
Name some so-called psoric symptoms.

Various forms of skin diseases appearing periodically; itching; small pimples, especially near the wrist; cracks in the skin; irregular or unusually protracted course of acute illness.

Mention some sycotic symptoms.

Great muscular debility; morbid fears; rheumatic affections; distorted fingers nails; dry condition of the hair, as if burnt; warts, etc.

What are pharmacology and pharmacodynamics?

Pharmacology is that divison of Materia Medica which treats of the action of drugs upon the living body, and pharmacodynamics is the division of pharmacology which considers the effects and uses of medicines.

Why is Homoeopathy superior to practice according to some pathological theory?

Because ideas on pathology are constantly changing, this leads to an unstable and changing system of therapeutics.

What is meant by the physiological action of drugs?

It is the actual effect produced upon the healthy organism as a result of their administration.

What is meant by a physiological dose?

A dose large enough to produce symptoms.

Give examples of drugs prescribed according to the physiological method.

Laxatives given for constipation, astringents for diarrhoea, antipyretics for fever, and carminatives for flatulence, are examples of this kind.

Why is Homoeopathy superior to this method?

Homoeopathy prescribes for the patient as a whole and not for certain isolated symptoms, thereby striking at the root of diseases.

Give an example of the physiological method of prescribing in typhoid fever?

The high temperature is brought down by antipyretics; the delirium is met by sedatives or soporifics; the diarrhoea is checked by astringents and opiates; the debility is met by “tonics.” The alimentary canal is flushed with bactericides. If the heart’s action be weak cardiac stimulants are prescribed, and so on symptom by symptom and infinitum.

Compare this with the homoeopathic method of prescribing for the same disease.

The homoeopathic physician prescribes for the patient plus the disease. He takes into consideration the entire diseased picture as represented by the symptoms of fever, delirium, diarrhoea, debility, cardiac weakness and all other symptoms even to the pathological condition of Peyer’s patches and all slight and even apparently insignificant symptoms peculiar to the individual; then, guided by the therapeutic law and his knowledge of drug action, the remedy is selected which corresponds to the totality of the symptoms and a cure is effected in the speediest possible manner.

Mention some of the advantages of Homoeopathy over allopathy.

1. It cures disease in the safest, quickest and pleasantest manner.

2. Dangerous drugging and debilitating measures are no part of it.

3. Expensive druggist’s bills and the uncertain elements of prescription filling are avoided.

4. Diseases beyond the reach of allopathic medication are cured by Homoeopathy.

5. The knife and other surgical measures are rendered less often necessary, and surgical cases treated homoeopathically have superior chances of well doing.

6. The development of diseases and malignant growths is prevented in their incipiency.

7. Relapses are prevented, as it removes the tendency to disease.

8. Drug diseases are avoided.

What are some of the imitations, caricatures and offshoots of Homoeopathy?

The use of parvules, granules, dosimetric tablets, electro- homoeopathic remedies. The modern serum therapy has for its genesis the law of similars. The so-called “combination tablets” belong to the same class and are foreign to Homoeopathy.

Why are combination tablets non-homoeopathic?

Because, being composed of two or more drugs whose combination has never been proved, they cannot be applied homoeopathically. Further, no two drugs combined in this way can ever be indicated at the same time.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.