
Cutting pains extending from both hypochondria towards the navel, at 4 P.M. frequently intermitting (second day). Pinching about the navel, lasting a quarter of an hour during the usual stool (fifth day). Pinching about the navel, nearly all day with desire for stool (eighth day). Violent biting internally and externally about the navel, causing her to start up, at 7 P.M. (seventh day). Biting or pinching above the navel woke her from sleep, at 5 A.M. (fourth day). Sensitiveness of the glands when touched and when not (second day). Violent pinching in both flanks, with cutting and dragging, desire for stool, and emission of odorless flatus, in the evening (first day). Fine stitches in both flanks below the ribs (first day). Some violent knife like stitches in the right flank, while standing. Pinching and jerking in the right flank, which seems to extend in a narrow line down from the right breast, before midnight (first day). Violent stitches in the left flank from 9 to 10 A.M. while sitting, relief by lying on the same side (thirteenth day). Two single coarse stitches as with an awl, above the left flank (first day). Constant pains in the abdomen and diarrhoea twice (sixteenth day). Cutting and digging, in the abdomen, soon followed by a soft stool in the evening (eighth day). Pinching in the whole abdomen, from 1 to 3 P.M. followed by a hard stool. Violent pinching in the abdomen from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. during menses. Frequent slight griping now in the upper, now in the lower abdomen as from a purge (seventh day). Griping in the whole abdomen at 3 P.M. followed by four thin stools with much yellow mucus, very forcibly evacuated, with much flatus, not followed by relief of the pains, lasting an hour (sixth day). Painless rumbling and motions in the abdomen (fifteenth day). Movements in the abdomen, nausea in the stomach, emission of flatus and afterwards a soft stool. Sudden distension, with rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, lasting an hour at 7 P.M. followed by a hard stool (twenty-sixth day). During the flatulent distension of the abdomen, violent stitches in the left groin, which was sensitive externally. Flatulent distension and tension of the whole abdomen, as though it would burst, with movements in it, and emission of flatus, during the menses. Flatulent distension of the abdomen after eating, soon disappearing (third day). Flatulent distension and emission of offensive flatus, also a thin stool. Moving of flatus in the abdomen, that could find no escape in the afternoon (fifth day). Profuse emission of odorless flatus, the whole afternoon (sixth day). Emission of much offensive flatus all day (third and fourth days). Sudden griping in the right groin as few times, and stretching out the body, causing her to start and taking away her breath at 4 P.M. (first day). Burning stitches in the skin above the right inguinal region at intervals (twelfth day). Cutting pain deep in the lower abdomen, during which the menses flow more profusely; worse while sitting, relieved by motion; lasting six hours (after four days).


Extremely violent indescribable pains, extending from the rectum to the pudenda during a hard stool in the evening (tenth day). Violent pressure and straining during a stool that was not all hard (twenty-fifth day). Renewed ineffectual desire after a stool. Constant feeling as though she should go to stool, but the desire was always ineffectual (first day). Normal stool with painful sticking in the rectum (after ten days). Itching in the anus after a stool (tenth day).


Diarrhoea with tenesmus after taking milk (twenty-third day). Diarrhoea of a thin faeces five times without pain, followed by burning in the anus. Diarrhoea with tenesmus and excessive burning, during and for some time after a stool, as if grains of barley were sticking in the anus. A sudden very violent cutting pain in the abdomen, immediately followed by a soft stool with burning in the anus, four times at intervals of half an hour, in the morning (third day). Stool soft, though accompanied by violent pains in both flanks, groin, and small of the back, together with an indescribable pain consisting of sticking and pinching (fourth day). Stool soft but evacuated only with effort (fifth day). Stool had that had previously been hard became soft (after a few days). The first portion of the stool is hard the last soft, with great pressure (fourth day). Constipation (first, second, third, and thirteenth days). Stool very hard (first day). Stool very hard only evacuated with great exertion; only two small pieces were passed (thirteenth day). Stool very hard and delayed (first day); thin; (second morning). Hard stool, delayed, in the evening. The stool seems too hard and retarded (primary action). Stool hard, with white and yellow mucus and burning in the anus (seventh day).

