Homeopathy Remedy Argentum Metallicum

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Electric shocks, extending through I. arm, when sleeping, with hands under head. Twitches around r. joint at one time in posterior margin of axilla, at another in front of clavicle extending to top of shoulder. Tearing in r. joint; onto of S. and in region of head of humerus; on articular eminence of r. at 5 P.M. while at rest; from articular eminence of R. to nape during rest; pressive T. Below joint. Tearing drawing pain in r. joint at rest, with paralytic weakness; drawing pain under in r. deltoid; boring scratching pain in r. shoulder-joint in morning when walking. Bruised pain on top of I. when walking. Sprained feeling in I. joint during rest. Weakness on waking at 6.30.

Arm-Tensive drawing, lie stitch, in different places. Inclination to fall asleep in morning when lying on it. Paralysis of r. arm and hand. Paralytic feeling during motion, especially in elbows.

Upper Arm-Cramp in middle, (<) lifting arm. Burning stitch anteriorly in middle of I. Tearing in I.; drawing tearing near condyles of I. elbow at 3 P.M., at rest. Pinching in r. Aching in flesh, (<) touch drawing, in muscles of r., near bend of elbow, during rest, with paralytic weakness; drawing, in anterior surface of r. when at rest, with paralytic weakness in the same place and inclination to stretch arm. Paralytic drawing on outside of I., with bruised feeling on pressure. Weakness; in morning after waking, (>) after rising, with stiffness of neck; about shoulders in morning on waking.

Elbow-Twitching in I at 3 P.M. during rest; in bend of r. during rest and bruise pain on top of r. shoulder. Stitches in tips. in tip of I. during rest. Burning pain in a spot at 6 P.M. during rest. DRawing spasmodic in bend of r., as if arm had been sprained, during motion, (<) extending arm. Tension external at tip when bending arm.

Forearm-Stitches at beginning of radius, behind wrist; intermittent, in r. radius, more in muscles. TEaring in posterior muscles between bones of I. elbow and radius, and far as wrist; drawing, above wrist at 2 P.M.; jerking, in middle of radius, r. then I., then in proximal joint of r. middle finger. Spasmodic pressure in inner side of I., with drawing pain. Drawing pain in radius, beginning above wrist, in morning in bed, then the same pain in r. shoulder. Paralytic drawing pain from middle of flexor side of I. radius to elbow during rest; from condyles of elbow, along ulnar side in evening in bed, r. then I. Paralytic drawing in r. radius beginning above anterior condyles in evening.

Wrist- Tearing in bones. Drawing pain in radial part of I. during rest, (>) moving hand, with bruised pain on pressure.

Finger-Twitchings of whole r. thumb while writing, so that it is abducted from fingers. Tearing in middle joint of r. little;l in proximal joint and metacarpal bone of I. fourth, (<) flexing something, with spasmodic clenching of finger; drawing T. in middle joint of I index, in bed, afterwards throbbing. Paralytic pain in r. joins. DRawing pain in middle joint of r. index at 1 P.M. during rest, with sudden paralytic weakness in it; drawing in ball of I. thumb, during rest, alternating with the same in I. occiput; in bone of proximal joint of ring finger at noon, during rest. Drawing in joints of I. three middle.

Lower Extremities

      Stiffness in evening. Weakness after waking;l with giving way of knees when walking; after rising from bed, especially in region of trochanters, with painful sprained tension around trochanters and buttocks, (<) walking, with bruised pain on pressure.

Thigh-Electric shocks staring from I. then r. hip joint during after-dinner nap. Twitches above I. patella. Tearing stiffness over I. patella; throbbing. in I. trochanter, synchronous with pulse, along neck of femur to socket in morning in bed. Pressure in r. hip-joint when he steps on I. foot in running. Drawing in r. hip-bone. Bruised feeling in gluteal muscles parts; behind I hip during motion; in anterior surface of I hip, caused by sneezing; in hip-joint on every step. Burning soreness between nates after walking. Tingling humming in I,. thigh, with drawing in anterior muscles. STiffness of muscles about hip; paralytic, in r. hip-joint when walking,(<) moving leg forward, with stitches when setting foot down, causing limping.

