Homeopathy Remedy Apis

Faintness and nausea from short ribs across the whole abdomen. Pain under l. last ribs. In umbilical region, with chilliness; from hips towards umbilicus, forenoon in hypogastrium, with bloating of abdomen; in hypogastrium, with bearing down in uterus, a if menses were coming on. Shooting deep in pelvis. Throbbing boring over crest of l. ilium, (>) eructations. Soreness deep within, below and beside r hip, with burning and numbness.

Clinical Abdominal dropsy, sometimes with diarrhoea and vomiting, great oppression of breath with the other general symptoms indicating Apis. With all the abdominal affections there is present the characteristic bruised feeling in the abdominal walls, which are extremely tender (Lyc) sometimes even when the abdomen is not swollen; we may even meet with this symptom in hydrocephalus, Stool sometimes involuntary on every motion; this symptom indicates Apis in diarrhoea and cholera infantum, especially in great stupor with disinclination to take food or drink. In dysentery with a low type of fever, apathy, bloody, almost painless stools, abdomen, sore anus raw, tongue raw, dry, sometimes with tenesmus. Cholera infantum with constant relapses, with threatening brain troubles, sunken abdomen; the child gets stupid and starts suddenly, especially during dentition. There may be constipation, with fever with hydrocephalus.

Rectum and Anus

      Electric shock in R. then urging to stool Frequent urging. Tenesmus. Anus, raw sensation, with diarrhoea: pain in A; throbbing in A.; sensation of stuffing; heat.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, with with stinging pain, the anus becomes extremely sore (AEsc. h.) Piles after confinement, with sharp, stinging pain. Ascarides, with delirium, screaming, etc.


      Watery, yellow; frequent yellow, W., with griping; W. copious.

Soft, mixed with serum, orange colored. Loose in morning; and urgent; loose, lumpy. Copious diarrhoea, with vomiting; lumpy D., with vomiting, then watery and fetid stools, then pappy mixed with mucus and blood, then tools like dysentery, with tenesmus and crushed sensation in intestines. Copious blackish brown, green and whitish. Frequent. Scanty, pappy, light yellow. Natural, preceded by emission of flatus, and almost colorless water, containing lumps, or fragments of jellylike mucus, streaked with blood. Omitted.

Clinical Diarrhoea, water, yellow, sometimes painless. Chronic diarrhoea, cannot urinate without having a stool, or the stools become dark and fetid, worse after eating (compare with Aloes).

Urinary Organs

      Burning and soreness when urinating. Excitement. Disagreeable feeling in bladder, with bearing down in region of sphincter. frequent desire to urinate and during micturition burning smarting and uneasy feeling in spermatic cords. Urging, with scanty urine and dribbling. Frequent desire to urinate; with burning in urethra and with uneasiness in spermatic cord; frequent desire and when passing burning and sensation as if the flow were obstructed by contraction near glans. Involuntary micturition. No micturition for thirty-six hours. Stitches in urethra. Burning in urethra before and after micturition. Urine high-colored, and frequent emissions of small quantities. Urine copious; (<) outdoor exercise, with flatulence and diarrhoea; pale, with red or measly sediment, frequent urging and strangury. Scanty; with frequent micturition. Offensive.

Clinical In acute inflammation of the kidneys, frequently with great aching in the lumbar region, with soreness over the region of the kidneys (Mercuriusc., Phyto.), and excessively inflammation of the kidneys, particularly during or subsequent to eruptive diseases; the urine may be almost entirely suppressed, loaded with casts; the dropsy also is very great, comes on rapidly, is especially marked in the face and upper part of the body, with stupor, absence of thirst; with restlessness and dryness of skin. Inflammation of the bladder, which becomes very irritable; frequent or even involuntary micturition; at times when urine is passed there is stinging pain or there may be strangury (Canthar,). The urine is rarely bloody, very frequently high- colored. The urine is sometimes retained in the bladder, rarely suppressed (Stram). As a rule, in diphtheria, erysipelas, scarlet fever, etc., when there is no inflammation of the urinary passages the urine is quite free and pale, even though the patient drinks but little. In subacute or chronic Bright’s disease Apis has been found serviceable in temporary exacerbations with an increase of dropsy, sometimes about he head, when the patient is stupid, sometimes in the chest, when there is great difficult in breathing and the patient is suffocated on lying down. In continence of urine in old people.

