Homeopathy Remedy Argentum Metallicum

Hypogastrium-Stitches extending backward. Pressure after beginning to eat, extending towards public region, (<) during inspiration, (>) rising from the seat. Drawing pain through r. inguinal ring, down to testicles, at 4 P.M., during rest, with pasty stool; drawing tensive, in r. inguinal region, along psoas muscle when at rest. Straining during and after a soft stool; sensation in bend of l. groin as if tendon of psoas muscle when at rest. Straining during and after a soft stool; sensation in bend of l. groin as if tendon of psoas Bruised pain in groin over l. hip and on l. side of pelvis. Boring just over r. groin. Tension in l. iliac region, along psoas muscles; in l. groin and thigh, with drawing.

Pelvis-Drawing stitches in r. towards back part, during rest. Drawing pain externally on l. posterior part, during rest. Drawing on r. side of posterior brim, and in small of back Sprained pain around back of l., on motion; on external posterior rim on motion after rising; on l. posterior surface of outer rim (at. insertion of gluteus maximus) in afternoon after walking, renewed at every step; at back, (<) l. side, caused by difficult stool and micturition. Bruised pain around back of l; bruised and sprained P. on l. surface when walking.


      Frequent and successful desire for stool in lower part, with small soft stool.


      Sensation as if a worm forced its way through sphincter (Ferrum). Sensation as if a living thread worm hung out, which on stooping caused itching (Sulph), but no need to scratch. Itching at 8 P.M. while walking, and along fossa between nates. Feeling as if small bubbles of air escaped.


      Brownish-yellow, party, with ineffectual pressure at end. Dry and like sand after dinner. Hard, insufficient. Frequent, preceded by pinching and urging, the last almost diarrhoeic. Difficult.

Urinary Organs

      Micturition frequent and copious (Gels). Burning when urinating. Stitch forward in urethra.

Clinical Polyuria, diabetes insipidus and possibly glycosuria, urine very profuse and turbid, of sweet odor.

Sexual Organs

      Tearing along spermatic cord into testicles at 4 P.M., when resting after a walk. Crushed pain in r. testicle when walking, (<) pressure of clothes (Rhododendron, zinc.); in testicles in evening in bed. Bruised pain in I. testicle. Digging deep in substance of r. testicle when at rest, with far and anxiety. Desire diminished. emissions at night; without lewd dreams incomplete, in sleep.

Clinical Seminal emissions without sexual excitement or with loss of sexual power. Chronic fleet. Affections of l. ovary, it feels as if it were very large. Prolapsus of uterus with great bearing down and pain in l. ovary, pain extending up back and down l. thick, with leucorrhoea, yellow, excoriating, ichorous, of an intolerable odor. In women suffering from uterine disease, pain in joints and limbs. Ulceration of uterus, cervix swollen, spongy, corroded, with foul; discharge. Palliative in scirrhus of uterus. Sore feeling extending to the whole abdomen (<) riding in a carriage.

Respiratory Organs

      Crashing, shattering, with a reverberation (like that heard from ice breaking up in the spring). Mucus on laughing, causing cough. Mucus in air-passages on stooping, expelled by a single cough. Pain in cricoid cartilage, caused by a draft, with feeling of a stopper in throat and bruised pain in pressure. Cutting in windpipe, becoming a stitch, causing shocks of cough, watery expectoration with the cough.

Cough (in morning). Hacking, dry C. in morning after rising. Attacks of short rattling C. by day., (>) at night and in open air, with thick white, easy expectoration, looking like boiled starch (Agar). On inspiration two tones(as from a bassoon, low and high), at the same time low down in throat, in evening before sleep.

Clinical Loss of voice after singing or talking. Chronic hoarseness, cannot speak; larynx feels sore, and there is expectoration of gray gelatinous mucus, the rawness extends as far as the bifurcation of the trachea. When eating fruit it seems as if a little piece stuck it feels in upper and front pat as if something lay in a little spot, almost as if chilling and somewhat pressing, which constantly irritates him to cough, without being removed by doing so. Rawness and soreness in upper part of larynx when coughing, not when swallowing (Brom). feeling of a raw spot in windpipe, in region of suprasternal fossa, (<) speaking, talking or singing. Cough from laughing. Cough caused by irritation in larynx and trachea and from accumulation of mucus, the expectoration is characteristic, looking like grains, boiled starch or like gray jelly. A valuable remedy for the chronic laryngitis of singer and speakers, the expectorations characteristic.


