Homeopathy Remedy Asafoetida

Pain; in l. side; in epigastric region after eating, also with debility; when sitting, extending towards liver; intermittent, and in abdomen; and warmth towards l. side, and more up into oesophagus, like globus hystericus. Aching and distending pain, as from flatulence, and, in oesophagus, beginning in cardiac region, extending more towards spleen than liver, and rising into oesophagus. Pressure, with sensation as if incarcerated flatus were pressed about in intestines. Pressure changing to tensive pain, extending to both sides, (<) pressure downward of diaphragm and on touching stomach. Pain in epigastric region, (<) touch, afterwards drawing, at last tensive. Sickly sensation in pit, like pressure, not exactly painful. Burning; in epigastric region and diaphragm, also cutting. Peculiar movements, and in mouth.

Clinical Violent gastralgia, with distention of abdomen, belching of wind and regurgitation of liquid. Flatulence of hysteria.


      Rumbling; with pain. Emissions of flatus; with retained stool; easy; offensive. Flatus retained, passing off in morning, with half diarrhoeic stool. Distention; after a hard, dark, offensive stool, causing pain in rectum; with discharges of flatus; with constipation and tenesmus. Griping, with emission of flatus. Pain, with movements and rumbling. Flatulent pain when walking after dinner. Cutting; when walking or sitting. Pinching Cutting, pinching. Pinching drawing across, when sitting with stitches in l. side of abdomen extending outward. Burning. Heaviness; from drinking, with chilling sensation. Sensation of illness, with heaviness and pressure in sides. Tension after eating.

Upper.- Pain as from taking cold and as if diarrhoea would ensue, with ravenous hunger. Intermittent griping.

Umbilicus.- Stitches; burning; crawling; in region. Cutting in region, (<) sitting and retracting abdomen. Griping (into a ball) below U. when standing. Aching extending outward.

Sides.- Stitches in l. when walking; in l. externally, (>) rubbing; extending outward, while sitting after eating, (>) pressure; outward in l., also with flatulence; sudden, jerklike, outward in r. gurgling. in r.. Sticking, griping in I. Aching in flanks on drawing in abdominal muscles.

Lower- Stitching. Sticking and drawing in I. extending along inner side of ilium, when siting attacks of griping.


      Tenesmus. Constant dysenteric, feeling as if stool would occur. Persistent ineffectual urging to stool. Pain in perineum as if something dull pressed out there.


      Watery; with discharge of flatus, which does not relieves distension of abdomen; with pressing down on rectum. Diarrhoea; with pain in abdomen, also frequent. Profuse, thick, papescent, brown, offensive, relieving symptoms. Thick, papescent, light yellow. Pasty and yellow. containing a little bile. Mushy. with flatulence, without pain, but with fulness and heaviness in abdomen. Constipation. Solid, dark, offensive. Profuse. hard, preceded by pressure and dragging. Two knotty stools in forenoon. Small, partly hard, partly mushy. Difficult, hard. Frequent. Two painless stools, with rumbling, then heaviness and distension of abdomen.

Clinical Diarrhoea, externally offensive, with meteorismus, which rises and regurgitations of food; it seems as if the peristaltic action of the bowels were reversed.

Urinary Organs

      Stitches in urethra. Stitching and burning in extremely of urethra, but not when urinating. Urine dark brown, easily discharged; brownish-yellow, also ammoniacal; scanty and dark smells of drug; acrid, pungent and light-colored.

Sexual Organs

      Pressing. towards with pain in testicles, (<) touch and motion. Stitches in mons veneris close to penis. Stitches externally on penis. Drawing pain in glans penis before and on urinating Drawing in penis while urinating. Swelling of scrotum. Desire increased.

Female – Swelling. Labor-like cutting and forcing pain in region of uterus. Intermittent labor-like pain in region of uterus. Menses too early. Scanty for three days, then natural. Nymphomania in a plethoric women.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough, hoarse hacking, from smothering in air passages; dry, irritative from tickling in larynx; frequent, with slimy expectoration from trachea. Respiration quickened; and interrupted by coughing and yawning.


      Breasts swelled and a milky discharge escaped. Weak movements of I. intercostal muscles.

