
Feeling in chest as if smoke had been inhaled, causing a cough (eleventh day). Pain for greater part of day through anterior part of upper lobe of left lung, but no soreness on pressing the walls of chest over seat of pain (fourth day). Feeling of fullness and oppression in chest (third day). Feeling of fullness and oppression through entire chest, accompanied by a sense of soreness, worse on inspiration, and continuing through the balance of the day and evening, with a short dry cough, which seems to arise from some irritation behind the upper half of the sternum (fourteenth day). A constricted sensation about chest, and feels at times like taking a deep breath, but has no cough (twelfth day). Feeling of oppression in the chest (fifteenth day). Feeling of oppression in center of chest, in afternoon (ninth and tenth days). Lungs feel oppressed, as if by a heavy weight (fourth day); heavy oppressed feeling in the chest, requiring an effort to draw a long, full breath (fifth day); feeling of oppression in chest, with slight dry cough (sixth day); feeling of oppression upon the chest (eighth and ninth days). Feels no oppression of chest since urinary secretion became free (thirteenth day). Sharp shooting pains between sixth and seventh ribs, at about the junction of the ribs with the cartilages, lasting about a few seconds, recurring again after an interval of half an hour, at 9.30 P.M. (thirty-seventh day). Pleuritic pain in the right side, over liver, in afternoon (fifth day). Some soreness of chest, in morning (second day). Feeling of soreness and oppression through chest during motion or exertion. Taking a full inspiration increases the soreness (eighth, ninth and tenth days); chest feels sorer (fifteenth day); entire chest feels sore on taking an inspiration of any depth whatever (seventeenth day); has felt sore through the entire chest all day (twentieth day); soreness of lungs, as for some days past (twenty-first, twenty-third, and twenty-fourth days). Pain over region of lower ribs; they feel sore on pressure (second day). Region between sixth and seventh ribs sore to pressure, in morning (thirty-eighth day). Tenderness on pressure in supraclavicular region, continuing all day (eleventh day). Distress in chest, relieved somewhat by taking Pulsatilla in repeated doses (fourteenth day). Front. Air, on full inspiration, causes a disagreeable feeling behind sternum (fourth day). Quickly passing pain in anterior part of chest, below seventh rib, about two inches from sternum, on each side, but not in both sides at the same time; felt three times on left side and twice on right (fifth day); pains in left chest at least twenty times in past twenty-four hours, but not at night while asleep (sixth day); pains in chest not so sharp and do not come so frequently. A feeling of oppression and soreness remains in localities where the pains have been felt (seventh day). Considerable pain in chest between nipples, with an indescribably hollow feeling there, accompanied by a choking sensation in throat, materially aggravated by inhaling carburetted hydrogen gas (twenty-seventh day). Severe pain under ensiform cartilage, at 12.05 P.M. (third day). Oppressed or stuffed sensation, from larynx to bottom os sternum, all day (fourth day); stuffed sensation through chest generally, and more markedly felt behind sternum, and from larynx to epigastrium, felt all day (eleventh day). Sore, bruised feeling under and to left of sternum, at the injunction of the upper and middle third of the bone, felt on throwing shoulders up and back; this pain at time extends back to the inferior angle of the scapula and to the shoulder-joint, where there has been, for five days, a weary aching on raising the arm (thirty-sixth day). Moderate percussion all over anterior portion of chest produces pain (twelfth and nineteenth days). Continual irritation behind the sternum, about the lower part of the upper third (twelfth day). Sides. Several times to-day, sharp stitching pains, moderately severe, in both sides of chest, in space between fourth and seventh ribs (twelfth day); one turn of stitching pain through right side of chest, about fifth rib, near the cartilage, reaching back to scapula, and lasting but for a minute (nine- tenth day). Pains and soreness in right side of chest (eleventh day); since middle of afternoon not so great; soreness on inspiration, and on making a full, deep inspiration, severe pain is felt, at times cutting short the inspiration (twelfth day). Intercostals of left side, between the sixth, seventh and eighth ribs, are sore to touch (thirty-sixth day). Mammae. Shooting pain under right mamma (twenty-seventh day). Soreness under right mamma (third day).

