Give in brief the indications from Aconite in Fevers. Sthenic Fevers, with chilliness on he slightest movement; dry heat of skin, thirst, red cheeks, quickened respiration; full, bounding, rapid, tense pulse, with mental anxiety and aggravation towards evening. Every motion makes the patient chilly, but he is at the same time very restless from the mental anxiety.
When does Aconite cease to be of use?
In the second stage of inflammation; when it has localized itself.
How does Aconite differ from Veratrum viride in Fevers?
Veratrum viride has more arterial excitement and less nervous excitement than Aconite, and a characteristic of Veratrum viride is a bright a red streak through the centre of the tongue.
When is Belladonna indicated in Fever?
When there ar symptoms of delirium and cerebral excitement present, and a pungent heat of the skin.
The fevers of Gelsemium, what characterizes them?
Three D’s: Drowsiness, Dullness and Dizziness; soreness of muscles and absence of thirst; great prostration and remission of symptoms.
What is fever of Pulsatilla?
Chilliness predominates; fever without thirst, with oppression and sleepiness; worse about two or three in the afternoon.
Give four characteristics of Phosphorus in fever.
1. The dynamic, low type of fever.
2. The lack of thirst.
3. The periodicity-4 or 5 in the afternoon.
4. the sleepiness which accompanies.
How can Aconite, Apis and Gelsemium be differentiated in fevers in general?
Aconite typifies the synochal fever. Gelsemium typifies remittent or intermittent. Apis typifies intermittent or typhoid.
Mention some remedies having fever without thirst.
Apis, Phos, Puls, China and Gelsem.
What of the simple fever calling for Arsenicum?
It is fever belonging to intense local disease, to inflammation tending to destruction of tissue. Three is anxiety, fear of death and restlessness.
When should Sulphur follow Aconite in fever?
When despite Aconite the dry heat continues; there is no perspiration; the patient become drowsy and restlessness and tends to fall into a typhoid state from continuation of this heat.
Give fever of Bryonia.
Hard, tense pulse, intense headache, mouth dry, tongue coated white down middle; patient avoids light and motion. Thirst for large quantities of water long internals.