Sexual Organs

Male. Painful erections in the morning, without sexual desire (fifth day). Drawing, beating, sticking, intermittent pain in then penis, towards the tip (after six hours). Slow undulating motion in the testicles all day; sometimes a fine tingling, extending from the thighs to the testicles, after which the undulation commences again and is more violent (first an following days). Intermittent bruised pain in the left testicle, towards evening (after ten hours). Insensible to sexual excitement; he is even nauseated by amorous caresses (first and following days). Almost no sexual desire for five days; afterwards (secondary action) it is increased; he can scarcely rid himself of voluptuous thoughts, though the penis remains relaxed (fifth, sixth, and seventh days). Female. The menses appear one day late, more profusely than usual, and flow one day longer than usual; three or four days before they appeared she felt a painful bearing down, as if they would come on. Decrease of the menses, which had just begun; they reappear irregularly and more or less profusely.

Respiratory Organs

Wheezing in the larynx, during inspiration in the recumbent posture. Hoarseness. Violent cough (immediately). Nightly dry cough, which leaves him no rest; he feels hot and sweat. Short dry cough, produced by a scraping in the throat. A few light paroxysms of short cough, with lachrymation. (The breathing is easier than usual) (in a person who generally suffered with shortness of breath); (curative action). Shortness of breath all day (first day). Short difficult breathing, especially in the afternoon. Sudden oppression of breathing, in the pit of the stomach, with anxiety.


Great oppression of the chest; he imagines that he will fall, accompanied with anguish about the heart, continuing a full half hour. Oppression with anguish about the heart, continuing a full half hour. Oppression of the chest when sitting or lying down, as if a heavy stone were lying upon the chest. Oppression of the chest (after seven hours). Strong painful pressure in the middle of the chest. (His chest feels free and easy; he feels well all over), (after four days), (curative action). Severe fine stitches above the xiphoid cartilage (after half an hour).

Pain from the right shoulder into the chest, as if the circulation of the blood were arrested by a tight bandage; the pain is not relieved by opening the dress; it lasts almost uninterruptedly all day; increased by cold and in the open air; sometimes the pain is felt in the left shoulder (after three hours). Sticking in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs (fourth, sixth, and seventh days). Sticking in the forepart of the middle of right side of the chest, during inspiration and when coughing; he is waked by the pain several times in the night; he is unable to lie on that side, has to lie on the back; has cough, with expectoration, frequently returning, at night. Prickings externally in the right side of the chest, during expiration (after three hours and a half). Pricking borings from within outward in the right side of the chest, during expiration (when sitting), and disappearing soon during slight motion (after seven hours).

Burning in the right side of the chest, as if he had swallowed hot water. Burning pain in the left side of the chest (after five hours and a half). Sticking in the left side, at first more in the upper, then in the lower part, in the region of the short ribs; worse when coughing and taking a deep inspiration (after half an hour). Stitches in the left side of the chest (second day).

Heart and Pulse

Great precordial anxiety, with tossing about and groaning. Warm sensation in the precordia (after one hour). Pinching stitch behind the heart, towards the left side, deep seated; worse during inspiration (after six hours). Palpitation of the heart, and sensation as if all the arteries of the body were beating. Pulse irregular. Small spasmodic pulse and coldness of the limbs.

Back and Neck

Pain in the nape of the neck when moving it (after twelve hours). Bruised pain in the spine when sitting. Simple pain in the whole of the back, as from weariness, more intense, however, going and coming at short intervals, for some time in the forenoon an afternoon; it comes on while walking; movement avails nothing, but it is relieved when he sits down, make his back hollow, and leans firmly against anything (first day). Burning-tingling stinging sensation between the scapulae.

Stitches in rapid succession in the right side of the back (after four hours). Violent pain in the small of the back, in the region of the left sacro-illiac symphysis, when bending double.

Pain in the small of the back, with chilliness. Pain in the upper border of the os ilium, not far from the superior spinous process, relieved by walked about and pressing upon it, aggravated by sitting (after one hour).


