
Bleeding from the nose twice, profusely. Copious, thin, and thickish, whitish, transparent, nasal mucus, sometimes coming out in large lumps, on blowing slightly, without catarrh, for several days; afterwards he has to blow his nose frequently, because it is filled with viscid, yellowish- grayish mucus.

Violent sneezing from time to time, shaking the abdomen; followed by lachrymation (after three hours). Occasional sneezing, accompanied with sticking contractive headache over the eyes and red margins of the eyelids, as in catarrh, which however, dose not make it appearance. Obstruction of one or the other nostril; the air has to be forced out with a snuffing noise, and is drawn in only with great effort, with dull snoring, for several days. Sensitive dryness in the upper part of the nose. Fine whistling in one nostril during inspiration, the other nostril is obstructed (after five hours). Contractive biting sensation in the nose, as from mustard. Itching tingling in the nose.


Redness of the face and hands. Intermittent pressive pain in the inner side of the left cheek, where the teeth touch, unaffected by contact (after ten hours). Sore pain in the median line of the upper lip, early in the morning after waking, as if there were a fine crack, or as if it were drawn together and upward with a fine string; the tension disappears after pressing the lip with the incisors, and there remains only a simple soreness; afterwards it is seen that the epidermis had been torn and had retracted, for several days. Burning of the lips as if they had been scalded. Burning, itching, tingling, and prickling in the upper and lower lip, obliging him to scratch, as if the parts were burned (after half an hour).

Rattling in the articulations of either jaw, as often as he opens his mouth, as if they were quite loose, especially the right; this is neither painful nor disagreeable, in the morning (second day). Drawing in the jaws and teeth. Beating and jerking in the muscles of the left upper jaw (after three hours and a half). The lower jaws, when touched, are painful like swollen glands, for several days.


Teeth. A carious molar tooth becomes more hollow, a fourth part of the tooth breaks off suddenly without pain (after six weeks).

(Cessation of the toothache in the left lower row). Sticking pain in one of the anterior left lower molars, extending towards the ear; lasting a few minutes (after four hours).

Small stitches from above downwards, in the right upper teeth. Sticking pain in the right lower molar, extending into the submaxillary glands (after half an hour). Slight beating and drawing in the teeth, not persistent, generally during a walk. Gums. Frequent painful jerking in the gums, in paroxysms, every day. Tongue. The tongue is thickly coated; mostly whitish-yellowish, especially in the middle and posteriorly, for several days. The tongue is coated white, the tip is bluish, the gums also are bluish (second day). The tongue feels sore and as if full of blisters. The tip of the tongue and the buccal cavity felt sore and scalded. Burning pain through the right side of the tip of the tongue, followed immediately by violent spitting, and a taste as of unripe fruit, for three hours (after four minutes). Immediately after taking the drug, a violent burning in the tip of the tongue, in the throat and abdomen, with violent rumbling in the latter, followed in few minutes by an evacuation mixed with blood, and accompanied with burning of the anus; after this he felt weak and slumbered for about a quarter of an hour; upon waking he felt extremely well and comfortable. Burning of the tip of the tongue, with great soreness of the throat, increased by swallowing saliva, and leaving a burning sensation when drinking, for an hour (immediately). Burning on the tip of the tongue, lasting twenty minutes (after two minutes). Stinging sensation, with disagreeable bitterness and repulsive sweetness in the tip of the tongue, lips, and gums. Pinching dull stitches in the tip of the tongue, more on the right side, intermitting and recurring (after six hours). General Mouth. Hot breath. Burning, crawling, stinging sensation in the palate. Saliva. Accumulation of sweetish saliva in the mouth, which he is constantly obliged to spit (after half an hour). Accumulation of saliva and nausea, with a little retching, for eight minutes (immediately).

