
Covered from head to foot with an eruption of the worst form of urticaria (second day). Objective. Skin very vulnerable; after the slightest cause, torn, excoriating, and ulcerating Rough tense skin, as if tanned. Skin tender and keeps the impression of the fingers. Loss of elasticity and sensibility of the skin, sometimes tense, at other times soft and spongy. It seems that by the least motion the skin retracts and becomes tense, on account of which he is afraid to walk. Skin saffron yellow, as in jaundice. The skin blue, purple, cold, as if frozen. The skin tumefied, red, of scarlet color. The skin red and yellow in places. Desquamation of the skin. Great tendency of tumors to indurate. Oedematous swelling of the skin. Swelling, heat and redness in some parts of he skin, as if produced by the stings of insects, with great tendency to inflame. Spots and tumefaction of the skin, as if caused by contusions.

Tuberosities and tumors, like subcutaneous abscesses. Eruptions similar to small-pox, leaving indelible scars. Phlyctenoid and petechial eruptions. Eruptions having the aspect of measles or scarlatina. Ephelides, fiery and itching, so that he tore the skin, especially at night. Urticaria on the face, or pustular herpes like an acne rosacea, with varicose dilatation of the capillary vessels of the cheek and nose. Miliary eruptions and urticaria. Itching and eruptions, similar to scabies, with great disposition to disappear and to be followed by affections of the chest. Eruption like an eczema, all around the penis.

Many pimples like small furuncles over the whole body. Very painful pimples, having a malignant character, irritable and ulcerating. A great number of red pimples in the skin and beneath it. Hard pimples which take a great while to suppurate. Heat in the bears, with eruption of small pimples with white heads. Nose greatly pimpled. Eruption of small pimples on the back and chest, with heat, itching, and sweat. Pimples on the penis similar to syphilis. Pimples and small furuncles, painful and stubborn, on the arms. Eruption of small white pimples on the fingers.

Vesicular eruption, as in scabies, on the arms and hands. Large vesicles on the lips. Formation of large painful vesicles, with ulcers, on the legs. Erysipelatous blisters, especially in the upper part of the body. Lymphatic tumors and ulcers, which suppurate as if scrofulous, in different parts of the body.

Eruptions and ulcers, like syphilis. Ulcers, with intense pains, great suppuration and tendency to gangrene. Smarting ulcer suppuration behind the ears, frequently with swelling of the parotids. Ulcers on the lips and their commissures. Ulcers on the prepuce similar to indurated and phagedenic chancres.

Swollen feet, with blackish ulcers, copiously suppurating.

Pustular eruptions, raw and scaly. Subjective. Skin exceedingly sensitive, or suddenly insensible, and seemingly paralyzed, with attacks of vertigo. Intolerable formication all over the body. Formication all over the body; torpor and paralytic weakness of the extremities. Formication on the arms and fingers.

The skin burning with sweat or calor mordicus and cold chills from time to time. Itching heat and pricking over the whole body, as if in a bag of nettles, aggravated in the afternoon and at night, in bed, and also by cold and great heat.

A burning itching whenever any part of his face is touched. Skin itches wherever he rests upon it. Intolerable itching of the arms and hands.


Sleepiness and dulness in the limbs and head, changing from the right to the left side (after two hours). Sleepiness and dulness in the head and limbs, with stinging pain in the temples, changing from the right to the left side (after two hours).

Restless sleep all night, on account of frequent sneezing (second day). Irresistible desire to sleep, especially when he feels cold. Sleepiness with the debility and weariness, as if he had not slept for several days. Comatose sleep, with snoring, and awakened with great difficulty. Sleep like coma vigil, with nightmare, dread, screaming, crying, and great restlessness. Very great somnolence, as if he were drunk, during the day, and sleeplessness during the night, especially with heat. He falls asleep very late at night. When going to bed, restlessness, agitations, and visions. Sleep with frequent waking, agitation, and twitching of the extremities. Agitated sleep, waking early. When waking, red face, the head stupid and a mist before the eyes. At the moment of falling asleep, accumulation of thoughts of business, disturbing sleep Apparitions and increased fever during the night, in the morning, and after meals. Dreams of pleasures and travels. Dreams full of disputes, scolding, anger, and cruelties, which have happened or will happen.


Hands and feet cold (after three hours). Chilliness. Chills, general coldness, with heat and cerebral congestions, intense thirst, tightness, and violent cramps of the extremities.

Coldness and chills, especially in the afternoon and at night; he frequently feels frozen, or as if the blood did not circulate. Cold hands. Heat. Fever, with heat and partial chills; constant intense thirst, the mouth full of thick frothy saliva, pasty nauseous taste;pulse strong and accelerated. Fever, with soporous sleep; mouth open and fuliginous. Fever continued or intermittent, quotidian, tertian, or quartan, always with great prostration. Heat and sensation of drowsiness over the whole body, copious perspiration from head to foot, also on the back and other parts of the body; pale face, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks, headache, nausea, colic, ardent thirst, and pains in the throat. Heat and sweat, followed by cold chills, increasing to intense shivering, debility, and malaise; desire to lie down; dry arid tongue, coated white or yellow; bilious vomiting; constipation or diarrhoea; great thirst, somnolence, and delirium. Heat and general perspiration, with debility. Heat, with contraction of the epidermis, at the least movement.

Great heat of the head, with pain as if the hair were pulled out.

Heat and irritation in the head, with excitable temperament.

Sweat. Frequent sweats, even with the chills; colliquative sweats. Sweat, which bathes the scalp and face, with shuddering of the chest. Copious sweat, oily and fetid on the scalp.


(Afternoon), Nausea. (Motion), Frontal headache; soreness in bowels. (Pressure), Soreness in bowels. (Reading), Frontal headache. (Morning), Deafness; till evening, the symptoms; apparitions and fever. (Afternoon), Cough; itching and pricking; coldness and chills. (Evening), Pains in head; dryness of eyelids; deafness. (Night), Pains in head; dryness of eyelids; pain in the teeth; colic; cough; in bed, dyspnoea; palpitations; swelling of legs; itching and pricking; apparitions and fever; coldness and chills. (Strong air), Headache. (Ascending steps), Palpitations. (In bed), Palpitations. (Changing position), The symptoms. (Cold), Itching and pricking. (Flat things), Nausea and vomiting. (While drinking), Drowsiness. (Great heat), Itching and pricking. (When lying down), Sensation in the brain. (After meal), Apparitions and fever. (Motion), Headache; nausea and vomiting; colic.

(Noise), Headache. (Rising from sitting), The symptoms.

(Speaking), Suffering of larynx and chest. (Spring and fall), The symptoms. (When taking a deep breath), Cramps and pains in heart. (Damp weather), The symptoms. (Wet and windy weather), Cough. (Walking), Nausea and vomiting. (When yawning), cramps and pains in chest.


(Salt), Some stomach symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.