Homeopathy Remedy Asafoetida

Arm.- Drawing and pressure in muscles. Pressure on muscles of r.

Upper Arm.- Twitching of deltoid; twitching on outer side of l. upper arm. Twitching sensation in inner muscles of l. Sticking on inner side of l.; outward on dinner surface of r.; boring, in inner surface of r.; burning, on outer side of r.; tensive, in r. from upper part outward towards inner side. Pressing in muscles of r. Intermittent cramplike pressure in l., not far from shoulder. Tensive drawing on inner side of l. Drawing pain around head of humerus on holding arm still, with trembling irritability (as from fatigue) of muscles, so that he must move them constantly.

Elbow.- Fine sticking. Fine long stitch extending into bend.

Forearm.- Cramplike twitching extending down, with feeling as if hand would stiffen. Tearing up, on moving finger; up along on bending fingers. Sticking on middle of r.; tearing up r. during rest, then burning. Pressure on outside of l.; boring P outward on inner side of l. Intermittent cramplike drawing along dinner surface of l.

Wrist.- Scraping on inner condyle. Bruised pain in bones, at rest. Pressure; in muscles. Aching extending from r., into r. index; intermittent, in external condyle of l., and in side of thumb.

Hand.- Cramplike twitching in metacarpal bone of l. thumb. Sticking on back of r. Pressure on joints. Pain in r. palm as from a pressive body, with sensation ad if hand, would stiffen. Numblike pain on metacarpal bone of l. middle finger, as from a weight. Cramplike aching in flesh between metacarpal bones of l. thumb an index. Drawing.

Fingers.- Stitches in joints; paroxysmal, in joints of little, (<) motion of joint; S. outward in thumb towards back of hand. Pressure at roots of r. middle and index, continuing on various motions; on inner side of thumb; in joints of thumbs; joint of l. thumb, afterwards also in joints of other fingers; drawing P. on back of finger on lying a nd in rest, with jerks from forearm to elbow. Drawing. Drawing pain in joints of all fingers. Cramplike pain in r. thumb, then l.

Lower Extremities

      Drawing when walking, with pressure.

Thigh.- Twitchings in r.; l.; r. gluteals; l. gluteals; on anterior side of r.; on upper half anteriorly; superficial, on inner side of l.; intermittent, on inner surface of upper; wavelike, on anterior surface of l., not far from knee. Tearing around hip-joint on walking; l. femur when sitting. Stitches in r. gluteals; drawing fine, in r. hip-joint, extending into intestines; regularly beating, on outer surface of l. thigh below hip-joint. Pain in flesh of r. as if a pointed body stuck therein. Aching of muscles of inside of r. when sitting and walking, and in joints of feet. Drawing; in muscles of r.; in muscles above knee; in muscles of r., running down to knee and foot, where pressure is felt, also jumping to knee when sitting; here and there in muscles of r., with pressure; twitching, in l.; tensive, on inside of r. Paralytic drawing pain on outer pain when sitting. Restlessness (trembling) of thigh and leg, like a pulsation of arteries, when sitting after walk.

Knee.- Twitching on inner side of r.; on outer side of l. Stitches near patella on sitting, with pain in patella when touched as if sore and ulcerated; burning, in r. patella; fine, in l. knee when sitting; wandering, when sitting, and in joints of feet. Bruised feeling when sitting, and in joints of feet. Bruised feeling when sitting, and in ankles, changing at times to pressive sensation. Pain; when sitting, (<) r.; when sitting, and above them; when walking; and in ankles; l. knee and l. ankle, (<) walking; behind l. patella. Burning aching in upper part, sometimes changing to burning throbbing. Drawing in bones. Drawing aching in hamstrings on making them tense. Stitching drawing pain in and above r., (<) walking. Clucking on inner side of l.

