula, near spine. Tearing on inner side of scapula when bending body backward and to the left, and below it. Pain in spine in the morning so that he could not move a limb. Pain at lower part of spine. Loins, piercing pain in r. during inspiration; cutting offer loins when sitting; bruised pain; pain, as from fatigue.. Pressure on I. side near lumbar vertebrae and on upper border of os innominatum. Heat starting from kidneys and extending to bladder.


      Shooting in arms and legs, with drawing pain. Arms and legs of to sleep in morning on waking, (<) lying, with numbness and insensibility. Tearing tension under axillae. Shoulder, stitches; soreness; pressure in I. S. when walking. Arms, drawing pain down I. on bone, (>) motion; fatigue; difficult movement. Upper arm, tearings in I., (<) uncovering it; tearing in anterior surface of both; pressure in I. near periosteum; pressure on under surface and in middle of r.

Cramplike tearing in r. elbow. Bone pains in r. elbow. Forearm, intermittent tearing on inner side of I.; pressure on anterior surface of r.; I. pressure on external side of r,; heavy feeling during rest. Tearing in bones of wrist; cramplike, deep-seated, from upper to lower row of carpus, (<) at night. Metacarpal bones, tearing; cramplike pain in I., especially of thumb. Pecking, almost stitching, between lowest joints of r.; tearing in at joint of I. little; tearing in joints, often spreading into phalanges; pain in joints; boring in knuckles of r. at 3 P.M.; drawing in joints. Tearing in anterior joint of r. thumb.

Lower Extremities

      All the blood seemed to rush from her head into the lower limbs with a paralyzed feeling in them and necessity to sit down. Cramplike pain in region of hip, on inner brim of pelvis, (<) rubbing. Paralytic pain in hip-joint when rising from, a seat and walking. Stitches in gluteal muscles, winding downward.

Thigh-Twitching of r. posterior muscles when sitting or laying I, limb across r. Tearing during motion, as from growing. Tensive pain in muscles of I. when walking or by touch. Pain in r. femur as if broken, on laying r. thigh across I. Cramplike drawing in tendon of psoas muscle down in to thigh when sitting. Sore place on external surface of I. when lying at night. Weakness when walking. Thigh feels paralyzed and tendon of lumbar muscles so painfully stiff that the thigh cannot be raised.

Knee-Tottering. Pain in r. when walking; in r. when sitting; as if bandaged when sitting and walking. Boring in I. Weakness of r. when walking, so that a drawing pain is felt when walking and setting the foot red swelling from malleolus to calf from rubbing of boots, (>) rest. Pressure on I. tibia when stretching leg. Gnawing pain on both sides of legs over malleoli, (>) motion, with stitches in tendo-achillis. Tensive pressure near r. internal malleolus. Weary pain in r. tarsal bones, shooting towards knee, in morning in bed.

Swelling of feet, so that walking is difficult. Stitches on dorsum of foot,. behind toes. Tearing posteriorly in r. sole. Pressure as from something hard in hollow of sole. Heels painful as from ulceration or extravasation of blood. Drawing pain in feet. Drawing in heels in evening when going to sleep. Paralytic drawing in metatarsal; bones of great tie, as far as tip. Toes, tearing in r. bruised or sprained pain in last joint of great T. when walking; drawing in joints; paralytic drawing in r. T.

Clinical Dropsy or lower limbs, which were painful, pitting on pressure, (<) night (>) morning, with profound melancholia, difficulty in breathing, pulse and heart feeble, discharge from nose, at times bloody.


      Redness of toes, with burning. Brownishred elevations on nose, which ache upon touch. Elevations on leg and below knee, changing when rubbed to nodosities under skin. Elevations on legs and calves, (<) in open air, looking like blotches from the stinging of nettles, burning and feeling like knots, of a dirty yellowish color. Wheals under skin on leg, over heel and behind knees, with itching, (<) walking. Lump in the groove between nose and cheek, it irritates, gets picked, scabs over and persists. Smooth pimple on border of r. lower lid. Red pimple on nose; on face. Pustules on face; on neck and chest. Moisture behind ears.

Stitches below r. scapula, near spine. Grinding pain in an old chilblain. Formication here and there. Itching, (<) walking; here and there, and burning shootings, almost like stitches; in inner third of r. groin, with a wheal made tender by rubbing, the tenderness remained after the wheal had disappeared.


      Sleepiness; by day. Slumber by day when sitting, with weakness of head. Slept after dinner and his mind was thronged with ideas. Sleeplessness all night without pain, nevertheless no sleepiness nor lassitude in the morning. Sleeplessness, with nightly restlessness. Sleeps badly after 4 A.M., with turning from side to side and tired feeling in the hand on which he lies. Wakeful in evening; with great mental activity. She aloud in sleep. Sleep uneasy, during which he feels the pains. Sleep unrefreshing. Waking frequently at night as from fright.

Dreams towards morning; every night, with constant erection. Frightful; at night; about thieves, with loud screams while asleep. That he would fall from a height. Troublesome, fatiguing. Full of disputes. Of death. Of the dead and of corpses. Vivid, in remembered. Erotic at night. Agreeable and sensible, but unremembered. In evening while half awake, that some one was talking to her.


      Sensitiveness to cold. General horripilation in evening, with dry coryza, without heat or subsequent thirst. Shivering through whole body, with gooseflesh on thighs and shaking of brain against frontal bone. General coldness in morning, especially of arms and hands, beginning at shoulders, with blue nails, without fever; general chills in evening, with coldness of hands, warmth of face and forehead, without thirst. Chilliness in evening in bed; lasting all night, with coldness of less as far as knees, sleeps only half an hour at a time, anxious but remembered dreams. Coldness, with blue nails, insipid taste and nausea, then increased warmth but without fever. C. especially of hand and feet; in back; between scapulae; of hands and in evening in bed; of soles of feet and patellae as soon as he gets into bed in the evening. C. alternates with heat.

Orgasm as if the blood were boiling in all the veins. Heat on vertex; of head, worse at occiput. Burning behind ears, with pricking and itching. Burning on exterior of nose, with itching. Heat in cheeks; in face, with cold hands and feet; in axillae; in nape of neck, extending to hand and cheeks; in back, with pricking and itching; in loins. Burning in arms, with stitches. General sweat in morning. Slight perspiration at night, only between the thighs was there real sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.