Homeopathy Remedy Aurum

Clinical Inflammation of the nose, with deep-seated destruction of he tissues, caries of the nasal bones, which are very sore to touch, fetid discharge, purulent, body; boring pains (<) night.


      Red; and blue spots. Pale; with a worn look. Swelling of cheeks, lips and nose, in morning of the check, with drawing and tearing in jaws and hacking and grumbling pain in teeth, which appear too long. Bloated, shining as from sweat, with protruding eyes. Stitches in one cheek; burning, in zygoma; itching, on r. side. Tearing in zygoma (Argentum, Kali iod,); Tension in malar-bone and ear. Tearing in r. lower jaw, (>) pressure Intermittent stitches in external border of lower jaw. Pain in a gland of lower jaw as if swollen. Burning vesicle on vermilion border of lower lip. Pimples on lips, with stitching and itching.

Clinical Disease of the bones of the face, involving the mastoid, with horrible odor from the nose and mouth.


      Teeth. Looseness, even of anterior, in sudden paroxysms. Stitches; in upper. Tearing in two r. upper posterior molars, excited by touch and eating, with painful swelling of gums (Mercurius) Aching caused by drawing air into mouth; in upper incisors when chewing hacking and grumbling A., with swelling of cheeks. Dull sensation in molars; sudden painful dullness in one upper molar when chewing. Gums, painful pustules, as if a fistula dentalis would form; ulcer, with swelling of cheeks (Mercurius) redness, with swelling; swelling of G. of r. upper molars, with soreness on touch and when eating, bleed easily.

Tongue coated brownish. Mouth blistered inside. Aphthae. Pressure in region of palate. Heat, with smarting. Difficult in eating. Accumulation of agreeably sweetish saliva. Putrid smell. Fetid odor in evening and night, unperceived by himself. Smell as from old cheese. Taste putrid, as of spoiled game, between meals; bitter, with dry sensation in mouth; astringent metallic; sweet,, on anterior part of tongue; sourish; agreeable milky; insipid.


      Pain in a gland below angle of jaw (Mercurius). Pain in parotid glands; bruised pain in P. gland on touch (Merc) Mucus; which can be hawked up, but prevents full inspiration. Stitches; when swallowing (Ignatia). Burning, (<) swallowing, with stitching and itching. Drawing, with scraping. Attacks of distinction, as in vomiting, but without nausea. Lumpy, wakes at night and desires to moisten it. Painful obstacle to deglutition in I. side.

Clinical Sometimes useful in syphilitic sore throat.


      Appetite not appeased by eating Is forced to eat hastily, especially at the beginning of the meal. Appetite lost, can eat only bread and milk. Repugnance to meat. Thirst; for cold drinks; for coffee; for spirituous liquors. Eructations tasting of the drink (beer); watery; regurgitations, as if the person would vomit, with pressure in abdomen. Hiccough. Nausea; after eating and sometimes while eating; i. stomach and throat; with discomfort from stomach and in abdomen; mental labor causes nausea, which affects his whole being. Pressure in region at noon; on I. side, near pit, below cartilages of upper false ribs, (<) during expiration. Pain as from hunger. Burning, with hot eructations; B. with drawing and cutting.


      Rumbling. Emission of much flatus; of fetid; Pinching here and there. with cutting, then diarrhoea, then distention of abdomen. Pain; laborlike, as if menses would appear; flatulent, at night, especially in I. hypochondrium; flatulent, after midnight, with squeezing and anxiety in abdomen; flatulent, after lightest meals; twisting, before and during stool; tensive, in abdomen and lumbar region, with desire for stool. Painful feeling of contraction. Tender to touch. Heat, with drawing. Discomfort, with urging to stool, (<) after dinner. Heaviness, with cold hands and feet.

Tensive pressure just below navel; and on both sides in lumbar region with fulness. Tearings in r. side, extending to below ribs, when sitting, as if everything were shattered forcing him to bend crooked.

Hypochondria-Stitches in I. like stitches in spleen. Burning in r., with cutting. Pressure as from flatus, (<) food and drink, often (<) motion and walking, goes off with flatus, Flatus becomes incarcerated under I. ribs, with lancinating pain.

