What are the indications for aloes in Hemorrhoids?
They protrude like a bunch of grapes after each stool, and are relieved by the application of cold water and aggravated by motion
How does Aloes compare with Collinsonia in Hemorrhoids?
Collinsonia most always gas constipation and Aloes diarrhoea.
What is our principal use of Aesculus?
Abdominal plethora throbbing deep in the abdomen. Hemorrhoids accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the rectum and through little sticks, splinters or burrs were sticking in. the mucous membrane. They are purple in color and and accompanied by backache. Feeling of fullness in the rectum as if it would protrude. Bowels loose.
What drug has a symptom that the Rectum seems as if full of pounded glass?
Ratanhia; another symptoms of this drug is that the anus aches and burns for hours after stools.
What are the Haemorrhoids of Collinsonia?
Where there is a sensation of sticks in the rectum; constipation, with prolapsus uteri and haemorrhoids.
What are the Hemorrhoids symptoms of Nux?
Itching hemorrhoids which keep the patient awake; bleeding piles, with ineffectual urging to stool.
Give Haemorrhoidal symptoms of Hamamelis.
Soreness in the great keynote. There is also much backache and haemorrhage.
What are the indication s for Sulphur?
When the haemorrhoidal flow becomes suppressed and reflex troubles arise.
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