The patient having had Aconite for five days, she was put upon Baptisia and Phytolacca on Friday evening. Patient’s tongue was very foul, coated in the centre, strawberry-like round the edges; breath offensive; had aching.
On Saturday the 21st the Baptisia and the Phyto. were continued till I arrived and took charge of the case at 6.15 P.M. and a sister from Mildmay took night duty from this date on.
The record of temperature on Saturday 21st is this-
10 a.m.: T. 104 degree
12 a.m.: T. 103.2 degree
2 p.m. : T. 103.6 degree
5 p.m. : T. 104.4 degree
8 p.m. : T. 104.4 degree
After going over the already given history of the case and its course, and seeing that Aconite and Baptisia had done no good, and after a due examination of the patient, it was very clear that we had to do with a case of gastric fever of the gravest kind.
Had Rademacher or Kissel, Guttceit or Rapp been living and practising in the neighbourhood, I think it likely, highly probable, that they would have known the right remedy corresponding to the epidemic genius of the disease. But I had no means of knowing what that genius was, or its corresponding remedy; and with a nearly constant temperature rising to almost 105 degrees Fahrenheit, there was no time to be lost, the less so as the temperature had been slowly and steadily rising for days.
Beginning at 9 P.M. on Saturday the 21st, five drops of Pyrogenium 6 was given every two hours.
Diet ordered was: beef-tea, chicken-tea, water, juice of apples, and grapes. Also cold water compress to abdomen, to be renewed every four hours.
In view of the very great importance of the question under consideration, viz., the efficacy or non-efficacy of this powerful agent in true typhoid-in the treatment, of which all therapeutists to date have had to sing so small-I propose to give the day-book kept at the time in the sick-room verbatim.
Sunday, 22nd.
1 a.m. Pyrogen 6.
2 a.m. ” T. 104 degree.
4 a.m. Medicine.
6 a.m. Medicine.
8 a.m. T. 103.6 degree; beef-tea, 1 I/2 oz.
8.40 a.m. Medicine.
10.40 a.m. Medicine.
11.10 a.m. Apple water.
12 a.m. T. 104.4 degree; beef-tea.
12.40 p.m Medicine.
1.25 p.m. T. 104 degree; sponged; apple water.
1.50 ” Chicken-tea, 1 I/2 oz.
2.35 ” Medicine; compress.
3 ” Passed water.
Slept I/4 hour; delirious.
3.50 ” Beef-tea, 1 I/2 oz.
4.35 ” T. 104.4 degree; medicine.
5.45 ” Chicken-tea.
6.30 ” Medicine.
8.30 ” T. 103.4 degree.
9.15 P.M. Chicken-tea; compress.
9.45 ” T. 104 degree.
10 ” Medicine.
11 ” Apple water.
Very restless, washing to get out of bed.
12 ” Medicine.
Asks to have her mouth wiped out with vinegar and water constantly, “it feels so slimy.” Head aching. Has rags constantly on forehead and face sponged with Eau-de Cologne and water. At her request washed her feet.
Monday, 23rd.
1.30 A.M. Chicken-tea; passed water.
2 ” Medicine; less restless. Slept I/2 hour
4.15 ” Medicine.
4.45 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
6.15 ” Medicine; passed water.
8 ” T. 101. degree.
8.10 ” Medicine.
9.40 ” Beef-tea and Murdock’s food, 2 oz.
10.30 ” Medicine.
12 ” T. 102.4 degree; chicken-tea, 2 oz.
12.40 P.M. Medicine.
2.15 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 1 I/2 oz.
2.35 ” T. 103 degree.
2.55 P.M. Medicine; passed water.
4 ” T. 103 degree.
4.20 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
4.55 ” Medicine.
5.30 ” Passed water.
6.25 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.
7.15 ” Medicine.
8 ” T. 101.6 degree.
Slept 20 minutes.
9.30 ” Medicine.