Knee-Electric shock in r., in forenoon, then two similar shocks through upper pat of body, exploding close to foramen magnum, preventing sleep. Twitching in outer side of I. when sitting, with a clucking sensation. Tearing in i. when sitting. Aching when sitting, and extending outward in muscle of I leg; cramplike incisive, over I., on both sides, when he does not move; drawing, in condyles of I. Drawing from r popliteal space through knee to outer margin of patella at 10 P.M. in bed. Bruised feeling, (<) sitting; in inside of r: i. patella; on I. side of r. patella; in I, (<) walking, (>) sitting, with weakness of limbs in r. on motion with pain as if dislocated; throbbing, on anterior and inner surface of r. knee when standing. Sprained pain in I. patella, on motion; in r. knee in morning on walking, with cramp in calf; inward in r.. knee, (>) during rest. Knees give way on ascending stairs;l on walking.

Leg-Cramp in I. calf, (<) rest. Burning corrosive stitches in I., tibia, not far from knee in evening in bed, causing twitching of foot. Tearing in and below head of fibula, now I., now r;; throbbing, in middle of r. tibia. Cutting in I. fibula on standing. Pain consisting of digging, tension, rigidity and bruised feeling, in fibula, at 3 P.M. when walking, with weakness, repeated at 6 P.M.; pain in muscles of calf as if too short when descending stairs; drawing throbbing, in middle of I tibia t rest; paralytic, in periosteum or bone of I. fibula during rest; drawing paralytic, through marrow of r. tibia at 6 P.M. when walking across the room. Paralytic drawing in middle of I. tibia, as if in periosteum, during rest; cramplike drawing in lowest part of r. calf at 10.30 A.M. Sprained pain in inner condyle of r. tibia on walking in open air.

Ankle-Cutting outward stitches in outer malleoli when sitting, (>) walking, (<) resting foot on a small support. Tearing in I. inner malleolus, extending upward, during rest. Bruised pain on I inner malleolus. Sprained pain in l. outer malleolus when walking; in r. inner malleolus on motion after rising. Paralytic drawing pain near. I. outer malleolus at rest. Feeling as if I. foot were detached, and cartilage of joints did not touch when walking.

Foot-Tearing, a t times on sole, at time son dorsal, or on heels, toe (especially proximal joints), in tarsal or metatarsal bons, with sometimes a tearing extending beyond malleoli. Pain in a corn; in heel when stepping, feeling as if pithy; drawing, in I. metatarsal bons and ankle, with burning in corn of I. toe; drawing, on dorsum of r., in metatarsal one, while sitting, then throbbing P Bruised feeling in joints, (<) sitting, with throbbing. Pulsation in joints of feet and lower part of leg, s as from weakness, (<) rest, (>) motion, with tingling and stinging in skin of leg. Toes, Tearing on back of I. middle toes at 6 P.M. burning pain in a corn on I. little toe in evening.


      Furuncle on I. last rib, sensitive to touch. Pimple on I. Pimple, with pain on touch; (P. on tibia, with burning pain). Stitching as from fleas; here and there, as from electric sparks; in middle of extensor side of l. forearm at 11 A.M., them in skin of r. chest. Titillation in r. palm. Crawling in fold of external ear; on I. scapula as if asleep. Itching over whole body; external; ear: I. ear; inner surface of l lobule in morning after rising corroding, in fossa of r. auricle; biting, on forehead; biting, on elbow; biting, on inside of I. knee; in folds of concha, afternoons, with burning sore pain after scratching; burning, here and there.


      Inclined to, fore part of night, but could not on account of heat and stinging in skin, with vertigo when half awake, so that he thought the head would fall out of bed, then shaking of body as in epilepsy, with vertigo and sleeplessness. Sleepless after 3.30 A.M. Restless at night. At beginning of afternoon nap electric shocks of l. lower limb, starting from knee. Waking frequently. Dreams anxious; of care and fright; that he was followed by a large, powerful enemy, then early waking and weakness, especially in hip-joints; unremembered, of loathsome things; of the day’s business; of the events of the day; vivid.


      Chilliness under skin morning in bed; in afternoon till he feel asleep, then sweat after midnight; over upper part of body at night on lifting covers; under skin of upper part of body morning in bed, with weakness of limbs, especially upper arms, hunger and nausea; on back and on feet, extending above ankle; on r. side of pelvis, near sacrum, when sitting, returning after dinner. Creeping chilliness in skin on uncovering upper part of body. Shivering; over r. side of scalp; creeping through outer side of l. lower limb when standing in a room.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.