Leg.- Twitching in muscles of upper half of r. tibia. Tearing in whole r., (>) walking. Stitches in r. calf when sitting, later when walking; in r. calf and like pinching when sitting, then in muscles above r. knee; itching, in forepart of l. tibia below knee, (>) walking; outward in r. tibia; (running down l. tibia, towards inside). Bruised feeling when sitting, especially in knees. Pressure in muscles; in l. tibia, (>) motion; in calves, with drawing. Aching below r. calf, (>) walking. Drawing in muscles; l. tibia; calves; l. calf. Intermittent drawing pain in joints. Goes to sleep if slightly compressed.

Ankle.- Twitching in r., extending downward. Stitches towards inner side of l.; itching, below r. inner malleolus, (>) rubbing. Pressure when sitting; l. when walking;l r. when walking, and towards calf. Aching in r. when walking, then in l. foot when sitting, (<) walking. Drawing in r.

Foot.- Twitching in l. sole towards toes. Stitches in dorsum of r., (>) walking. Aching on dorsum of l. when sitting; in r. sole when sitting. Burrowing on inner side of l. Sensation in ball of l. sole as if he had stood a long time. Intermittent tension in r. instep as from a tight boot. Intermittent throbbing on inner side of l. Sensation in lower part of l. as if it would stiffen when riding over the other and hanging down.

Toes.- Twitching in r. great. Sticking, (<) motion; S. in tips; burning; in l. little; fine, in r. third, on walking. Intermittent throbbing in l. great; painful throbbing in top of great. Pain in l. great, sometimes throbbing. Pressure on joint of r. great, above r. carpus and on its back; burning P. at root of l. great. Drawing; in bones. Drawing pain in r.


      Stitches in forehead and r. thigh; l. cheek, then r.; forearm; external side of l. thigh; itching, in r. side of lower abdomen. Crawling on back. Drawing on external surface of l. leg. Itching in r. cheek; below navel; on r. scapula; inner side o r. knee; l. patella, not (>) by scratching; on dorsum of foot, continues, when sitting and walking; crawling I. on lower surface of r. great toe.


      Yawning, with discomfort, restlessness and debility. Sleepiness. Night restless. Sleep disturbed. Waking frequently and tossing about. Merry dreams of company and feasting. Sleep full of dreams of things of which he had previously spoken on of what he had done, and the dream became a true continuation, which was afterwards realized.


      Chilliness till after 9 A.M.; at 8.45 A.M., with the pains, especially in ankles, knees and elbows; at 6 P.M., with warmth of hands. Running over body from time to time. Cold, dry skin.

Shivering from last dorsal vertebra to second lumbar vertebra. Chills is back when walking in room, with cold feet and hands and blue nails; in back and loins; back and hands, also with slow pulse; in back, with heaviness and pressure in sinciput and forehead, external warmth of cheeks and ears, and sticking in tongue; in back while face, head, ears and hands were hot, heat in eyes, (<) r. and in cheeks, and itching, sticking and burning in lids; running down back, with hot hands and heat in face and ears; in back running through limbs, cold hands, creeping chill through whole body, nails bluish, salivation and asafoetida eructations. C. in back and hands, alternating with heat, heaviness and pressure in head, the chilliness (<) slight motion in a warm room. Cold hands and feet, 8.30 to 9 A.M., with chills in back and heat in face. Coldness of hands at 9 A.M., with chilliness in back, heat in and face and wandering pains, also at another time, with blue nails, twitches in r. lower eyelid, stitches in tip of tongue and pressure in sternum.

Heat.- Fever, (>) 5.30 P.M., and only sensation of heat remains. Feverish after eating, with heat in face with out external heat, without thirst, but with anxiety and sleepiness. External heat. Heat in sinciput and face, with chills in back, and cold hands off and on. Burning in l. eyebrow. Heat of face; and ears; of cheeks, also in afternoon in flushes; of cheeks and forehead, with heaviness; stinging burning in l. cheek; of ears, with redness; in neck and occiput; along back. Burning in vertebrae, (<) l. side; on outer side of r. elbow. Sticking burning at tip of l. index. Burning on anterior surface of thigh when sitting; in skin externally on l. leg; tensive B. in l. calf.

Cold sweat on forehead and limbs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.