Tremulous sensation and trembling in the upper and lower limbs (after one to two hours). Great weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, especially the joints. Weariness in the limbs, especially the feet; she frequently lets her arms hang down, as if they had no strength; this commences after to hours an lasts some time. Paralytic weariness in all the limbs, late in the evening (first day). Continuous heaviness in the limbs, obliging one to lie down, all day, but especially in the latter hours of the forenoon and towards evening, for five days.

His limbs, especially the knees, feel bruised, also when sitting. Pain in the limbs, especially in the lower extremities; a peculiar painful drawing in the middle of the bone, that caused him to stretch out the limbs; better during rest; heaviness and stiffness on every motion; lasting several days, especially affecting the joints. Painful drawing in all the limbs; heaviness of the feet, so that walking was difficult. Drawing through all the limbs, and sensation as if one were paralyzed (third day). Cracking in the joints during motion.

Crawling in all the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Tosses the right arm upward with a sudden and painful jerk.

Convulsions of the arms. Stretching of the arms. Trembling of the arms and hands. Aching in the muscles of the upper arm when moving the arm (after fifteen hours). Intermittent pinching in the flesh in the middle of the inner side of the right upper arm (after eleven hours). Stitches in the muscles of the left upper arm during rest (after two hours). Elbow. Aching pain below the elbow-joint when bending the arm (after fourteen hours). Painful drawing in the right elbow-joint. Spasmodic jerking in the elbow. Forearm. Aching pain in the muscles of the right forearm, near the wrist, only during motion (after two hours). Jerking pain on the inner side of the forearm, more towards the hands (after six hours). Stitches in the muscles of the left forearm from within outward, disappearing on the slightest motion (after one hour and a half to nine hours and a half). Wrist. The right wrist is almost painfully affected constantly, but most during motion. Hand. The hands are very dry during the whole proving. Great dryness of the hands. Violent trembling of the left hand, as after apoplexy, when writing or holding anything (after two hours). Trembling of the right hand when writing, as from the weakness of old age (after three-quarters of an hours). Sudden cramp in the right hand; he is unable to grasp anything (after two hours). Cramp in the right hand, especially in the fingers, and so violent that the hand becomes quite stiff, and the fingers are quite crooked, during which nothing could be held. Stitches in the right hand (thirty day). Beating tearing in the middle of the left hand internally, on the side of the little finger (after three hours). Fingers. Furious pain in the fingers and toes, awaking him from sleep and obliging him to scratch, which causes a violent burning, for an hour (fifth day). Painful jerking darting in the right thumb, aggravated by grasping it.

Paralytic drawing painful rigidity in the thumb, towards the index finger, when writing (after ten hours and a half). Aching pain in the left index finger, disappearing on motion (after twelve hours). Cramp like painless contraction of the left little and ring finger, during rest (after fourteen hours). Sticking in the right index finger. Tearing in the left middle finger (second day). Fine burning stitches in the tips of the left fingers, afterwards glowing heat, the other parts of the hands being quite cold (after eight hours). Transient itching tearing in the left ring finger (after one hour). Beating pain in the right middle finger, as if in the bone (after two hours).

Lower Limbs

Staggering motion the first days, afterwards he performs his movements with more grace than ever. Weariness in the legs (fifth day). Hip. Aching pain in the left hip when sitting (after fourteen hours). Painful pressure in the right hip-joint, especially sensitive when lying upon it, for eight days (first night). Thigh. Bruised pain in the anterior muscles of the thighs when walking, worse on touch. Drawing pains in the right thigh and leg for eight days. Violent pains in both thighs, as if they had been compressed, abating somewhat while the limbs are stretched, increasing during motion, but abating again by continuing to move, lasting four days (after five days). Intermittent jerking-sticking pain in the inner surface of the right thigh, near the genitals. Stinging sensation in both thighs at the same time. Drawing-stinging pains in both thighs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.