Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Muriaticum

Nausea in attacks; N. in forenoon on walking in open air; after dinner, (>) eructations and in open air; after every dinner and supper, with waterbrash and horripilation; with oppression at stomach, yet inclination to eat.

Stinging at pit at 8 A.M., extending into r. axilla and muscles of r. upper arm, with burning. Heat in morning. Burning in afternoon, with pressure, becoming a stinging; burning, towards pharynx, like heartburn. Gnawing; or grinding, as from worms. Grinding in morning, (>) after breakfast, with writhing. Pressure, with nausea. Sensation as if everything would turn around in forenoon on walking in open air, (>) by eructations, renewed while sitting, with necessity to go into the open air, where it disappeared, with disposition to waterbrash, nausea and vomiting. Emptiness or hunger; E. without desire for food; E., yet he can hardly persuade himself to eat. Sensation of fasting, yet it feels full, (<) after breakfast. Fulness in afternoon, with oppression. Drawing.


      Inflation in morning during and after a purge; in evening before menses, (>) emission of flatus; in evening, (>) by two stools, with tension of stomach. Rumbling; in afternoon; morning on waking, from fermentation in sides, extending to chest. Growling and noises, with emission of much flatus. Frequent emissions of flatus; loud emission; emission of offensive flatus, without sensation of flatus.

Cutting from 2 to 4 A.M.; at 7 P.M., extending to groins and small of back, (>) stool. Gripings, with motions; G. here and there in afternoon, without sensation of flatus. Pinching at every inspiration; P. before a loose stool; P. in abdomen and groins morning after rising, as before menses. Colic. Pain after diarrhoea; P. (>) stools. Soreness internally after morning diarrhoea, with pain as if beaten; sensation as if the intestines were turning around at 10.45 P.M. Painful pressure as with a hand in l. side. Weight, (>) sleep, with anxiety. Oppression. fulness. Pressive tension in l. side near ring, as if something were pressing out. Drawing in side.

Burning pain in a spot in upper. Splenetic stitches even when sitting. Stitches in l. hypochondriac region when spinning. Stitches in region of r. ribs in afternoon when walking, with burning. Pinching in hypochondria.

Umbilicus – Rumbling around; then soft stool, with urging. Cutting around, in evening, with shooting. Griping below, at 6 P.M. Grinding near, after dinner. Pinching to left of, while standing, (<) stooping; around, at 7 P.M., then two stools. Pain around, in afternoon, with five half-liquid stools; pain below, at 4 P.M., then usual stool, with stinging in anus. Discomfort below and to left of navel.

Pinching in lower, with griping and dyspnoea. Intermittent griping in lower, in forenoon. Pain in lower, with soft stool. Stitches over l. hip when sitting, and when stooping while standing.

Groin – Sense of distention of l., becoming painful on sitting; D. of r., with a tensive sensation and grinding. Stitches in r. when sitting, coming out behind hip. Tearing when walking, with tensive pain. Ulcerative pain in r. when walking. Cutting after 8 P.M., as far as small of back, with stitches and urging to urinate. Gripings in evening, afterwards extending to navel, (>) by a purge. Pain in r., often extending to hip and small of back. Sprained pain in l. obliging him to walk crooked. Burning in r. flank in afternoon when sitting.

Clinical Chronic congestion of the liver, with depression of spirits, stools coated with mucus.

Rectum and Anus

      Itching soreness of rectum with pustules by the side of it. Burning in rectum during and after soft stools (Acid Muriaticum). Burning in anus during soft stool (Acid Muriaticum). Itching in anus, (>) after nosebleed, with pressure. Haemorrhoidal flux produced or increased. Tearing in perineum when walking. Stinging tearing in perineum in evening.


      Contained glassy, tough mucus. Covered with mucus. Green slimy diarrhoea mornings. Diarrhoea in morning; after every meal, with pain in abdomen, back, small of back and in limbs. Soft; at an unusual time; and frequent, also with much micturition; and profuse; yellow, with urging, then tenesmus and burning in rectum; next day none. Frequent, almost fluid, with mucus. Hard, crumbling, scanty, but after dinner the usual stool, then burning in anus (Acid Muriaticum). Hard, covered with mucus. Hard; first part, last part soft, also during menses, with straining, then burning in anus, then usual stool in afternoon. Of two small pieces, passed with pressure, then soft stool. No stool; for two days, with colic and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on.

