Niccolum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


The metal (Nickel), or the Carbonate.

Preparation: Triturations.


Emotional. Very angry and quarrelsome mood; she was inclined to quarrel with and contradict every one, in the evening (second day). Quarrelsome and impatient; she could tolerate no contradiction; only better towards evening (third to sixth day). Very anxious on every movement, as if sweat would break out (fourth and fifth days). Very anxious, with excessive thirst day and night (first and second days). Apprehensive, despondent; she does not even know herself what is the matter, in the afternoon (second day). Apprehensive and despondent, as if some misfortune were impending (second day). Lachrymose and apprehensive (second day). She was very apprehensive and lachrymose in the forenoon (first day); on the second and third days she was very fretful, and was only better on the fifth. Tremulous, fearful, with inclination to be alone all day (after three days). No inclination to talk, and when compelled to do so he is very fretful (third day). No inclination to talk, and very fretful humor (fourth day). Constant good and joyous mood; all passions are quiet.


Confusion and Vertigo. Dull and confused in the head, as after intoxication, in the morning (sixth day). Vertigo all day, especially after rising from stooping (eleventh day). Vertigo in the morning on rising from bed; she staggered to and fro (third day). Vertigo in the morning on rising; she stumbled from side to side (eighth day). Vertigo in the morning on rising from bed, as from weakness, soon disappearing (seventh day). Vertigo all the afternoon, worse in the open air; it constantly seemed as though the feet would slip from under her (second day). She woke with vertigo, nausea, and inclination to vomit at 10 P.M., in bed; she was obliged to rise from bed and go into the open air, when she felt better (seventeenth day). General Head. Headache, especially in the house, after walking in the open air (fourth day). Headache in the morning after rising, constantly increasing till towards noon, with pressure on the vertex and dulness in the head (third day). Sensation as if the brain were loose and fell from side to side (sixth day). Fullness of the head, and not at all good humor, in the forenoon (first day). Feeling of fullness and heaviness in the head, with a sensation as if cut to pieces, on stooping; and in the occiput a sensation as if beaten and sore, and a stupefied feeling in the head generally, lasting three hours (twenty-fourth day). Head thick and full, as from loss of sleep, in the morning (third day). Heaviness in the head, as from loss of sleep, in the morning after waking (third day). Heaviness of the head in the morning in bed, disappearing after rising (twelfth day). Feeling of heaviness and dizziness in the forehead, in the morning in bed, and also after rising till 10 o’clock, relieved in the open air. Heat of the head, so that he could not remain in the house, but was obliged to go into the open air, with thirst, lasting two hours; it seemed as though sweat would break out, which was not the case, at 3 P.M. (eighth day). An unusual agreeable warmth in the whole head, especially in the house, in the afternoon (third day). A beating in the whole head, as with a small hammer, on motion, in the forenoon (first day). Tearing in the whole head, that often becomes intolerable (eighth day). Tearing in the head and in the left eye, frequently intermitting and returning (second day). At first, sticking in the upper part of the head, with great sensitiveness and a bruised sensation, so that she could not bear to have the hair combed, lasting an hour, in the forenoon, recurring more violently in the afternoon; the pain frequently extended to both sides of the head and to the forehead, with a feeling as if the frontal bone would burst out, only gradually disappearing, with great fretfulness (first day). Headache; a fine sticking and a sensation of shuddering in the head (fourth day). Fine stitches in the upper part of the head, rather externally, also drawing pains in both ears, extending into the head, lasting longer in the ears (seventh day). Fine stitches here and there in the head, especially on stooping, in the forenoon (first day). In the morning the head feels screwed in and pressed; afterwards slight stitches, as with needles, in the right side of the forehead (third day). The whole head is painful, as if beaten, especially in the occiput, all day (tenth day). Forehead. A whirling in the forehead, as if she would be sick, lasting half an hour. Feeling of heaviness and dizziness in the forehead while standing, from forenoon till afternoon, with slight interruptions (first day). Sensation of heat in the forehead, with heaviness, in the afternoon till evening (fifth day). Pain like a twisting and boring into the sinciput, in a small spot in the forehead (fourteenth day). Sensation in the forehead after stooping, as if the brain would fall out, in the morning (seventh day). Pecking, as with a small pointed hammer, on the right side of the forehead, in the forenoon (first day). Temples. Stitches, as with needles, in the left temple (tenth day). Fine tearing in the right temple, while sitting, in the forenoon (third day). Vertex. Pressure on the vertex, as with the hand, lasting two hours, in the forenoon (second day). Pain in the top of the head, as if a nail were sticking in it (seventeenth day). Parietals. Headache in both sides, as if it would burst, all day (eleventh day). Stitches in the right side of the head, together with a bruised sensation in the right temple, in the forenoon (first day). Violent tearing in the right side of the head, while sitting, in the evening (eighth day). Very painful tearing and sticking in the right side of the head, in the afternoon (tenth day). Jerking roaring in the right side of the head, especially violent in the right ear, at night (first day). Violent stitches in the left side of the head, in the morning in bed (thirteenth day). Tearing in the left side of the head and in the left side of the nose (fourth and fifth days). Occiput. Heaviness in the occiput (second day). Painful boring and gnawing in the occiput, worse on the left side, in the afternoon (third day).