      Twitching from r. anterior clavicular region towards shoulder- joint ( in a fibre of pectoralis major) during rest. Stitches under l. third true rib; between r. sixth and seventh true ribs, (<) deep inspiration; under l. last ribs; near r nipple; beneath r. nipple; on r. side near handle of sternum; under xiphoid cartilage; outward in r. side when sitting, arresting breathing; boring stitches in r. axilla; cutting transversely across below l. last rib, when stooping sideways and leaning on arm; drawing, as in an ulcer, in lowest rib near spine; extending outward inside upper part of sternum; intermittent, under cartilages of l. last true ribs, over pit of stomach, evening in bed, as if in pleura, in praecordial region; pressing, on r; side of chest and sternum, (<) deep inspiration.

Tearing beneath r. axilla. Cutting on l. side, near pit of stomach, in cartilages of false ribs, morning in bed, changing to a pain in same place on r. side, which is more like an indistinct pressure; on left of pit of stomach, extending across cartilages of also ribs, morning after waking, with bruised pain on pressure; outward in both sides, in region of lowest ribs, (<) deep inspiration; horizontal, on l. side, in cartilage of false rib, when quiet after breakfast. Pinching in spot below r. axilla at noon while at rest, which bruised pain after pressure; sticking pinching in l. side of sternum, (<) sitting bent. Aching externally in sternum; internally on middle of sternum, (<) motion, especially stooping and then rising again; over heart, with oppression; spasmodic, in ribs, with tension; drawing below r. axilla during rest after dinner, with bruised pain on strong pressure; as if something pressed hard on r. ribs; pressing outward in spot under second or third r. rib, during deep inspiration; cramp like in l.; then soreness on touch. Oppression. Sprained feeling in posterior wall of r. axilla on exertion,(>) rest; cutting sprained feeling in cartilage of l. false rib, horizontally across rib, near pit of stomach. Gnawing scratching on l. side when at rest. Mucus, with cough and expectoration.


      Spasmodic twitching of cardiac muscle, (<) lying on back, with the thought that he would have apoplexy. (Oppressive burning in region) Pulse quick in evening in bed, with thirst.


      Pressure on I. outer side when walking in open air. Drawing pain in r. side close to foramen magnum. Tensive bruised feeling along stereo-cleido muscles in morning when stitched, on sitting in open air. Stiff feeling in nape, with drawing and pressing magnum in morning of waking, (<) motion.


      Cutting stitches at ends of r. ribs, near spine, (<) curving back. Bruised feeling in morning after waking, and in loins. Tickling itching stitches between scapula. Tearing in upper part of I. scapula when sitting, (>) rising from seat; in glenoid cavity of scapula, extending to clavicle. Pressure inside scapulae, extending to clavicle. Pressure inside scapulae. Sprained feeling in uppermost muscles of r. scapula on exerting the outstretched arm.

Loins-Stitches in second lumbar vertebrae; burning stitches in. loin when sitting, but when rising and on pressure the pain is burning without stitch. Pressure in side of back opposite bowels, then oppressive stitches on least motion or when breathing, so that he had to walk been, when lying still with griping as in a malignant ulcer and with oppression of chest. Drawing tensive pain in l, loin and below inguinal ring a 7 P.M., after walking, extending to thigh. Bruised feeling in small of back; morning on waking, (<) motion, and in loins and nape. Deep- started sprained feeling in lumbo-sacral region, (<) adduction of I thigh, compelling limping, then bruised pain on outer side of I. knee.


      Tearing in ends of long bones; in metacarpal bone of thumb and in metatarsal bone and proximal phalanx of big toes, (<) touch, with aching. Drawing and tensive pain in bends of elbows and knee(>) strong pressure. Cramplike drawing in back of r. hand and foot. Sprained feeling in top of r. shoulder on walking, and in I. inner malleolus. Discomfort and weakness. Weakness in morning; (>) after rising.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.