(Accumulation of saliva, causing an astringent sensation in the mouth, as from metal). Accumulation of saliva. Taste. Bitterish- sourish taste rising from the oesophagus into the posterior part of the mouth, accompanied by a dull burning in the chest (immediately). Bitter taste in the mouth, from the throat up to the nose, for three hours, disappearing after a meal (immediately). Flat bitter taste in the mouth. Sweet taste in the mouth, as if he had chewed liquorice (after one hour).

Repulsive, burning, sweetish taste in the mouth, aggravated by smoking (which he is in the habit of doing), but disappearing on eating, for three hours. Loss of taste and appetite (after one hour).


He hawks up bright-red blood, coming from the posterior nares.

Mucus in the throat, before breakfast. He is constantly obliged to swallow, with pain in the mouth and behind the larynx, as if something were lodged there, accompanied with scratching roughness; he hawks constantly, especially in the morning, afterwards all day, also when eating; more after eating (third day). Dryness in the throat when swallowing (after two hours).

Dryness in the throat (after one hour). Constrictive sensation deep in the throat, as if the fauces were constricted, as after swallowing an astringent drink. The throat feels as if constricted, as after swallowing an astringent drink. The throat feels as if constricted by a string (third and fourth days). Sore throat when swallowing, for three hours (after a quarter of an hour). Roughness and scraping in the throat, has to hawk all the time (after a quarter of an hour). Scraping in the throat, with accumulation of water in the mouth (immediately). Scraping in the throat; when swallowing he feels as if the uvula were resting upon the tongue; the insipid sensation in the throat obliged him to hawk and raise a sweet flat-tasting mucus. Scraping in the throat, as if one had swallowed something acrid, with dryness of the part where the nose opens into the throat (immediately). Scraping and painful sensation in the throat. Tensive clawing sensation in the parotid gland, with increased secretion of saliva on the same side (after one hour). Sensation in the throat as if a lump were lodged there, which it was necessary to swallow, during and between deglutition, for an hour (after half an hour). Sensation as if a soft body were lodged in the throat, felt especially during deglutition (after one hour). Sticking sensation in the throat, occasioned by tightness and sharp scraping; he has to hawk in order to breathe freely. Sensation as if a vapor were rising in the throat, with bitterness, almost like heartburn (after ten minutes). Burning and pressure in the throat, during empty deglutition, as if a plug were lodged in the throat (after twenty hours). Burning and pressure in the throat, during and between deglutition; the throat seems swollen internally.

The throat feels swollen (after eight hours). Swelling of the uvula. Burning in the fauces, and about the uvula, with pungent taste; he had to spit much, for an hour (after twenty minutes).


Appetite and Thirst. Canine hunger in the evening, after having no appetite all day (first day). He eats his warm breakfast with great haste, and eats much more than usual, for several mornings in succession. Aversion to food, with appetite (first day). No appetite for dinner (after four hours). No appetite, everything he eats tastes of the drug; but as soon as he has swallowed a mouthful the food has again its natural taste, for a quarter of an hour (after three hours). Aversion to food and coffee; he eats, but without appetite. Aversion to food, continuing until the next meal. Aversion to meat. Increased thirst; he has to drink cold water in the morning, contrary to his custom. Thirst, which can be quenched for only a short time.

Desire for cold water, especially towards evening (first day). Thirst after the chilliness. Eructations. Frequent eructations, having a rancid taste, or tasting of the drug (after one hour and a half). Frequent painful eructations, which frequently ascend only as far as the middle of the chest, as if the air passed through the orifice of the stomach, with difficulty; for several days. Eructations. Eructations, partly tasting of the drug, partly having a bitter and pungent taste, for twenty-five minutes (after half an hour). Sore eructations, rarely continuing many days. Empty eructations, with a feeling of shuddering over the body. Hiccough. Hiccough, several times (after one hour). Heartburn. Slight indications of heartburn. A kind of heartburn, a heat rising in the abdomen, extending through the stomach and as far as the mouth, accompanied with considerable ptyalism, the saliva appearing to be as hot as the heat felt in the abdomen, but it is not; for twenty minutes (after two hours). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Nausea and desire to vomit; he constantly spits insipid water (after one hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.