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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Diphtheria in an easy question-answer format. …

Give the symptoms calling for Apis in Diphtheria.

Great oedema of the throat; stinging pains; elongated, swollen and oedematous uvula and tonsils; breathing is difficulty from swelling of the throat and tongue; the throat has a red, varnished appearance.

When would Arsenicum be indicated in Diphtheria?

Where the is a dynamic fever, fetid breath, and the membrane looks dark and gangrenous, where the pulse is rapid and weak; the patient restless ad prostrated, with throat swollen both externally and internally, and the membrane has a dark and wrinkled appearance, and where there is considerable oedema about the throat.

Give four indications for the use of Kali bichromicum in Diphtheria.

1. Yellow-coated or dry, red tongue.

2. In the later stage, when the line of demarcation has formed and the slough has commenced to separate.

3. Tough, tenacious exudation.

4. Pain extending to neck and shoulders.

Give indications for Kali permanganicum in Diphtheria.

Throat swollen inside and outside; the membrane is horribly offensive; throat oedematous,. thin discharge from nose; fetor is the characteristic.

What are the indications for Lac caninum in Diphtheria?

Where the membrane forms on one side and goes to the other, or is constantly changing side;the membrane is mother-of-pearl like.

What are the indications for Lachesis in Diphtheria?

Great difficulty in swallowing, great fetor and exhaustion, infiltration of tissues about the neck, membrane more on let side. GReat sensitiveness of throat externally. Throat worse from empty swallowing.

Give indications for Mercurius cyanatus in Diphtheria.

Malignant type of diphtheria, with extreme prostration; where the disease invades the nostrils and there is a formation of membrane, which is at fist white, then dark and gangrenous, the breath is fetid, the tongue is coated, and nosebleed is often present.

When are other varieties of Mercury indicated?

Merc. bin. iod. Membrane on left side, yellowish-gray in color. glands of neck swollen. Symptoms worse from empty swallowing.

Mercurius prot. Deposit on right side; glands swollen. Thick, yellow, dirty coating at base of tongue. Much tenacious mucus in throat.

When is Ailanthus the remedy in Diphtheria and when Arum triphyllum?

They both have excoriating discharges from the mouth and nose;they both have swellings of the throat inside and out, but Ailanthus is drowsy, lies in a stupor and is torpid, while Arum has restless tossing about.

What of Alcohol in this diseases?

It tends to counteract the terrible prostration as well as to destroy the diphtheritic growth.

When is Baptisia useful?

When the disease assumes a typhoid type. The mouth is putrid and the membrane dark and gangrenous. The patient can only swallow liquids.

When, if ever, should Bromine be given?

In the laryngeal form, with much rattling in the larynx; of most use in the croupoid form.

What are the indications for Lycopodium?

The right side is most affected, and the disease travels towards the left. The nose is stuffed up constant desire to swallow, with stinging pains patient is worse from 4 to 8 P.M.

When is Muriatic acid indicated in Diphtheria?

Malignant cases with intense prostration; breath fetid; uvula oedematous. discharges very excoriating.

When is Nitric acid to be thought of?

When the disease progresses and affects the stomach. Nasal diphtheria. Discharge weary, offensive, excoriating; sensation of splinter in throat, fetid odor, intermittent pulse.

What is the characteristic of Phytolacca?

The muscular aching, the dark red purple look and the aggravation from hot drinks.

Why should not local applications be used in this disease?

Because it is not a local, but a constitutional disease.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.