Urinary Organs

Increased micturition, in morning (fifth day). Urine passed frequently and profusely though she drank buttermilk. Urine passed frequently and profusely with burning micturition, in the afternoon (ninth day). He was obliged to rise at night to urinate and passed much (fourth and ninth nights). She passed urine frequently and profusely, even at night (fourth day). Urine infrequent and scanty, with burning at the orifice of the urethra (sixth day). Micturition very infrequent and scanty, without pain (twelfth day). Increased discharge of urine; much was passed during the afternoon with burning in the tip of the urethra during micturition (first day). More urine than usual (ninth and tenth days).

Sexual Organs

Male. Itching in a small spot on the scrotum for half an hour, not relieved by scratching (fifth day). Erections after dinner (third day). Erections in the forenoon (first day). Erection (first and sixth nights), Female. Itching in the pudenda relieved after rubbing (ninth day). Menses three days too early. Menses five days too early, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back. Menstruation that had already stopped one day reappeared profusely, again disappeared the following day; after a new dose it again reappeared. Menstruation generally too scanty and too short. Menses nine days too late. Leucorrhoea (sixteenth day). Profuse leucorrhoea (second and third days). Very watery leucorrhoea, especially after urinating (sixth day).

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Hoarseness, in the evening of the sixteenth day and morning of seventeenth day. Hoarseness, so that he could scarcely talk (first day). Cough. Cough dry, but infrequent, day and night, caused by tickling in the trachea (third and fourth days). Violent cough at night, so that he was obliged to sit up and hold the head (fourth day). Cough from time to time, even at night (after thirteen days). Some paroxysms of cough, from time to time, though without expectoration, for several days. Some violent paroxysms of cough with some expectorations of mucus (fifth day). Respiration. Very short breath, when at work while sitting; it disappears on walking (fourth day).


Pressure upon the chest, with rather heavy respiration, and frequent hacking cough all day (twenty-sixth day). Pressure in the chest, from 2 P.M. till evening, and a feeling of internal soreness. Frequent distressing though very transient heaviness in the chest, in the afternoon. Painfulness within the chest, in the afternoon (sixth day). The chest seems cut to pieces and sore, in the afternoon; recurring for two evenings; following this pain, itching in the same place that only disappears after violent scratching (after eleven days). Pain in the chest as if sore, without cough, and without effect upon the respiration in the afternoon (ninth day). Sore pain in the chest. Violent stitches in the chest, especially on becoming erect (first and second day). Sharp stitches in the sternum, in the afternoon while sitting, lasting till evening (eleventh day). Many burning needle-like stitches in the middle of the sternum (third day). Sharp stitches with tension in the right side of the chest, in the afternoon (second day). Some sharp stitches in the right side of the chest on the raising the arm (twenty-fourth day). Some violent stitches externally on the right lower ribs (after two hours). Twitching in the right lower costal region on raising the arm, in the evening (third day). Stitches below the right axilla, while laughing (fifteenth day). Small intermitting stitches, as with an awl, in the right side of the chest (fourteenth day). A very violent stitch beneath the right breast (tenth day). Stitches in a spot as broad as the hand, in the left side of the chest, especially violent after rising from stooping, in the afternoon (second day). Burning in the left side of the chest posteriorly on raising the arm (thirteenth day). Burning in the left side of the chest, on the ribs, at 1 P.M. (third day). Fine stitches extending into the left breast (twelfth day). Violent stitch extending deep inward beneath the left breast, tickling away her breath (tenth day). Violent stitches in the left side of the chest causing to start, with burning on raising the arm (first day). Violent sticking in the left side of the chest while laughing; she could not laugh on account of the pain (after twenty-four days). Violent stitches in the left chest while walking, aggravated by inspiration, in the afternoon (twenty- fourth day). Fine sticking in the left side of the chest externally, as if in the flesh (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.