10 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
11.30 ” Medicine.
12 ” T. 100.8 degree.
Passed a good deal of water; character changed; very high colour, but less thick on standing.
Tuesday, 24th.
1.45 A.M. Medicine; passed water.
Slept I/2 hour.
2.15 ” Slept 20 minutes.
3.15 ” Chicken-tea; slept 45 minutes.
4 ” Medicine.
Slept 45 minutes.
6 ” Medicine; passed water.
6.30 ” Chicken-tea.
8 ” T. 98.2 degree.
8.10 ” Beef-tea, 2 oz.
9 ” Medicine.
10.15 A.M. Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.
12 T. 100 degree.
12.15 P.M. Medicine.
1 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
2 ” T. 101 degree.
3.30 ” Medicine; passed water.
4 ” T. 102.4 degree.
4.10 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.
6.30 ” T. 100.8 degree.
7 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
7.30 ” Medicine.
8 ” T. 100 degree.
9.15 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 2 oz.
11.10 ” Medicine.
Slight action of bowels, full of bile.
Passed water.
Medicine to be taken every 4 hours instead of every 2 hours. Says she has no headache now.
Wednesday, 25th.
1 A.M. Chicken-tea, 2 oz.; slept 1 I/4 hours.
3.25 ” Medicine; slept 2 hours.
4 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
Slept an hour and a half.
7.20 ” Medicine.
7.45 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 2 oz.
8 ” T. 99.8 degree.
10.45 A.M. Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
11.15 ” Medicine.
12 T. 99.6 degree.
1 P.M. Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.
1.15 ” T. 98.6 degree; passed water.
3.15 ” Medicine.
3.45 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz. Very thirsty.
4 ” T. 100.8 degree.
5 ” T. 101 degree.
6.15 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz; passed water.
7 ” Medicine (New Pyrogenium, No. 12).
8 ” T. 100.8 degree.
Slept off and on.
10.55 ” Medicine.
11.30 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
12 ” T. 99.4 degree.
Pyrogenium, No. 12, to be given every three hours in five-drop doses. Asks constantly for claret cup.
A juicy plum. Drank a great deal of water,
lemon water, and apple water.
Thursday, 26th.
2 A.M. Medicine. Slept.
4 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.; passed water.
5 ” Medicine.
6 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
6.50 A.M. T. 99.4 degree.
8.20 ” Medicine.
8.20 ” T. 97.2 degree.
8.50 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.
9 ” T. 98.2 degree.
10.50 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
11.20 ” Medicine.
Asleep I/2 hour.
12.30 P.M. T. 99.4 degree.
12.50 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.
2.25 ” Medicine; passed water.
2.50 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
4 ” T. 101 degree; little chicken and rice.
5.25 ” Medicine.
6 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 2 oz.; bread and butter.
8 ” T. 100 degree; chicken-tea, 2 oz.
8.50 ” Medicine.
Slept 2 I/2 hours.
12 ” Medicine.
Craving for bread and butter. Has ceased to use the Eau-de-Cologne and rags to her forehead, and sponging face and hands-hither-to she used them constantly.
A smaller quantity of water passed.
Friday 27th.
12.30 A.M. Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
Slept 2 hours and 1 I/2 hours.
5 A.M. Medicine.
5.30 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
7.15 ” T. 98 degree.
8.10 ” Medicine; passed water.
8.30 ” T. 97.4 degree.
8.45 ” Beef-tea and Murdock; bread and butter.
10.15 ” T. 97.4 degree.
11 ” Brandy, raw egg, and milk in all, 2 oz.
11.30 ” Medicine.
12 T. 99.8 degree.
1 P.M. 99.4; chicken-tea, 2 oz; bread and butter. Slept.
3.15 ” Beef-tea and Murdock.
4 ” T. 100.4 degree; passed water.
5 ” T. 100.4 degree.
6 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
7 ” Medicine and compress.
7.40 ” Beef-tea and Murdock.
