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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Convulsions in an easy question-answer format. …

What symptoms indicate Belladonna in Convulsions?

Convulsions following emotions; bright red face, hot head; child suddenly becomes rigid, stiffness out; foams at mouth; between them, starting’s from sleep, or deep moaning or crying out.

How does Cina compare?

Pale face, child stiffens out, restless; occurring as a result of irritation from worms or from dentition.

When is Chamomilla the remedy?

Convulsions after any emotion;child is petulant, one c cheek is red the other pale; hot sweat about face and had.

When is Cocculus indicated in Spasms?

When due to irritable weakness, suppressed menses; loss of sleep.

What are the indications for Cuprum?

The fingers are clenched, blueness of face and mouth, and attempts to swallow fluids cause gurgling in throat.

What drug shave Convulsions with fingers spread asunder and extended?

Glonoine and Secale

Give indications for Glonoine in Puerperal Convulsions.

Face bright red and puffed, pulse full; patient froths at mouth, is unconscious;congestive form, accompanied by rush of blood to head.

Give Convulsions of Hydrocyanic acid.

Lighting-like shocks pass through body; drawing at nape of neck; uraemic convulsions when medulla is affected;l blue face, gasping breathing, clutching at heat and prostration.

When is Hyoscyamus indicated?

Sudden startling and twitching of the muscle, s angular movements, frothing at mouth, wild look, biting of the tongue. Hunger before attacks.

How is Stramonium distinguished?

But it swollen, turgid face; by the renewal of the spasms by light, and the spasmodic actions are more graceful than angular.

Give symptoms calling for Ignatia.

Spasms brought on by emotion, as in children after punishment; twitching of muscles child stiffens out.

How does Veratrum compare?

Also from emotions, but the face is cold and blue, and cold sweat covers the forehead.

What drug has Convulsions in children from over-indulgence in rich foot?


CORYZA (See Colds and Catarrh).

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.