Homeopathy Remedy Antimonium Crudum

Clinical Catarrhal inflammation of the stomach, with thickly coated white tongue, nausea, vomiting, after-taste of the food, etc. After nursing the child, vomits its milk in little white curds and refuses to nurse afterwards.


      Distention (Lycopodium); (<) after eating; causing pain as from internal pressure. Loud rumbling; in forenoon, as from emptiness; rumbling as when bubbles arise in water. Flatus after eating, moving about audibly, (<) r. side, some being expelled; rumbling F. bursts forth immediately after eating, some smells badly, some before passing off moves downward and meets other flatus, especially in r. side; inconsiderable flatus passes off, with a pressing-asunder sensation as if a copious stool would occur. Sensation after a moderate dinner as if the body were filled with moving flatus.

Cutting; with nausea in abdomen and accumulation of water on tongue; with oppression coming from stomach, indisposition to work, dry humor and pain at stomach on eructations. Pain. Sudden compressive colic, with gulping up of water. Sudden pinching in evening, especially on r. side towards back, (<) motion. Sensation as after violent diarrhoea, causing weakness. Empty sensation, (>) after eating.

Tight feeling below stomach, with empty eructations. Tension in hypochondria. Pinching on l. side of navel; like the beat of a pulse low down in l. side in afternoon; as from a swelling, in the cartilage or periosteum of upper part of crest of ilium. Hard gland in l. groin over Poupart’s ligament, running parallel with it and painful on pressure. Hardness in groins as from swollen glands, with pain as from swelling felt on pressure.

Rectum and Anus

      Rectum, protrusion during stool; sore pain during stool, as if an ulcer had been torn apart; itching; discharge of mucus, with emission of flatus; continual discharge of blood and solid portions. Varices protrude more than usual. Crawling in haemorrhoids, evening in bed till falling asleep, with burning. Itching in anus (Sulphur). Burning in anus at night, with itching and smarting. Drawing pain in anus.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, with oozing of yellow mucus, constipated during hot weather.


      Urging after dinner and quick expulsion of ordinary faeces, with straining (Trombid.). First natural, then several small, loose evacuations, then small hard evacuations, with violent straining in rectum and anus till all are passed. Liquid. Thin; after vinegar, with pain in rectum. Diarrhoea at night and in morning; disposition to diarrhoea, which does not take place. Pappy, frequent. Hard in morning; in evening, with pressing in rectum and cutting in abdomen. Difficult and hard; with previous pressing in rectum. Constipation.

Clinical Alternating diarrhoea and constipation in old people.

Urinary Organs

      Painful contracted feeling at neck of bladder. Tenesmus at night, rousing from sleep; constant urging, with dysuria; frequent tenesmus though little urine is passed; frequent and violent desire and much urine each time. Frequent micturition; with burning in urethra during emission; at night, with copious urine; with scanty watery urine; with scanty urine expelled in great haste; with dark urine. Urine expelled more rapidly. Burning in urethra. Urine copious; scanty at night, in an intermitting stream, with painful erections. Brown-red. Gold- yellow, thin, with scarcely perceptible cloud. Small red corpuscles after standing.

Sexual Organs

      Burning at penis. Itching at penis; at extremity. Erections. Biting-itching at l. side of scrotum, as from salt. Drawing pain in spermatic cord, (<) standing, (>) stooping, while there was a boil at perineum. Sexual desire, with uneasiness in whole body; desire diminished. Irritation as if a pollution would come on, even when leaning the back against something. Pollution at night, with many dreams; without voluptuous dreams. Discharge of water from vagina, causing biting down thighs. Pressure in womb as if something would come out.

Clinical Suppression of menses with the gastric and mental symptoms of the drug. Prolapsus uteri when there is constant bearing down as if something were pushing out of the vagina, and tenderness over the ovarian region, particularly when the menses have been suppressed by cold bathing. The leucorrhoea is watery and contains little lumps.

Respiratory Organs

      Spasm of larynx and pharynx as if the throat were filled with a plug, which became alternately thicker and thinner, with a sore feeling. Voice lost as often as he became hot, (>) by resting himself; weak; rough. Cough in morning after rising, coming from abdomen, in paroxysms, each becoming weaker, so that the last attack is only a hacking cough. Dry cough frequently; dry, in a sudden short attack, with scratching in trachea. C. in morning, with discharge of viscid thin phlegm from deep in chest. Asthma. Suffocative catarrh. Dyspnoea. Difficult breathing during supper; after supper. Sighing as from fulness of chest afternoon and after eating.