Clinical Constipation, with hard, crumbly stool, or the faeces are covered with glairy mucus. Chronic diarrhoea during menstruation, green mucous stools; sometimes diarrhoea alternates with constipation.

Urinary Organs

      Pinching in bladder when lying, as far as urethra, with stitching. Tenesmus of bladder after 4 A.M. Urging to urinate at 10 A.M. Desire to urinate, with emission of only a few drops, then micturition with the stool. Micturition frequent and copious at night; frequent in morning; M. slow. Urine copious; at night, before menses; C., strongly ammoniacal; with a stale smell. Urine diminished in amount; and in frequency. Urine hot and copious. Urine bright yellow, saturated, with a loose cloudy sediment. Turbid, with urates on cooling. Clayey sediment.

Sexual Organs

      Erection at 8 A.M.; morning in bed; frequent, with little desire. Stitches in l. spermatic cord, with beating. In female genital organs sensation in morning as after an embrace. Leucorrhoea, with distention of abdomen; L. like the white of an egg after pinching around navel; brown, slimy L. after micturition. Menses too soon; with pain in abdomen and small of back, flow more profuse at night. Discharge of a quantity of blood with the stool during menses.

Clinical Many abdominal symptoms during menstruation and pregnancy, constipation as above, liver swollen and sensitive, with jaundice, flatulent distention of abdomen. Menstruation too early and free, flows more at night. During pregnancy pain in l. side of abdomen as if sprained.

Respiratory Organs

      Irritation in morning, causing hawking, with expectoration of a piece of mucus and a raw sensation, then soreness behind uvula. Hoarseness in afternoon, with burning in region of larynx. Aphonia.

Cough when breathing deeply, (<) lying on r. side. Dry; in morning, also with sticking in fore part of chest; from 6 to 9 P.M., from tickling in throat, (>) after lying down; at night, preventing sleep; dry mornings, loosens in afternoon, most frequently with sticking in l. hypochondrium; dry hacking, also from tickling in throat, which continues when not coughing, in forenoon. Violent cough at 10 P.M. in bed, during which water comes into her mouth. Cough, with expectoration; in morning; C. during the day, with hawking and expectoration of mucus; C. at night when lying on back, loose, with sticking in l. middle false ribs, extending to last false ribs and preventing “coughing out,” (<) turning on to side. Expectoration of tough mucus in afternoon.

Desire to breathe deeply and to cough long, with slight expectoration. Short breath. Suffocation threatened. Breath lost when walking, obliged to breathe deeply but slowly.

Clinical Pulmonary catarrh, with hacking, scraping cough; cough (<) by lying on back or r. side. The dry cough, with stitches in chest, may become loose in the afternoon or at night. Profuse expectoration, with rattling of mucus in old people, with coldness between the shoulders.


      Rattling. Stitches in middle of l. rib region; behind r. ribs on motion; below r. breast during menses; below r. female breast in afternoon when sitting bent; below l. female breast while standing; in fore part in afternoon, (>) sitting; in fore part in afternoon and next morning, with pressure; sudden fine, come out of l. in forenoon; rhythmical, in l. in evening while sitting; upward, as with an awl, in l., afternoons with every inspiration; tearing, in a spot in l. clavicle, with bruised pain on touch. Tearing in a spot in l. clavicle, with bruised pain on pressure. Bruised pain beneath r. breast, frequently intermittent, also often with short breath. Pressure in fore part in evening; upon l. mamma when taking exercise in open air, and in l. side of chest on going from warm room into open air; in middle, in afternoon, with stitches, as if a morsel stuck there.

Heaviness when walking in open air; at night, waking him, with restlessness, which prevents sleep, this heaviness awoke him again at 3 A.M., he was kept in a half-sleep, in which he was partly conscious and dreamed that he had been hanged and the chest had been hard pressed. Oppression in morning after rising, (>) eructations, which came on in open air; when moving arms forcibly and when stooping; like a dry catarrh. Tightness on respiration. Painful tension under r. mamma, frequently intermittent, after dinner. Tension or compression as with a vise in front at lower part, when standing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.