Stitches after hawking, when standing and sitting, when lying, with pressure and difficult sighing sobbing inspiration, (>) pressure or sitting up; in I. cavity; in cavity when sitting and standing, extending to fauces; in intercostal muscles when sitting; in I. ribs; r. ribs; on r. lower ribs, extending into r. flank; in region of last true ribs after eating, with oppression of chest; in region of diaphragm. on r. side; outward, at sternum; borrowing, from diaphragm out to I. ribs; boring outward in I. cavity; drawing, in I.; pinching, in inner side of r. ribs; tensive, in I. Intercostal muscles; pressive, in r. cavity, then fine S., with pressive pain in ribs near spine.

Pressure on, with construction of throat; P. here and there, and in muscles of back; under front edges of I. ribs; behind in region of I. short ribs, also when stooping; in sternum, also on r. side of it; in sternum (>) inspiration and expiration, returning on writing; on lower part of sternum on bending chest forward; on lower part of sternum on compressing abdomen, with nausea and fulness at pit of stomach. Pressure outward in r. side; in I. intercostal muscles, also (<) inspiration and expiration. aching at scapular end of clavicle when sitting; in middle of sternum, with nausea rising from chest; in sternum, with burning, inclination to cough and stitches in middle of and below frontal bone; drawing, with contraction; peculiar, changing into mucous expectoration.

Spasmodic tightness, as if lungs could not be expanded fully (Belladonna). Oppression; (<) l. side; when lying after eating, with pressure and throbbing; spasmodic; preventing respiration and driving patient about in a restless manner. Spasmodic contraction, so that pulse became small, irregular and slow. Jerklike constriction around across back, in region of short ribs; constriction as from a weight on sternum. Drawing in cavity; burning, in r. intercostal muscles. Pressive throbbing extending to fauces on standing and sitting.

Heart and Pulse

      Aching and drawing pain in cardiac region, extending towards spleen, afterwards towards liver, (<) full inspiration. Pain in region of heart as from overfilling. Aching in praecordial region as from distention of heart, with small pulse, then loose stool. Palpitation more like a tremor, when sitting. Heart’s beat and pulse small, quick and irregular. Pulse quick, and full; small and quick; small and slow.


      Twitching in r. side. Stitches in r. side of nape. Drawing pain in muscles of r. side. Drawing in nape; in muscles of nape; down l. side on motion.


      Stitches in r. side. Pain; r. side in attacks, (<) below scapula; preventing work.

Scapulae.- Stitches under l. when stooping; in muscles, (<) motion; externally in l.; fine burning in and behind r., extending towards ribs. Cutting below r. Aching in r. Drawing in muscles; l. muscles. Clucking in muscles of l.

Stitch in latissimus dorsi, near upper arm. Tensive stitching upward in l. dorsal muscles. Pressing in some dorsal vertebrae. Drawing aching along the four to five last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae, as if internally along bodies of vertebrae. Aching in region of short ribs, on both sides of the spinal column, sometimes (<) motion of trunk. Twitching in lower half of back when sitting.

Loins.- Fine stitches around l.; extending from r. towards ribs; boring outward; in l. towards ribs, with anxiety; boring, in l., (>) inspiration and expiration; tensive, in l., (>) walking. Dull pressure. Tearing in small of back when sitting. Aching in small of back, (<) bending upper part of body forward and backward. Stitch down sacrum extending to anus.


      Tearing in r. shoulder after waking and in l. tibia, and after rising in joint of l. foot, in toes in finger-joints. Bruised pain in muscles of upper arm, in joints of hands and feet, and paroxysmally in some places. Pressure in single joints of toes and in shoulder-joints and elbows. Aching r. knee, ankle and elbow. Wandering rheumatic pain, especially in joints and scapulae. Drawing in joints of fingers, on dorsum of hands and feet. Pressive drawing in bones of hands and tarsus on motion. Drawing and stitching in calves, in muscles of arms, here and there, more in the bends. Cramplike drawing in many places on, like a twitching.

Axilla.- Superficial fine stitches below l. Pressure inward beneath l.; intermittent P. inward below r., towards the front.

Shoulder.- Twitching in l.; in l. joint extending inward; in l. joint towards outer side. Stitches in l.; in joints, (<) motion; outward in l. joint; the tensive, inward in joint. Bruised sensation in shoulder and elbow-joints. Aching in joints. Pressure in; (<) in r. Drawing pain. Drawing paralytic pain along. l. at rest, and down upper arm.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.