When is Ailanthus indicated in Scar;let fever?
When the patient lies in a stupor; rash is imperfect, dark and purplish; swollen throat and infiltration of the cellular tissue about the neck; excoriating nasal discharge; drowsiness nd prostration; thin, bloody, offensive stools.
What indicate Belladonna in Scarlet fever?
Smooth, bright rd rash, the cerebral irritation, the sore throat, the strawberry tongue and the swelling of the glands.
What of the prophylactic power of Belladonna?
Hahnemann discovered that Belladonna was a prophylactic in scarlet fever, and it is certainly been verified clinically.
When should Bryonia be given?
When the rash suddenly disappears and alarming symptoms occurs such as a typhoid tendency. Also when the rash appears slowly.
When should Rhus be given in Scarlet fever?
When the child is drowsy, restless, and a red and smooth tongue, oedematous fauces and enlarged glands;eruption does not come out and is military; great depression and weakness.
How does Ailanthus compare there?
The rash is dark-bluish, the throat is swollen, there is an acrid nasal discharge and the child is drowsy and stupid.
When is Zincum indicated in Scarlatina and other eruptive diseases?
When the patient is very weak, too weak in fact to develop an eruption, and as a result there are often brain symptoms, such as meningitis, with sharp pains through the head.
Give symptoms of Lachesis in Scarlet fever.
When the ash is slowly and imperfectly developed, dark and accompanied with diphtheritic deposits; pulse weak, surface dark, and perhaps hemorrhages
Give indications for Apis is Scarlatina.
The fever is high, no thirst, blisters on border of tongue; patient is puffy and drowsy; urine scanty; skin prickly; restlessness and nervous agitation.
What are the symptoms calling of Muriatic acid?
In malignant cases with ulceration of the throat, acrid discharges from the nose, eruption faint and livid, flushed cheeks, fetid breath.