8 ” T. 99.8.
11.15 ” Medicine.
Telegram from Dr. Burnett to take off compress and discontinue medicine till he arrives at 6.15 P.M.
No thirst to-day, has not once asked for a drink.
Saturday, 28th.
12.5 A.M. Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
Slept 4 hours.
4.35 A.M. Medicine.
5.5 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
7.30 ” Medicine.
7.50 ” T. 98.4 degree; compress.
8 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 3 oz.; bread and butter.
8.15 ” T.97.4 degree.
10.30 ” T. 97.4 degree; medicine; passed water.
11.30 ” Beef-tea and Murdock; bread and butter, 3 oz.
12 T. 97.2 degree.
1.30 P.M. Medicine.
1.45 ” T. 97.8 degree.
2 ” Brandy, raw egg, and milk, 1 I/2 oz.
3.30 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
4 ” T. 98.4 degree.
5 ” T. 98.6 degree; grapes; bread and butter.
5.30 ” Passed water.
5.40 ” Beef-tea, Murdock, bread and butter, 3 oz.
6.30 ” T. 99 degree; medicine; compress.
8.30 ” T. 98.4 degree; chicken-tea, 2 oz.
Sunday, March 1st.
12.30 A.M. Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
3.10 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
6.45 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
8 ” T. 97.2 degree.
8-15 ” Egg, brandy, and bread and butter, 1 I/2 oz.
9.30 A.M. T. 96.6 degree.
10.10 ” Beef-tea, Murdock 4 oz.; bread and water passed water.
11 ” T. 96.8 degree.
12 ” T. 96.8 degree; chicken-tea, 2 oz.; chicken sandwich; water, 2 oz. 1.30 P.M. T. 97 degree; came out in a rash on the left arm from the shoulder to the wrist.
2 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 4 oz.; bread and butter; water, 2 oz.
4 ” T. 97.6 degree; chicken-tea, 2 oz.; chicken sandwich; water, 2 oz.
5 ” T. 98 degree.
6 ” An apple.
6.45 ” T. 97.8 degree; beef-tea and MUrdock, 4 oz.; bread and butter; water, 2 oz.
7 ” Passed water, natural in colour.
7.30 ” T. 97.6 degree; egg, brandy, and milk, 2 oz.
Sunday-Slept all last night; gave chicken-tea twice without rousing her. Urine high coloured and quantity much less. Urine passed at 7 o’clock, a pale natural colour. Asked if she might get up tomorrow as she feels quite well.
Passed 20 oz. urine.
Monday March 2nd.
12.15 A.M. Has slept since 8 o’clock.
1 ” Beef-tea, 2 oz.
6 A.M. Beef-tea, 2 oz.
7 ” T. 96.4 degree.
7.10 ” Egg, brandy, and milk, 2 oz.
8 ” T. 97.2 degree.
9.10 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 4 oz.; bread and butter.
10 ” T. 96.6 degree; passed water.
11.30 ” Chicken-tea, 4 oz.; bread and butter.
12 T. 97 degree.
Slept 2 I/2 hours.
3 P.M. T. 97.4 degree; beef-tea and Murdock, 4 oz.; bread and butter.
3.30 ” Medicine, Hydrastis 0 2 drops.
4 ” T. 97.2 degree.
5.30 ” Chicken-tea, 4 oz; chicken sandwiches.
6 ” T. 97 degree; medicine.
7 ” T. 97.4 degree.
7.30 ” Egg, brandy, and milk, 2 oz.
8 ” T. 96.2 degree medicine passed water.
Began Hydrastis 0 2 drops doses. Urine clear. At 8 o’ clock complained of being very tired, and asked to go back to her bed.
Tuesday, 3rd.
1 A.M. Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
5 ” Chicken-tea, 2 oz.
7 ” Medicine.
8 ” Beef-tea and Murdock, 4 oz.; bread and butter and apple.