Hypogastrium,- Rumbling. Pinching in inner side of ischiatic bones. Jerking twinges in I. side of pelvis. Bruised pain in r. iliac region when sitting, (>) rising and drawing up the thigh. Heat, with sensitiveness. Burning pain in abdominal ring. Pressing in ring when sitting and stretching body, as if a hernia would protrude, (>) rising. Weight on pubis (Lil-t).

Groins-Inguinal hernia protrudes, with cramp like pain, and flatus seems to get into the hernia. Cutting thrusts, forcing him to draw the abdomen in and the feet up. Pain as form a swollen gland. Painful stiffness in bends when walking or spreading legs, as after a long walk, and in tendons of lumbar muscles. Drawing, extending into thighs. Weakness.

Clinical Enlarged liver, fatty degeneration.

Rectum and Anus

      Stitches. External haemorrhoids; bleeding during stool. Border of anus painfully swollen. Cutting in A., with heat and scraping Burning in A., with tearing. Heat in perineum, with dull pain.


      Soft every morning, with pinching. Diarrhoea. green; (<) night, grayish-yellow; nightly, with burning in rectum. Had, knotty. Constipation (White-yellow) Copious; in evening. Large and difficult.

Urinary Organs

      Stitches in side of bleeder when breathing. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty but natural urine. Infrequent micturition, with scanty yellowish urine. Dysuria. Stinging tearing in urethra. Burning in canal of urethra, with stitching and smarting. Diuresis. Urine more copious than corresponds to the quantity he drinks. Diminished; turbid, like buttermilk, with much mucous sediment. Thick, with a strong ammoniacal odor and decomposing rapidly. Hot, red, containing sand.

Clinical Chronic inflammation of the kidney, associated with cardiac and hepatic disease.

Sexual Organs

      Discharge of prostatic fluid, with relaxed penis. Moisture around gland. Painful twitchings from before backward in penis. Prickings at end of glands, every pricking followed by a similar one above the navel, towards pit of stomach. Tearing stitches at glands when obliged to orient. Erections many nights in succession; nightly, with pollutions; at night, without pollutions; painful. Itching of scrotum. Swelling of r. testicle, several days at 6 P.M., (>) towards 11 P.M., with aching when touched or rubbed, Tests swollen and hard (Rhododendron, Puls). Tensive pain in r. testicle, as if bruised. Desire; morning after rising, with violent erections. Lewd fancies at night, with small and relaxed penis. Pollutions at night; with voluptuous dreams.

Drawing pain in mons veneris. Redness of labia majora, with swelling. Burning in vagina, with pricking. Heat in vulva, with pricking and smarting. Thick, white leucorrhoea. Menses retarded.

Clinical Testes on the verge of atrophy, in boys, with pining condition, low spirits, lifelessness, bad memories; tongue commonly coasted at the back; appetite of plain food bad. Chronic enlargement of testicles, with induration and severe pains at night, dependent on chronic inflammations. Hydrocele. Enlarged and prolapsed uterus. Chronic merits. Great sensitiveness of the vagina, with the preceding symptoms. Sterility, with lowered vitality of the parts; especially called for when want of children has resulted in depression of spirits. Vaginismus, with hysterical spasms, hysterical paralysis, palpitation, ovarian pains, etc.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx, tickling when sitting and writing, then dry cough, almost causing retching adhesive mucus; deep-seated mucus, which he cannot hawk up. Voice husky. Cough; at night, on account of want of breath; short dry; racking; splitting, at night. Difficulty in raising mucus.

Suffocative sensation after eating. Dyspnoea; at night; when walking in open air; when laughing or walking fast, as if the chest we too tight for breathing and too flat in front; with stitches in chest when inspiring; he constantly takes deep breath and cannot inspite air enough. Frequent deep breathing.


      Dry catarrh in morning on waking, and difficult expectoration of mucus after rising. Rales in upper part during expiration, descending into abdomen and groin, then quick beating of heart, with weakness and apprehension, then slumber. Mucus deep in lungs which is easily thrown up, then free and expansive breathing, whereas he was generally asthmatic.

Stitches is sternum; near sternum, under last r. true ribs, with lancinations; in sides, (<) inspiration, with heat in chest and dyspnoea; over heart; in I. when breathing; under I. ribs when coughing; under ribs when breathing deeply and yawning, (>) going to bed; under cartilages of first three r. ribs, sometimes they continue as a sensation of a plug, sometimes they are intermittent, (>) walking, with external redness; tearing S. on right side near lumbar vertebrae, (>) pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.