Homeopathy Remedy Apis

Clinical An extremely valuable remedy in a great variety of diseases of the eyes; in inflammation of the lids, which are oedematous, often everted so that the lid actually rolls over on to the cheek, the conjunctiva is inflamed and oedematous, with hot lachrymation, photophobia, violent stinging pains; the lids even may become ulcerated. It is often found valuable in purulent ophthalmia, with infiltration of the balls and lids, great oedema and sharp pains are sufficiently characteristic. In Inflammations of the cornea of various sorts, scrofulous, Parenchymatous, with or without destruction of the tissues especially in ophthalmia following eruptive diseases, with great oedema, burning stinging pains. There is as a rule, temporary relief from the application of cold water. Sometimes indicated in staphyloma of he cornea or sclerotic. In serous inflammation within the eyeball, in serous iritis or aquacapsulitis inflammation within the eyeball, in serous iritis or aquacapsulitis, with punctiform deposit on the inner surface of the cornea. In muscular asthenopia, with sharp stinging pain on attempting to use the eyes, swelling of lids, etc. In short, it is an extremely valuable remedy in inflammatory affections of the eyes, always characterized by serous exudation, oedema, with sudden piercing pains.


      Swellings of a lymphatic gland behind ear. Purple. Stitches under l. Pain in r middle; behind l. itching in r., then l.; in ears and glands near root of tongue, increasing in two years to sharp itching and burning in throat just back of palate, finally working into bronchial tubes, down around lungs, and resulting in asthma. Ringing in r. Rumbling. Hearing diminished.

Clinical Erysipelatous inflammation of the external ear. Deafness in fever.


      Swelling. Obstruction Sneezing; on going into open air; violent with watery discharge from nose and eyes. Coryza, (<) evening, with dull sensation in nose, and now and then some dropping; with dread of cold but, from warmth; with feeling as if it would well. C. at 4 P.M., with dryness of nose, then burning of lips with sensation as if they would chap. Blowing of blood; mornings.

Clinical In Erysipelatous inflammation of the nose externally, end swelling, sharp stinging pains. Coldness of the tip of the nose when the throat begins to be sore is a pretty sore indication for Apis.


      Swollen; red and oedematous, especially nose, eyelids and cheeks and head. Inflammatory S., r. eye completely closed. l. almost the cheeks hung down to the breast; and eyelids puffed up, lips turned upward, inside out; and cyanotic. Shrunken, wan and anxious. Pale. Red; then purple; with heat, burning piercing pain and swelling. Stinging in l. malarbone; burning, in chin and malar-bones. Sensation as if l. side would swell, especially about eye.

Jaw-Drawing back and forth of lower. Stiffness of lower extending to mouth and hot, making speech difficult and unintelligible, with constriction in throat, exciting spasmodic hacking cough, with difficulty in breathing, (<) on inspiration, throat swollen, (<) uvula and arches of palate, (<) on l. side, deflecting uvula to the right.

Lips-Swollen; upper; and sensation of swelling, then eruption about lips and dryness and desquamation of lower lip. Cyanotic. Livid and open. Lower chapped. Dark streak along epithelium, with cracks red portion. Roughness, with a black stripe in red portion. Roughness, (<) upper, with tension. Prickling, with bruised and swollen feeling; P., nd on tongue, extending over face, temples and heat, thence over entire body.

Clinical The appearance of the face varies with the character of the other affections; in disease of the kidneys in pregnancy the face is oedematous and pale; during fever it is generally swollen and inflamed, with severe stinging pains; the erysipelas is characterized by puffiness and oedematous infiltration, which, as a rule, does not pit on pressure; the swelling is out of proportion to the intensity of the pain.


      Jerking grinding of teeth on biting them together in swallowing, after yawning, etc. Toothache in evening in r. upper jaw, during which she feels the biting-together of the teeth in her head, with chilliness. Humping pain in l. upper molars. Gums bleed. Gums painful.

Tongue-Swollen; then s. of face and whole body, with inability to swallow, move tongue or speak. A row of vesicles somewhat to l. of tip, with soreness and rawness; V. on tip and l. side, with red spots. Covered with a burning rawness, stinging, and with vesicles along edge. Rawness, on margin, with scalding and pimples and stinging. Dryness, with redness and tenderness of mouth (Rhus t). Prickling heat. Burning extending in to stomach, with eructations and gathering of tasteless water in mouth, the eructations (<) after drinking water, almost suffocating her.

