Expectoration of blood and matter, as from abscesses and disorganization of the lungs. Hemoptysis, with violent cough, itching in the larynx, and lacerating pains in the chest.

Respiration. Short anxious respiration. Frequent dyspnoea, at night and in bed, with suffocating cough, sweat on the face, painful respiration, anxiety, and wailing. Voice reduced to a whisper, and the efforts to cry exceedingly feeble, suddenly ceasing with a slight sigh, as if from exhaustion (fifth day). Feeble respiration (fifth day).


Swelling of the thyroid region as in goitre. Stertor, hissing and crepitant noises in the chest. Great oppression of the chest, with dilatation of the nostrils, feat of asphyxia and impossibility to walk. Cramps and oppression of the chest, with anguish and debility. Sensation of weight and fluctuations in the sides of the thorax, as if they were full of liquid. Sensation as if the chest were crushed, and every motion of the heart increases the pain. Spasmodic and incisive pains in the chest. Sensation as if the thorax were compressed by an iron band, and the lungs depressed and torn in various places. Contractions and stitching pains in the chest, with fear.

Sensation as if the chest and stomach were distended with gases. Heat and burning in the chest, with sensation as if the lungs were swelled, contracted, and compressed. Heat and sensation of swelling in the chest, as if the lungs were affected by erysipelas. Lancinating and stitching pains in the chest, with great difficulty of breathing. Pricking and sensation of rupture in the base of lungs. Stitching and lancinating pains in the chest, spreading to the heart. Stitching pains in the chest, especially on the right side, with great difficulty of breathing. Stitches in the muscles of the chest, with sensation as if distended. Itching and burning in the chest, as if an herpetic or eczematous eruption had been suppressed, with violent cough and purulent and bloody expectoration. Mamme.

Swelling of the breasts, with great affluence of milk.

Inflammation, swelling, and induration of the mammary and axillary glands. Small tumors and hardness like scirrhous tumors in the breasts. Pricking, pulling, and cramping pains in the breasts.

Heart and Pulse

Swelling and great sensitiveness of the precordial region. The heart heavy, seeming to produce the great weakness which he feels. Sensation as if the heart swells, and then stops suddenly.

Cramps and twisting pains in the heart, especially when yawning or taking a deep respiration. Sensation as if there were a chafing-dish in the region of the heart. The heart feels as if affected by hypertrophy and aneurism, and the beatings sometimes accelerated, sometimes slow. The heart seems at times to stop and remain paralyzed. Strong palpitations, especially at night, or in bed, or on ascending steps. Pains and palpitations of the heart, frequently with nausea and bloody vomiting, and desire to support chest and head; weakness and dizziness. Pulse strong and quick, sometimes intermittent, small and slow, but always dicrotic or greatly accelerate; weak, imperceptible.

Heart’s action very feeble (fifth day). Heart’s action became more embarrassed when moved from horizontal position (fifth day). The wrists were almost pulseless (fifth day). Pulse 55 (after three hours).

Back and Neck

Inflammation and swelling of the cervical glands. Painful stiffness of the neck, with impossibility to move the head.

Stiffness of the neck, back, and kidneys, with spasmodic, lancinating, and penetrating pains in those parts.


Agitation of the extremities, with spasmodic pains in the articulations. Pains of contraction and luxation in the extremities. She could not move in the slightest degree the fingers, hands, arm, or legs (fifth day); she could move the fingers of the right hand a little, but no other part (thirteenth day); she could stir her legs, but could not draw them up, and if a bright toy be placed within her but could not draw them up, and in a bright toy be placed within her reach she could clumsily retain it, but could not move her arms at all (eighteenth day); she could not move her legs either to stand or walk; and but feebly in any way (thirty- eighth day). Tickling the soles of the feet seemed to produce much distress (fifth day).

Upper Limbs

Swelling, red and violent spots, as if from contusions of the arms. Trembling and cramps in the arms and hands. Pains in the arms, as if bruised by blows. Pulsative, burning, lancinating, tearing pains in the articulations of the arms. Stitches and cramps in the arms with impossibility to move them. Arms seem paralyzed, cannot perform manual labor. Weakness of the arms, with paralytic debility, inflammation, and swelling of the articulations of the hands. Sensation as if the shoulder- blades were dislocated downward. Painful enlargement of the articulations of the fingers.