Sexual Organs

      Frequent and long-lasting erections. Scrotum tense and translucent, looking as in hydrocele. Testicle swollen, with tension and itching; l. T. sore; fulness in r.,, with aching. Excitement. Desire when sitting at home and when driving.

Deep penetrating pain in clitoris, extending into vagina, with swelling, dryness and hardness of labia minora, which is covered with a crust, hindering the beginning of micturition, (>) in evening by applications of cold water. Haemorrhage from uterus. Metrorrhagia in second month, with profuse discharge of blood, heaviness of abdomen, faintness, restlessness and yawning. Miscarriage at second month; at third month. Bearing down as in early stage of parturition; B., with sensation as before menses; in r. ovarian region. Cutting in l. ovarian region across to r. in evening when stretching in bed. Strained pain in l.; Ovarian region t 6 P.M., (<) walking, then in corresponding spot on r. side, with lame feeling in scapulae. Drawing in r. ovarian region.

Clinical Erysipelatous inflammation of penis, with excessive oedema, great soreness and stinging pain. Hydrocele with the characteristic symptoms. Inflammation and swelling of r. testicle. Inflammation of prepuce, with warty excrescences. It particularly affects the r. ovary (Lyc); curative in various forms of inflammation and neuralgia, always with extremely sensitive sharp stinging pains. Has cured cystic tumor of the ovary (ovarian dropsies), with bruise sore pain in abdominal walls (Lyc). In inflammation of the cellular tissue of the pelvis (pelvic cellulitis), with excessive soreness over the lower abdominal region and sharp pain (Arsenicum). In enlarged and inflamed uterus following pregnancy, etc. While menstruation is sometimes profuse, as an accompaniment in various disease, it has been found useful in the suppression of menses with the cerebral symptoms above noted, also with local inflammatory symptoms, bearing down, extreme tenderness, with flushing of face and head, especially in girls. Dysmenorrhoea, with severe ovarian pains, with a puffed waxy appearance of face, etc. It has averted threatening abortion with soreness of the ovaries, haemorrhage. Erysipelas of he mammary glands or swelling like tumors, with stinging boring pains.

Respiratory Organs

      Raw sensation in larynx, with sensitiveness. Hoarseness. Cannot speak above a whisper. Cough in shocks when roused from sleep before midnight, from a crawling in windpipe at pit of throat, (>) when something is loosened and swallowed, at every shock increased headache in l. side and and upper part; severe C. before midnight, (<) after lying and sleeping, from tickling in posterior wall in windpipe, with desire to brush the spot, l. side of head aches while coughing, he must bend head back and hold it so that the shock cannot act with so much violence, cough (<) warmth and rest, (>) loosening mucus; deep, hard ringing, from constriction of throat, reaching down to upper part of lungs, which were very sore.

Expectoration of copious, transparent, frothy, bloody mucus. Sensation as if he could not breathe again. Suffocation; with inability to bear anything about throat (Lach), dusky face and bluish lips. Asthma. Dyspnoea; and at each inspiration a crowing sound that could be heard across the street; with sleepiness and shortness of breath when walking (Curare). Breathing hurried and difficult with fever and headache: H., superficial and sighing: H. nights and short. Closed rooms, especially if overheated, are insupportable. Inspiration croup; I. laborious, loud. breathing slow, heavy, oedema, of lungs developing. Sighing.

Clinical OEdema of the larynx, with great distress for breath. Hydrothorax, with suffocation on lying down, either the result of pleurisy or dependent on disease of the kidneys; in these cases ther is especially presnet with the dyspnoea a feeling as if he could not draw another breath. The cough is usually suffocative, spasmodic, from irritation in upper pat of chest or suprasternal fossa, short and dry. Fit of coughing brought on by pressure on the larynx (Lachesis)


      Stitches at night, and through back; just below heart; in side; in l. side; under l. arm, near fourth or fifth rib; in r. nipple extending into lung; in forenoon, where cartilages of ribs bend towards hypochondria, l.then r., with darkness before eyes, in which she felt boring sticking. Tearing, drawing, starting from l. lower side of sternum, drawn back and forth in chest, upward, and finally into lower jaw and at same time pain in back.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.