Scalding in mouth and throat. Burning in mouth in forenoon, with thirst. Dryness; under tongue at 6 P.M., (>) moving tongue much; of palate, also with roughness. Salivation; soapy, mornings, and in fauces. Taste bitter at back of tongue and in fauces; B., afterwards more pungent, spreading to fauces with affection of tongue’s as after chewing pyrethrum, at same time symptoms in all parts of mouth as after alcohol. Taste as of sweet almonds Loss of taste.

Clinical During acute febrile states the tongue is red and hot, even dry and hot, and in low fevers it may even tremble, reminding one of Lachesis. Sometimes in scarlet fever it is cracked, sore and covered with blisters or ulcerated, but is rarely red and dry. In diphtheria it is swollen, not heavily coated.


      Swollen; with hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, difficulty on swallowing from irritability of epiglottis, and with white spot to left of glottis; and posterior part of hard palate, base of tongue and inside of cheeks, the parts birth red, dry and shining. Viscid mucus deep in T. in morning, compelling frequent hawking; thick M. in pharynx. Pressure as from a foreign body in upper back part. rawness, with inclination to hawk; R., with viscid saliva adhering to hard palate, velum and tongue; extending to pit of stomach, with hoarse, hard, spasmodic, hollow cough, caused by a sensation of filling up in throat, as if he needed to raise something, eating drove the soreness downward and he continued to eat till soreness and cough disappeared. Full and choking sensation, as if filling up F., constriction and suffocation, (<) horizontal position with difficult. anxious breathing. Constriction, with sensation of a foreign body in it and painful swallowing. Deep-seated stinging itching, at lower part of neck, with constriction. Dryness; with heat (Belladonna, AEsc.h.). Swallowing difficult. Nausea apparently from T.

Clinical In severe inflammations of the throat, with general stupor and prostration even in diphtheria, we will find in Apis an extremely valuable and frequently indicated remedy. It is almost a specific in true diphtheria, always indicated when the throat is very much swollen and oedematous, with severe stinging pains on attempting to swallow, with great inertia or even complete stupor. In suspected scarlet fever, in she early state, when rash is seen upon the hard palate and the throat is oedematous and bright red, with great pain on swallowing and the eruption is mottled., without thirst.


      Appetite lost; and he refused drink. Thirst. Eructations; after eating; tasting like the yolk of eggs violent empty during headache. Hot vapor seems to rise from S., with dry throat, without thirst, with burning cheeks and cold feet. Aversion, with chilliness and cold limbs. Nausea; at night with rumbling in abdomen as before diarrhoea; with vertigo; with vomiting and faintness; with pain in whole body. Gagging. Vomiting at night in sleep with thirst; V., with diarrhoea; of food; of bile; then a thin bitter fluid with pain across lower abdomen; yellow and bitter. Prickling as from needles. Pressure in region of orifice; in pit. Crampy pain, and in abdomen, then vomiting and diarrhoea. Oppression a pit; a epigastrium. Sore feeling, and in abdomen. Burning.

Clinical The absence of thirst is the rule in Apis cases though sometimes there may be great thirst; in these circumstances the condition of stupor and the afternoon aggravation at 5 o, clock with overbalance the presence of thirst. The vomiting of food and frequent effort to vomit must be associated with the Apis symptoms in meningitis or in the early stage of scarlet fever and in various other troubles. It has occasionally been found useful in the nausea of pregnancy.


      Distention; after a moderate meal, and Dyspnoea when lying, strong desire for stool, passed flatus and urine freely. Rumbling, with urging to stool; R. as before diarrhoea. Loud offensive flatus. Sputtering flatus after stool. Cutting. Griping. Sickly feeling, m inclining him to continue a quiet sitting posture. Pain; morning, with hard scanty stools; in mornings, with urging to stool, also with pain when straining, after dreaming at night that she had pain in abdomen and diarrhoea; P. (<) pressure, touch and horizontal position with sensitiveness; with urging to pass flatus; with a feverish trembling feeling; contractive, at 11 P.M. when walking, compelling her to bend forward. Soreness; morning; when sneezing or on pressure. Compression. Nausea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.