

Umbilicus and Sides. Tearing about the umbilicus, as after eating green fruit, or as after taking cold (second day). Cutting pain about the umbilicus, at 7 P.M. (second day). Pressive pain about the navel, on stopping (first day). Burning and griping about the navel, which extends into the small back (first day). Burning about the navel, into the small back and changed to a sticking pain. Burning about the navel while urinating. Pressure outward in the flanks (third day). Cutting pain extending from the flank into the abdomen (fourth day). Stitches in the right flank, aggravated by deep breathing; this pain afterwards extends to the pit of the stomach (first day). Very acute pain in the left flank, aggravated by deep breathing, not effected by coughing (first day). Sticking in the left flank, extending towards the middle of the abdomen (third day). Dull short stitches in both flanks (first day). General Abdomen. Tympanitic distension of the abdomen (fourth day). Tense distension of the abdomen after dinner (third day). Circumscribed distension of the abdomen (first day). Distension of the abdomen (first day). Distension of the abdomen, with painful pressing down towards the anus, as from flatulence (after an hour). Fullness and distension of the upper abdomen, in the afternoon, with tightness of breath on ascending steps (first day). Much movement of flatus in the abdomen (second day). Profuse emission of flatus (first night). Frequent emission of flatus with general relief (first day). Frequent emission of most offensive flatus, preceded by rumbling in the abdomen, with faintness and sensitiveness; during the emission of flatus there escapes a little watery faces (frequently repeated), (first day). Great accumulation of flatus in bowels (second day). Very frequent emission of extremely offensive flatus (fourth day). Emission of flatus, accompanied by moisture in the anus (second day). Emission of a large amount of exceedingly offensive flatus, with escape of thin faeces (second day). Accumulation of gas in the bowels and much noise in the abdomen (second day). Constant movements of the abdomen, as in diarrhoea, with emission of much offensive flatus, at times a somewhat pasty stool (second day). Much rumbling in the bowels, with profuse emission of the flatus. Constant rumbling gurgling in the abdomen, at times a accompanied with slight griping (second day). Fullness and Heaviness in the abdomen, causing an inclination to take a deep breath (first day). Colic, as from a purge, or as after taking cold, followed by pressure upon the rectum as though he should go to stool (second day). Spasmodic labor like drawing pains from the abdomen into the small back, as if the menses would come on (first day). Drawing pain in the abdomen to touch, especially about the navel (first day). Sensitiveness and a bruised pain in the upper abdomen (second day). Pain in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus, with frequent emission of flatus followed by great relief (first day). Dragging and pressure as if the menses would come on (sixth day after menstruation), (first day). Pressing pain in the groins (first day).


Pressure upon the rectum, which seems to force out the anus (third day). Frequent urging pressure in the rectum, obliging her to go to stool, followed by emission of only flatus, and constant tenesmus, so that she did not rise from stool for a long time (third day ). Dragging, as from a weight, in the rectum (second day). Stitches in the rectum, extending in a long line down towards the anus (second day). Sudden and urgent desire for stool while urinating, so that he could scarcely reach the closet, through previously he had no inclination thereto, in the evening (second day). Urgent desire for stool, and evacuation of a large quantity of very offensive mushy faeces, preceded by rumbling and emission of flatus (second day). Urgent desire for stool, with diarrhoea-like evacuation, followed by movement in the abdomen as after a purge; during the course of the forenoon, there were two pasty stools with urgent desire; frequent rumbling and gurgling in the intestines (second day). Repeated ineffectual desire for stool (soon, third day). Renewed desire for stool soon after an evacuation, which was accomplished only gradually and not without difficulty (third day). Fruitless efforts at stools (first day). Frequent desire for stool, with repeated but scanty and pasty evacuation. Absence of the usual desire for the morning stool (second day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, preceded by much movement of flatus in the abdomen (third day). Stool unusually early in the morning, it was softer than usual;this was followed after an hour by a second papescent stool, preceded by pressure in the rectum, and followed by slight tenesmus (second day). Stool mushy, unsatisfactory, after breakfast, followed after half an hour by renewed inclination, which disappeared after a difficult evacuation of flatus and eructation (third day). A second pasty and scanty evacuation two hours after the first (third day). Pasty stool, preceded by diarrhoea like pain in the abdomen (third day). Stool unusually early, scanty, consisting almost only of very offensive water, accomplished by pressure (second day). Scanty pasty evacuation of the bowels, which though there had been a stool the evening previous, was seated low down in the rectum (second day). Stool delayed, the first part hard, the latter soft and thin (second day).

Urinary organs

Bladder and Urethra. Constant, almost painful pressure in the bladder and urethra, obliging constant micturition;the evacuation of only a little dark orange-yellow urine;the evacuation of which caused a pain, at times when urinating and when not there was a sensation as if a sharp body were sticking in the urethra. Dragging and forcing in the urethra. Broad stitches in the middle of the urethra, at intervals. Sudden piercing stitches through the urethra, especially towards the root of the penis (second day), Micturition and Urine. Frequent and profuse micturition (first day). Micturition very early in the morning, with delayed evacuation and swollen feeling of the urethra;this was followed by three evacuation of considerable urine, at short intervals, the evacuation was gradual, and only after waiting a long time (third day). Micturition more infrequent than in health;the urine passed in small quantity, and micturition was followed by a swollen sensation in the urethra; the pressure to urinate remained for a short time after a complete evacuation (third day). Wetting the bed (second day). Frequent copious evacuation of pale, odorless urine, in the forenoon (second day). Enuresis twice towards morning, while in a stupid slumber (first night). The urine seemed more copious, and was evacuated more frequently than usual during the forepart of the proving. Evacuation of urine delayed, with a feeling as if the whole course of the urethra were swollen (second day). Frequent emission of clear urine, in a larger amount than usual (third day). Pale and watery urine was frequently and copiously passed, during the forenoon. Discharge of scanty dark brownish-red urine, of penetrating odor, associated with soreness of the urethra (fourth day). Much slimy sediment in the urine (second day). While urinating the child cried, since the urine made the external genitals sore on account of the eruption (second day).

Respiratory organs

Tickling, scraping irritation, provoking slight cough, especially in the left side of the larynx (second day). Fine sticking in the larynx, aggravated by talking (while walking in the street). Hoarseness. Voice rough and hoarse (soon). Slight hacking cough. Tightness of breath (third day). Sighing (second day). Frequent sighing (first day).


Oppression of the chest, with pressure upon it (second day). Feeling of weakness in the whole of the chest, as after a fatiguing march, with acute pressure and punching under the sternum. Thrust, as from a dull stitch, extending from the thorax to the back (second day). Bruised pain and swelling at the union of the left clavicle with the sternum (third day). Tearing from the left pectoralis major to the axilla and along the upper arm, with heaviness and sensation of paralysis of the arm, while in bed (third night),.

Back and neck

Tearing from the nape of the neck down to the top of the right shoulder (soon). Stitches in the back (soon). Sticking drawing and sensation of increased warmth in the right side of the back, between the region of the liver and kidneys (first day). Dull sticking and drawing between the shoulder (third day). Dull and firmly seated sticking in the right side, between the flank and lumbar region, near the spine (first day). Sensation of heaviness in the sacral and dorsal regions (third day).


Trembling of the limbs (third day),; (first day). General lassitude and weariness of the limbs, with increased warmth of the body, in the afternoon. Weakness and prostration of the limbs (first day). Weariness of the limbs (third day),; (first day). Great weariness of the limbs, at 10 P.M. (second day). Prostration and weariness of the limbs, she could scarcely raise the hands on account of weakness (first day). The limbs feel painfully bruised (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.