Heart and Pulse

On putting ear to chest, sounds of heart heard distinctly through every part of chest (fifteenth day); sounds so loud and distinct as to prevent hearing clearly the respiratory sounds (seventeenth day); can himself feel beats of the heart through chest distinctly (eighteenth day); beats of heart violent on making any unusual exertion or continuing a usual exertion for any considerable time (twenty-ninth day). Pulse 98 (second day). Pulse 80 (second day); 86 (third day); 80 (thirty-sixth day); 80, at 3.30 P.M. (thirty-eighth day); 84 (thirty-ninth day); 96 (fortieth day). Pulse 76 (tenth day); 80, and intermittent (not usual with him), (tenth day); pulse 88 (fourteenth day); pulse 90 (fifteenth day). Pulse 90. Pulse 72, and full (second day); 90, at 7.50 P.M. (twenty- first day); 84 (twenty-second day); 90 and full, at 2.30 P.M. (twenty sixth day); 85, full and regular (forty-first day); 84, full and regular, at 9.30 A.M. (forty- third day); 86 at 9.35 A.M. (forty sixth day). Pulse 88 (fiftieth day). Pulse 86, and a little variable in volume, but regular in beat (seventh day). Pulse 72 (usually 80 to 85), a little irregular variable in volume (eighth day); 72, and quite irregular in its beats (ninth day); 74, and but slightly irregular (tenth day); 76, and rather slender, but regular (twelfth day); 56, full and regular, at 6.30 P.M. (fourteenth day); 75, regular and full (fifteenth day); 78 variable in volume, but regular in beat (seventeenth day); 86, slender and regular (eighteenth day); 78, at times slender, and at times full, and rapidly caused to fluctuate by change of position or effort of body (twentieth day); 82, full and regular (twenty-fifth day); 72, and rather irregular in volume and beat (twenty-ninth day). Pulse 66 to 69, and irregular, with from five to seven interruptions per minute (has been a little intermittent before, but is more so that usual now); at noon (fourth day); 76, soft and rather regular (tenth day); 96, slender at times, and at times full and very irregular (twelfth day); 95 to 96 all day (fourteenth day); about 100, slender and intermittent during early part of day, 80, in afternoon (fifteenth day); 80, and irregular (sixteenth day); 75, and slightly irregular (seventeenth day); 76, and a little irregular (nineteenth day); 80, and irregular, both in volume and beat (twenty-second day); 96, slender and rather irregular (thirty-sixth day).

Neck and Back

Neck. Neck feels stiff (forty-eighth day). Left side of neck feels stiff and sore (sixth and seventh days). Began to feel a soreness commencing at the lower cervical vertebra, and extending as far down as the joints of and under both scapulae; the sensation was first felt on moving the arms and shoulders, on getting out of bed at night (nineteenth day). Back. Feel sore about back and abdomen (twelfth day). A little soreness in back (twelfth day). Dorsal. Pain between scapulae quite severe, causing an inclination of shoulder forward for relief; it is felt at every inspiration, the deeper the inspiration the severer the pain, lasting from 8 till 9 P.M., and gradually passing around below the point of right scapula to a position of right side of chest below ninth and across tenth rib. The part named is very sore on taking a full breath (eleventh day). On taking more than the usual volume of air into lungs, a stitching pain is felt in space between scapulae, which continues until 10 P.M. (nineteenth day). Lumbar. Pain in loins, extending all over back, especially felt between the shoulders, and even affecting the arms, in evening (sixth day); the same pains returned (half an hour after first dose); pains become so violent that I could not go out all the evening (after second dose, seventh day). Dull pain in lumbar region (fiftieth day). Pain in region of right kidney, worse on walking (third day). Slight tenderness in renal region (twelfth day). Sacral. Aching low down in back, across sacrum. This symptom has been more or less constant during proving (fourteenth day). Feeling of weakness in sacral region (sixth day). Soreness on walking or stooping, first felt on getting out of bed in morning; very severe on pressure on each side of sacrum on a line with acetabulum, and worst on left side. When walking for some time the pain was easier (twentieth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.