Homeopathy Remedy Ammoniacum

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Stitches in r.; in l. joint; in l. with tearing; in l. joint, extending over deltoid, (>) pressure; in shoulder and axilla, extending to elbow; in glands of r. axilla in evening; drawing S, in r. deltoid at 9 A.M. Rheumatic pain in r. shoulder.

Arm.– Bruised pain, especially about elbow. Rheumatic pain in r. about 12 O’clock; in r. now at one point, now at another. Paralyzed feeling in l. Tensive, itching aching on fleshy parts of extensors of r. forearm and elbow. Drawing and tearing in r. wrist. Bruised feeling in l. wrist, then r. Rheumatic pain in r. metacarpal bones, in elbow and shoulder. Rheumatic pain in l. index. Drawing in r. middle finger.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh. Stitches in r. trochanter major from 3.50 to 5.30 P.M. with weariness of leg; in r. hip-joint, at 10 A.M., when sitting; above r. hip-joint, (<) sitting bent up. Pain above r. knee, (<) walking; in crural nerve, extending towards inguinal ring and spermatic cord; jerking in l. crural nerve in evening; drawing in r. trochanter at 4 A.M.; drawing in r. trochanter and l. knee in evening, extending to spermatic cord. Weariness of r.; in r. trochanter major; in hip-joints in evening.

Knee.–Stitches in l. side of r. towards morning. Indefinable pain in l. Tension in r. when walking. Swollen feeling in l. at 9 P.M. while sitting, with heat in knee and pricking in bend of knee.

Leg.– Stitches and pressure on l. at side of l. knee, at protuberance of tibia. Tearing in r. shin. Pain above r. ankle; below knee when walking. Ankles, tearing; cracking in l. ankle in evening when moving.

Foot.– Stitches in r. metatarsus; below r. metatarsus; on outer dorsum of l. foot; in l. metatarsus, with burning. Tearing and drawing in l. sole. Pain in middle of l. sole. Painful drawing in l. foot. Heaviness in r. sole, so that he trips when ascending stairs.

Toes.– Stitches in r. great toe, after a burning in it; S. in l. little toe, at left of joint, where skin was thickened. Gouty pain in l. great toe, (<) walking. Drawing in l. middle, at 10 A.M.


      Itching returns in evening; itching in r. groin.


      Yawning frequently bringing tears into eyes; Y. because the stomach felt empty, after soft stool. Sleepiness;all day, with late falling asleep in evening, then frightful dreams always as soon as he fell asleep, which woke him, then difficult falling asleep again. Falls asleep late. Interrupted sleep from 12 to 3 O’clock, then sleeplessness. Restless sleep; interrupted and unrefreshing. Waking frequently. Dreams distressing; confused; continued; remembered; many, also after 4 A.M.


      Chills running from feet up over back at 10 O’clock; the same after dinner, at 1 O’clock. Burning in l. metatarsus; in r. great toe, then stitches. Disposed to sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.