Lower Limbs

Difficult and stumbling gait. Infiltration and voluminous swelling of the legs, especially during the night. Debility and deformity of the bones of the legs. Languor, especially of the legs, as in consequence of venereal excesses. Cramps and painful contractions in the legs, forming cords and nodes, especially in the calf of the leg. Rheumatic pains, with paralysis, in the lower extremities. Tightness and cramps in the lower extremities. Pulsative burning, lancinating, tearing pains in the articulations of the lower extremities. Contractive and pricking pains from the groins to the feet, frequently accompanied by erysipelatous inflammation. Lancinating, spasmodic, and pricking pains in the coxofemoral articulations, with paralytic weakness of the extremities. Pains in the legs, as if they were struck and bruised. Swelling of the feet, with redness, heat, and arthritic pains. Inflammation and swelling of the articulations of the feet.


Insects over all the hairy parts of the body. Red and painful swellings like chilblains, in different parts of the body.

Swelling of all the glands of the body with painful pulsations. Hypertrophy, suppuration, and induration of the glands. Loss of serosity in the internal organs, and also in the cellular textures. Cerebral congestions with apoplectic attack, followed by paralysis of the tongue, extremities, and even of the lungs. Hysteria; tonic and clonic spasms; tetanic stiffness in different parts of the body. Epileptic paroxysms, preceded by restlessness, salivation, and general chills, with falling down, loss of consciousness, drivelling, biting the tongue, especially on the left side; retraction of the thumbs, violent movements and jerks over the whole body; after the attack, somnolence, hebetude, and great prostration, Attacks of trembling and anguish in consequence of a great fright. Nervous agitation, irregular involuntary movements of the head, hands, and fingers, as in irregular involuntary movements of the head, hands, and fingers, as in chorea; movements stop when the affected parts rest upon something, or during sleep, and are aggravated when the attention is fixed upon them. During all the suffering in the skin, great agitation and frequent desire to change the position. Great restlessness, alternating with great alacrity, without any motive. Convulsive motions, contractions, and tonic spasm all over the body.

Spasmodic attacks, with loss of consciousness, agitation, and movements of the arms, as is he wished to repel somebody. It seems as if he would loose his senses at any moment, and the least motion produce syncope. Great debility and agitation on account of the stitches, cramps, and terrible pains all over the body. Great debility and weariness, as from want of nourishment. Attacks of debility, weariness, prostration, and giddiness, provoked frequently by the least movement. Sensation of debility and molecular disorganization of the skin, with unbearable itching. General weakness, ascites, swelling of the articulations, and deformities of the bones, as in rachitis.

General prostration, with complete absence of ideas, as if they did not exist. Considerable prostration, generally with cramps and tension in different parts of the body. Patience, with great loss of strength, great weakness and insensibility.

Pains, producing frequently despair and dementia. Sensation of fullness or emptiness, of separation or constrictions in the splanchnic cavities; frequent cramps and bruised sensation in the back, chest, abdomen, kidneys, thighs, calves of legs, and feet. Heat in the blood and nervous trembling, after the least bodily exertion. Contusive pains and stitches, accompanied by erysipelatous inflammation of the affected parts. Rheumatic, arthritic, and bone pains. Lancinating, pulsating, burning, spasmodic, and intense pains. Stitching and contractive pains in the articulations of the bones and in kidneys. Time of aggravation from morning till evening, by changing position, when rising from a seat, in spring and fall, and in damp weather. The features and limbs shrunken, as if from complete exhaustion by diarrhoea, though there was no purging (fifth day). Body and limbs pale (fifth day). Increasing feebleness and depression, for four days. No ambition. Seemed very much prostrated (after three hours); extremely weak (next morning). General prostration and tendency to syncope, when moved from the horizontal position (fifth day). Feeling very faint and weary. There appeared to be muscular pain, as the child cried when its arms were laid hold of (sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.