Homeopathy Remedy Apis

Apis homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Apis…

      Live bees (Apis mellifica) are shaken in a bottle, and the digested dilute alcohol for several days.

General Action

      Erysipelatous inflammation and destruction of tissue (of dermoid tissue), acute inflammation of kidneys and some other parenchymatous tissue.

Allies- Cantharis, Rhus-t., Gelsem., Ledum., Secale., Corn., Lycopodium, Phosphorus Mag-m., Mercurius, Sulphur


      Swelling of whole body; with pallid, deathlike like of face; of whole side of body, first in joints; of face, neck, chest and limbs. Blood colorless and only red in the centre of the vessel. (No blood when venesection is attempted.) Failed to respond when spoken to. Falling to the ground. Twitching; burning, like a prickling contraction from without inward, in r. thumb and other places. Convulsions; from the offer of water, which was desired, with expression of far in face as in hydrophobia, also C. when touched on r. index (the place of the sting); generally tonic, but in a measure clonic, with knees drawn up to breast and hands and arms moved convulsively, partially conscious and continually moaning. Electric shocks, thrilling ends of finger and toes. Trembling.

Burning stitches here and thee, especially on back, which itched. Neuralgic rheumatism. general bruised sensation. Prickling over whole body (Secale corn.), externally and internally. General sensation of fulness and weakness of coordinating power, especially in hands. Malaise. Strange, definable feeling; with arms and feet, Sensation in whole body as if every weakness; alternating with depression approaching necessity to lie down; sudden, without weakness or faintness. Sensation as if dying. Faintness; with nausea; F., with weakness, anxiety and distress at breathing and rapid pulse. Weakness; evening, with vertigo; during diarrhoea; with trembling; with desire to be left alone; as if bruised in every limb, especially in back, (<) rising from a sea, with necessity to stretch. Sudden weakness; with coldness; with vomiting, profuse diarrhoea, cold limbs, pale face, griping in abdomen, pulse weak, after abatement of these symptoms redness of apart stung. General sensation diminished. Numbness over whole body. Amelioration from sleep.

Clinical There is general aggravation of all symptoms about 5 P.M. The pains are always sudden, stinging. As a rule, the patients are not restless. but in some cases of hydrocephalus there is great restlessness, with rolling of the head from side to side. The effects generally travel from r. to l., pain, erysipelas, inflammations. In paralysis following diphtheria or typhoid fever it is sometimes indicated; sometimes, but rarely, in rheumatic affections. Cases are reported in which there was diminished sensibility with paralysis, could not tell when the foot touched the ground, with soreness of the spine and pains. General inclination to dropsical effusions and anasarca, with stinging pains. General intolerance of the heat of the bed.


      Excitement; approaching delirium. Violent affection of whole nervous system. Fear; of death, or sensation as if he could not breathe again. Anxiety; with excitement and restlessness. Sadness; in forenoon,. with longing for death. irritability; allowed no one but is mother to come near him. dissatisfaction with everything. Restlessness, with dullness of head. Listless. Concentration impossible. Inability to fix attention on a nook requiring thought (Gelsem). Inability to think clearly and to express himself. Confusion;l when reading. Unconsciousness.

Clinical Stupor or even unconsciousness, with or without symptoms of inflammation of the meninges of he brain. As a rule, it is characterized by sudden starts with screaming, as from some terrible pain in the head. In meningitis from suppressed eruptions with stupor. apparently the result of effusion, interrupted by short cries In the stupor occurring during the progress of low types of fever or malarial disease, as in types, diphtheria, etc. Mania resulting from the suppression of the menses, with stupor alternating with attacks of errotic mania. Impairment of mind so that the patient seems preoccupied, lets things fall from her hands, and seems to be unconscious of things transpiring about her. As a rule, the mental site in erysipelas, diphtheria, low fevers, etc., requiring Apis, is one of apathy, indifference, or even unconsciousness.