Objective. Violent twitching of the left eye, that nearly prevented vision (twelfth day). Painful twitching in both eyes, with a feeling as if they would turn around (eighth day). Twitching in the right eye frequently recurring (third day). Subjective. Violent burning in the eyes, in the morning after rising; with frequent lachrymation (second day). Burning in the eyes, in the morning on waking, with a sensation as if swollen and agglutinated, disappearing after washing. Burning in the eyes, as if they were full of sand, in the afternoon (fifth day). Burning in the eyes, in the afternoon, so that she could read with difficulty, during the menses. Frequent burning in the eyes, especially towards evening. Burning in the eyes by the light, in the evening (ninth day). Burning in both eyes with profuse lachrymation and swelling of the meibomian glands, in the evening. Burning in both eyes and the margins of the lids seem swollen; the eyes are watery, in the evening (first day). Burning in the left eye and tearing in the left inner canthus, extending down along the side of the nose (fourth day). The eyes seem very weak, especially in the evening; they give out on any exertion and burn; for many days (after fifteenth day). The eyes seem very weak, especially in the evening, for a long time. Violent itching in both eyes, so that he rubbed them until almost sore, with redness of the lids as if injected or inflamed (fifteenth day). Lids. Violent twitching in the left upper lid (fourth day). Twitching in the left external canthus, so violent that it caused lachrymation (seventh day). Violent burning in the inner canthus, that disappears after rubbing a long time but returns (eleventh day). Sticking in the left external canthus as with a needle, of short duration (ninth day). Sensation as of a drop of cold water in the right external canthus, together with sticking boring into the right ear (fourteenth day). Tearing in both inner canthi (sixth day). Agglutination of the inner canthi, usually in the morning (after five days). Vision. The eyes are very watery and dim, in the morning, and objects are seen as through a fog (third day). On looking at a distant stone statue it seems larger than natural, in the morning (twenty-sixth day). Fog before the eyes, preventing vision, in the morning (seventh day). Dimness of vision; eyes red and sensitive for three days; somewhat relieved after washing with cold water (after twenty four hours).


Objective. Two pimples as large as peas behind the right ear, with tensive pains only on pressure (sixteenth day). A blister as large as a pea in the left external meatus auditorius, without sensation (after twenty days). Subjective. Tearing and sticking jerking in the right ear (third and fourth days). Intolerable tearing in the right ear, together with toothache. Some sharp stitches in the left ear, to which she was very sensitive (fifth day). Dull stitches in the right ear, from within outward (ninth day). Ringing in the left ear while walking, disappearing on digging into the ear (sixth day). Chirping as of a cricket in the right ear (first day). Sudden loss of hearing, at 8 P.M., with roaring and buzzing in the ears (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.