In what disease is Hellebores most often called for and what are the indications?
Hydrocephalus; in stage of effusion; with signs of depression; stupor and unconsciousness pupils sluggish; forehead corrugated, automatic action of one arm or one leg; the face flushes and pale; drinks greedily from nervousness; child suddenly screams out and bores its head into the pillow; the head is hot and the eyeballs are distorted; motion of jaws as if chewing.
Give indications for Apis in this affection.
Child bores its head backwards into the pillow, rolls it from side to side, rouses from sleep with a shrill, piercing cry; on side of the body may be convulsed or paralyzed; thee is strabismus and the urine is scanty.
How does Apocynum compare here?
It is suitable to more advanced cases the had is large, the fontanelles are wide open; it lacks the cephalic cry of Apis.
When should we choose Digitalis in Hydrocephalus?
When the urine is scanty and albuminous, and when the pulse is also; perhaps cold sweat on surface of body.
When should sulphur be given?
When Apis fails and when general Sulphur symptoms are present; the child is in a stupor; cold wet; jerking of the limbs, suppose urine; child wants to lie with its head allow; cries out in sleep as if frightened; face red and pupils dilated.