      Aching from 8 to 10 P.M., with chilliness and toothache, pain in forehead, alternately in l. and r. side, afterwards in r. side of vertex, where it is sensitive to touch, then in temples, then r. side of forehead, next morning in l.side of forehead; A. in even reclining or from sitting; (<) reading; (>) pressure., during diarrhoea; mostly confined to forehead, with eyeballs; dull, heavy, from rising till 3 P.M.; oppressive, when in a warm room and reading; expensive, on exertion, with vertigo and palpitation; bursting, with vertigo and confusion of mind. Confusion; with pain in sinciput; with pain in forehead. Anxiety, with swelling of face. Fulness, with heaviness, pressure (<) moving and stooping, (>) pressure. Whole brain seems weary, asleep and crawling (Con). Head feels swollen. Heaviness, with pressure; H. as if she could hardly hold it up, (<) during day and by motion, coughing, etc., with throbbing. Vertigo; evenings after sleeping on the sofa, with headache; with blindness; with nausea; confused, worse when sitting than when walking, extreme when lying and closing eyes.

Forehead-Stitches, and in temples; over r. eye, extending to eyeball burning, in l. superciliary ridge. Aching, and in temples, after sneezing, with vertigo; with dullness and confusion; inwardly above outer end of eyebrow, in afternoon, lasting all day, (<) when coughing in upper part as if it would burst, extending to temples in l.side in evening, with stitches under l.ear, chilliness, yawning, and pain in umbilical region; in sinciput, with vertigo; heavy tensive, over eyes, with vertigo heavy tensive, over eyes, with pain through orbits; dull heavy, (>) pressure, and in sides of head. Dullness just over eyes. Confusion from supraorbital ridges to protuberances, (>) after breakfast.

Temples- Stitch in l. in evening. Aching in l. and in organs of causality, comparison, mirthfulness and ideality; in single jerks to middle of forehead, (<) sensitiveness of head to touch, burning of eyes and itching of nose; sharp; in r. heavy in morning on waking, r., then l.; throbbing. Boring; every morning on waking; intermittent. Bursting sensation (bell).

Heaviness sin vertex, with fulness. Pressure deep inward in l.side of vertex when drawing on boots. Headache in l. side and vertex when coughing. Heavy pain in r. parietal protuberance. Aching in occiput; (<)shaking head. Blow in suboccipital region. Swelling of head; inflammatory S and twitching, so that apoplexy was feared. Hair falls out. Itching; in afternoon; extending to face and neck, afterwards to tights and hands.

Clinical The headache is usually a hit, heavy feeling, with congestion and with sudden stabbing pains, almost universally relieved by external pressure and aggravated by any motion. In meningitis, acute or chronic, or tubercular hydrocephalus, extremely valuable when the peculiar symptoms are present, the child bores the head into the pillow, is stupid and occasionally screams out.


      Sclera injected. Bloodshot; and protruding, pupil dilated and immovable, and was obliged to change from convex to concave glasses (from sting in cornea). Piercing in evening, with necessity to remove the spectacles while reading and writing in a near-slighted woman). Boring forenoon, with piercing. Burning stinging in r., beginning with heaviness and causing lachrymation. Sensation as if a mass of mucus were in l. Heaviness; with inclination to close them, and after being closed for sometimes desire to rub and press them.

Twitching in l. (<) at night. Stinging itching, and in lids and around eyes (Sulph). On l. side, and especially the inner canthus. Piercing itching around eyes, in brows, lids and eyes themselves, (<) l., and more at inner canthi, with desire to rub eyes while pressing them hard, with soreness and smarting in margins of lids, and sensation of mucus in them, (<) l., full feeling in eyes and weak vision. Weakness, with photophobia; W., with pain when used. Lachrymation; l.; of l. in evening, with pain in l. side of forehead; of l., with burning and sensation of a foreign body in it, weakness of both eyes, with pain and sensitiveness to light in evening when swing; of r.; of r. at night in bed, with flow of mucus; of r. from a biting piercing sensation; with pain in eyes; with pain when looking at a bright light.

Piercing in balls. Aching in l. ball mostly in lower part; a around l. ball, then around both. Pupil insensible to light. Lid swollen, red, oedematous (rhus t). Upper lid so swollen that they hang like sacs over face. Agglutination; with soreness of margins and canthi. Twitching of r. lid. Stinging in r. lower, in morning. Burning in margins of lids (Sulph), causing lachrymation. Stinging in r. caruncula. Sensation of a foreign body in l. outer canthus after constant profuse lachrymation. Itching on margins; l. of r., with prickling; paroxysmal, of r.; of l. inner canthus. Conjunctiva injected, Burning stinging around l. eye and in superciliary ridge. Aching over and about eyes, (>) pressure. Pain around orbits; in l. orbit, mostly lower part. Photophobia. Vision obscured; difficult, with a whirling sensation in sight. Blindness; in afternoon when stooping.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.