      Stitches in middle, with constrictive pinching; S. when breathing deeply, on r. side under two first ribs, then under upper part of sternum; in l. when breathing, with cough and headache; sharp, in l. during expiration while standing. Pain half pressive, half sticking, under l. clavicle, apparently in air passages, when breathing. Pressive pain in interior of r. chest in evening when lying down. Pain in pectoralis major as from contusion or too great effort, in morning when extending and lifting arm or on pressure. Oppression; morning on waking. Burning, with dry cough and dyspnoea; B. at every cough, with hot breath.

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation. Pulse, sometimes a few quick, then three or four slow beats.


      Swelling of cervical glands. Spasmodic drawing pain in muscles of nape, as far as scapulae, in evening after lying down and in morning, caused and (<) by stooping, exerting arm and turning head to left. Spasmodic drawing downward in one of the r. cervical muscles in evening when sitting. Inward pressing drawing on l. lower part. Tightness when stooping, in nape and between scapulae.


      Spasmodic stitches in r. scapula when sitting. Tearing in back from morning till night. Pain in small of B., (>) night; in small of B. when rising from a seat, (>) walking.


      Discolored nails. Enlarged feeling. Tremulous fatigue and heaviness after dinner, as if coming out of abdomen, with trembling of hands when writing, then much offensive flatus, the abdomen being distended.

Upper Extremities

      Twitches in r. deltoid. A stitch under both arms when walking in open air. Upper arm, drawing jerk transversely through r.; quivering drawing in muscles, (>) warmth, renewed in a draft; paralytic pain in muscles when bending arms; as if contracted too much or weakened by the contraction. Cracking in elbow on turning it to and fro. Drawing in forearm; down r. forearm; paralytic drawing in r.; drawing on inside of lower part, with sensation of pressure from without. Cracking in metacarpal joint of thumb on motion. Finger-nails did not grow as fast as formerly, and the skin beneath the nails was sensitive. Drawing pains in fingers and their joints. Gouty pains in joints of r. fourth finger.

Clinical Acute rheumatism in fingers with the gastric disturbances, also the nails of the fingers became horny and split, or horny growths formed beneath the nails. Soles became very sensitive when walking, corns became inflamed, and new corns formed on the soles or toes.

Lower Extremities

      Painless drawing beginning at r. knee or so ischium, going down thigh and tibia to foot, so that he has to lift it and change its position several times. Twitches in l. natis in evening when sitting. Drawing in one natis, around hip-joint into thigh. Clucking in lower part of r. natis when standing.

Thigh – Drawing pain at anterior and internal sides; in posterior muscles of l.; in hip-joints, towards so sacrum; in l. hip; in l. hip-joint in evening and when walking, (<) when bending thigh backward. Pain in r. hip-joint. Tension high up in r. thigh, like a spasm. Sensation of a spasm at external border of thigh in afternoon, as if muscles became slowly contracted and extended.

Knee – Sudden stitch on outside; stitch in l., causing jerking in leg. Drawing pain in r. Stiffness; painful, obliging limping.

Leg – Deep stitches down tibia; sharp stitches outward in shaft of r. tibia when sitting. Drawing pain as high as knee; drawing pain at lower part of l. tibia; on inside of l. calf. Bruised feeling in a spot on outside of l. calf when touched. Pain just below knee as if tied tightly, in evening. Painless intermittent pinching low down on r. calf. Clucking posteriorly in r. leg, then stitches in ankle.

Malleolus – Sprained pain in r. outer, when turning foot outward, with cracking of joint when bending or stretching it.

Foot – Mortification after the violent vomiting had subsided, with burning, lancinating and tearing pain, but insensibility to touch or prick of pin, followed after amputation by suffocative catarrh. Chilblains in summer, with pain and redness. Heaviness so that she cannot lift it. R. feels benumbed when walking and goes to sleep. Heel, drawing pain in l.; cramplike drawing at outer side of l. Soles, horny places close to where the toes begin, with pain as in corns; sensitiveness of soles when walking, (<) on a stone pavement; fine prickings in soles.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.