Nausea and gulping up of bitter mucus, leaving a greasy substance behind, as if he had eaten tallow, for a quarter of an hour (after two hours and a half). Nausea, sensation of anxiety, and sensation as if he would vomit, immediately after a meal.

Nausea, relieved somewhat by bitter eructations. Feeling of nausea and pain, with weakness; she feels as if she would sink down, and is obliged to sit down. He feels qualmish and nauseated; he has tasteless eructations, after which the qualmishness ceases. Nausea, while eating, several times. Nausea before dinner, ceasing after dinner. Nausea, with bitter taste on the tongue; the food has a natural taste; for an hour (immediately). Nausea, with retching; there was no vomiting, but a cough came on which increased the retching, for half an hour (immediately). Nausea, with retching, without vomiting, followed by vertigo unto falling, then a pressing headache, continuing for fifteen minutes (after six minutes). Qualmish, uncomfortable, cold sensation in the stomach. Sensation as if the stomach were turning inside out, directly below the pit of the stomach (after half an hour). Constant desire to vomit.

Desire to vomit as soon as she sees cooked food, for three hours (after ten minutes). Frequent vomiting of a clear slimy liquid. Stomach. Increased sensitiveness to touch, in the epigastric region, with a sensation of pressure as from a stone.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach (after half an hour).

Painless warmth in the region of the stomach and liver, internally. Horrid burning in the stomach, immediately after waking; she thought it would come up through the throat; she thought she would suffocate, her it would come up through the throat; she thought she would suffocate, her breathing was oppressed; she thought she felt relieved by compressing the chest, with both her hands, but was not. Corrosive burning pain in the stomach (after three and seven hours). Considerable burning in the stomach and along the chest, as high up as the pit of the throat. Burning in the stomach and along the whole of the oesophagus, continuing ten minutes, and then gradually decreasing (immediately). Burning in the stomach. Burning pains in the stomach, causing cries. Slight burning, immediately after taking the medicine, gradually rising from the stomach to the pharynx, and becoming so violent in half an hour that he called for help, saying that the burning was like that of a glowing coal; it passed off gradually in half an hour. Tightness in the pit of the stomach and in the chest, especially during an inspiration. A peculiar pain, as if a sore spot were pressed upon, below the pit of the stomach, on pressure and during inspiration. Intermitting pinching pressure in the middle of the epigastrium, internally between the pit of the stomach and the vertebrae (after five minutes). Internal, slight digging pain above the pit of the stomach, on the left side; the place is painful when touched, for several days.

Slight pressure in the stomach, with a sensation as if it were bloated, lasting two hours (after one hour). Pain in the stomach and abdomen, as from a stone, with digging in the abdomen.


Hypochondrium. Digging in the right lobe of the liver, extending as far as the left, accompanied with paroxysms of painful drawing in a transverse direction; when pressing upon it a pain as in an old sore; at the same time a similar in the forehead, relieved by pressure. Sensation as if the region of the liver were scraped with the back of knife. Warm feeling in the right hypochondrium, not far from the tip of the stomach (soon). Umbilicus and Sides. A sort of pinching sensation around the umbilicus, suddenly followed by a copious evacuation, which was soon followed by another; in a quarter of an hour he emitted a quantity of fetid flatus (after three-quarters of an hour). Burning sensation around the umbilicus for about four days. In the afternoon, while sitting, he is suddenly attacked with a violent-stitch like pain in the right side below the last rib, resembling splenetic stitches, accompanied with lachrymation; he rises and twists himself in every direction to alleviate the pain, when the pain suddenly attacks the left side, and it seems as if both pains met in the middle of the abdomen; he instinctively sat down again, stretched, bent the back forward, pressed his hands into his sides, after which the pain disappeared after having lasted twenty minutes (first day).

Sticking in the right side, especially in the region of the liver (sixth day). Sticking in the right side below the short ribs for ten minutes, increased by deep inspiration (after ten hours). Dull sticking pain on the left side, on one side of the pit of the stomach. Dull sticking pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as from a sore. Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, when sitting (after thirteen hours). General Abdomen.

Spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles of the left side, with burning pain; he bent towards the left side. Violent rumbling in the abdomen, with urging; he passed a little after sitting five minutes and pressing violently, a quarter of an hour after taking the medicine; in half an hour he had a copious evacuation without pain. Rumbling in the abdomen as if empty (after three-quarters of an hour). Great rumbling, so loud and sharp that she thought there must be something living in the abdomen, continuing two hours, however no flatus was emitted (after one hour). Much rumbling in the abdomen, with pinching in the region of the bladder, accompanied by few deep stitches in the same; lasting an hour (after two hours). Loud rumbling in the abdomen, and loose evacuation in five minutes; another violent rumbling in ten minutes, followed by copious loose, evacuation. Movements and loud rumbling in the abdomen (after two hours). Rumbling in the abdomen, emission of an immense quantity of flatus, followed immediately by urging for stool and an evacuation, which was followed by a second in half an hour. Intermittent rumbling and grunting in the abdomen.

Movement and loud rumbling in the abdomen (after two hours).

Pinching in the abdomen, followed by urging, but only flatus passes. Burning in the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen and rectum, coming on after every stool, and continuing an hour after every evacuation. Warmth through the abdomen, and ineffectual desire for stool (immediately). Shuddering in the abdomen. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Painful boring in the hypogastrium, especially in one place in the right hip.

Intermittent, slow, dull stitches in the left inguinal region (first evening).


Transient pinching tearing in the rectum, immediately. Violent crawling in the rectum, of ascarides. Dull pains in the anus and abdomen, lasting six hours (after two hours). Burning pain in the anus before the stool, for six days; she imagined a burning coal there (second day). Itching of the anus; violent burning after scratching, for five days. Violent urging for stool, with noise like the croaking of frogs; he had to sit a long time; after this an immense quantity of flatus accumulated and was passed, followed by an enormous evacuation, which was followed by a second, mixed with much blood; from this moment he felt a sort of burning pain in the abdomen, which lasted bout eight days, decreased gradually after that time, and left an itching which yielded to rubbing, and changed into a slight burning (after half an hour). Violent urging to stool; he can scarcely go quickly enough; he thought much would be passed, then he was obliged to press more than usual, but very little passed, followed by more violent headache (five and seven hours after a strong dose). Slightly increased urging for stool, accompanied with jerking drawing in the pubic region, as if coming from the spermatic cords, and extending as far as hollow between the thigh and scrotum; afterwards short noiseless emission of flatus, followed by a shuddering across the back, in the afternoon (third day).


Diarrhoea; the stool looks fermented and brown. Several stools a day after a large dose; no stool for four days after a small dose. No stool for several days; the first portion of the stool is harder, requiring much pressing at first, afterwards scanty.

The stool delays in proportion as he increases the dose. No stool for five days; he felt one sudden urging, but it disappeared as soon as he sat down; three days after taking the last dose he had a stool, which required great pressing.

Urinary Organs

Dragging sensation as far as the tip of the urethra, when urinating, towards evening (after ten hours). Burning in the urethra, only between micturition, with urging to urinate.

Scalding in the urethra, when urinating. Constant desire to urinate, towards evening; she emits only a few drops, after which the urging is most violent, accompanied with drawing in the urethra from before backward; the urging is accompanied with violent burning in the urethra. (This troublesome symptom was soon removed by a small dose of Pulsatilla). Increase of urine mixed with blood (second day). Little urine, although he drinks more than usual (first and following days). The urine becomes thick and turbid, like muddy water (after five hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.