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Other Diseases

Tuberculosis, also, is a parasitic, chronic disease-which Hahnemann classes under his psoric diseases. And tubercle, hereditary certainly, and, probably, acquired, may assume a latent form, and give very little apparent trouble….

What about sicknesses that occur after pneumonia?… a case of chorea in a child, with a temperature, and heart affected, is suggestive here. The child had had pneumonia twice, and broncho-pneumonia twice, and was given one single dose of pneumococcin 30, which promptly cured the chorea, and put the heart right.

I came across the case accidentally the other day, among my old records of Children’s out-patient work during the War.

Influenzinum has been known to cure persons who have never been well since Influenza, even years before.


J.R.(10). Nov. 1929.

‘Flu 12 months ago; then 2 fits.

Nerve trouble ever since.

For last 10 months, fits once or twice a week, in bed, in early a.m. : and a special brand on Sundays, at any time of day.

Aura, cramp in right leg.

Clenches hands and teeth in fits.

Enuresis several times. And “wind comes up.”

Fits of very violent temper. “Goes for her mother.”

Obstinate. Fights rather than do what she is told.

Treated at Children’s Hospital for 6 months (O.P. Dept.).

When she had ‘flu, was hysterical and screaming.

Pupils very plus. Iris a mere tiny rim.

T.B. Mother’s side.

Very sleepless. “Wakes twenty times in the night.”

Influenzinum 200, 3 doses 6-hrly.

She needed no other medicine

Saw her two months later. “No fits since here. Sleeps well.’

Her mother said,”She is wonderfully better; no more trouble than the other children. I’ve never known one bottle of medicine do so much good.”

I am told that “it was supposed to be sleepy sickness after Influenza.” Also that the local doctor who had failed to help her said,”Leave off the pills and see how she gets on. It is not good for the child to get into the habit of taking drugs” Satan rebuking sin-but he did not know out funny little ways, and that the dangerous pills were only sac lac.

What about Trench Fever-with lice as an intermediate host?

Sir John Weir and I know a couple of cases….

An officer, away from the Front for a whole year with Trench Fever, with morning fever at 9 a.m., and such irritability that he had to live away from home: he only wanted to smash the furniture, when he felt so frantic.

Now, Chamomilla has all that-the terrible temper; the 9 a.m. fever; the miserable jerkings and pain in the extremities that make night hideous and bed impossible. A single dose of Cham, in high potency sent that soldier back to the trenches, after a whole year of suffering.

A second case, a Brig. General, home for a fortnight on “privilege” leave (he would not take sick leave) with just the same fever and nightly sufferings. Again a dose of Chamomilla cured, and he went back at the end of his fortnight-hardly able to crawl about, but determined. A week later he wrote, in answer to inquiries, “I am as strong as an elephant-quite well.”

And a still later case, much later, of Rheumatism, ever since the War, that suggests the chronic parasitic state entailed by trench fever, and also Chamomilla as its magical remedy….

J.C. (31) Sept. 16, 1930.

Pains both knees since the War Extends to ankles.

Worse at night, with jerking of legs.

Very irritable.

Says it was from getting wet in the trenches.

Chamomilla 1 m. 3 doses.

Came a second time 5 months later.

Says that the pain went absolutely away in a week, after he had had it all those years-(? 13).

Then, typhoid carriers… we know that typhoid may continue to exist in persons who have had typhoid, as one of Hahnemann’s chronic parasitic diseases.

I remember in students’ days that there was some excitement over a case, where the typhoid organism was found in pus from a compound fracture where the bone failed to unite-the patient have had typhoid years before.

And Dr. Kellner tells me of a similar case he saw in the London Hospital. A man about 40 years old had had typhoid in Russia in 1914. He remained well till 1928, when he was admitted with a cold abscess of breast-bone. Pathological examination showed virulent typhoid organisms in the pus.

Diphtheria carriers, too, can prove very trying I am told that Diphtherinum may not only protect from infection, but also clear the throats of these carriers.

Tuberculosis, also, is a parasitic, chronic disease-which Hahnemann classes under his psoric diseases. And tubercle, hereditary certainly, and, probably, acquired, may assume a latent form, and give very little apparent trouble: only that other diseases-acute pneumonias, &c., in such persons, respond promptly and satisfactorily to a dose of Tuberculinum, after hanging fire.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.