
Objective. Eyes red (eighth day); a little red, but not swollen (twenty fourth day); a little red and watery (thirty-sixth day). Eyes looked swollen and bunged up (fiftieth day). Eyes swollen (orbital region), (eleventh, twelfth, and fourteenth days); eyes swollen and conjunctiva congested; external part of left eye more congested than right; conjunctiva of right eye also congested (fifth day after recommencing taking); eyes swollen; left one much congested and red (sixth day after recommencing taking); eyes inflamed and swollen; left worse than right (seventh day after recommencing taking); eyes painfully affected, swollen, red, and watery; left worse than right (eleventh day). Eyes swollen and painful (twenty-second day); worse immediately after rising (forty-third day); eyes swollen and congested (forty-fifth day); eyes slightly swollen and congested, at 9.35 A.M. (forty- sixth day). Eyes somewhat swollen and agglutinated (thirty-eighth day). Eyes and orbital region much swollen and agglutinated (thirty eighth day). Eyes and orbital region much swollen and agglutinated, on waking in the morning (fourth day); eyes much congested, and whole orbital region very much swollen (fifth and eighth days); eyes congested and swollen; not so much congested in evening (ninth day); eyes slightly congested (tenth day). Eyes puffy, at 8 A.M. (forty-first day). Eyes more puffy and congested (fourteenth day). Moderate congestion of vessels of white portion of eyes, but no disagreeable sensation in eyes (seventh day); eyes congested, especially in morning (tenth day); vessels of eyes congested, on waking in morning (eleventh day). Eyes much congested (third day); eyes congested (fourth day); eyes very much congested (sixth day). Sclerotica slightly congested (fourth day). A little whitish gum was seen in external canthus, in morning (twelfth and thirteenth days); eyes slightly gummed, in morning (twenty-fourth day). Subjective. Eyes feel tired and painful, especially in the sunlight (twenty first day); eyes have felt tired all day, and painful when reading or writing (twenty- fifth day). Eyes feel heavy (eighth day). Eyes felt heavy, in evening (after third dose, seventh day). Heaviness of the eyes, especially the right, in morning (second day); eyes heavy (thirty-ninth day). Eyes felt disagreeable on going into open air (twelfth day). Eyes sticky and sore (seventh day); eyes feel sticky, and a little gum is seen in the external canthus (eighteenth day). Reading by lamp or gaslight cannot be endured, for any considerable time, without giving discomfort (thirty- sixth day). Eyes painful, in morning (eleventh day). Eyes feel very painful (fiftieth day). Eyes burn and lachrymate slightly (fourth day). Eyes feel inflamed and swollen, with an accumulation of pasty matter in the canthus and on the lashes (third day). Eyes feel swollen (eighth day); in morning (third day). Eyes feel puffy (twelfth day). Looking at anything causes eyes to ache (seventh day). On looking long at an object the eyes ache for a time and require resting (fourteenth and twenty-fifth days). Dull aching pain in eyes, aggravated by sunlight (forty- first day). Eyes feel sore on pressure (second day); soreness and itching of eyes on moving them (third day). Eyes very painful to pressure, and pain aggravated by light (forty-eighth day). Inner canthi sore and red (third day); eyes sore; cannot read or write without pain in them (twenty-third day); eyes feel sore, on rising (thirty-eighth day); eyes feel sore and full at 9.30 A.M. (forty-second day); eyes sore all day, especially when reading at 7.05 P.M. (forty-fifth day); eyes feel sore, at 9.35 A.M. (forty sixth day); eyes feel worse than usual, quite painful; want of sleep last night has possibly made eyes feel worse; eyes somewhat painful when reading or writing at 8.10 P.M. (forty-eighth day); eyes unusually pain and sore; cannot read or write with any comfort; better by 10 o’clock; worse just after rising, but improve during day, at 8.55 A.M. (forty-ninth day); eyes painful for about two hours after rising, and at times through the day, when reading or writing, or when exposed to bright sunlight (fiftieth day); eyes a little sore this morning (fifty-first day). Eyes irritable (eighth day); eyes feel as if he had lost his sleep (ninth day); eyes feel rather sorer, and light pains them (nineteenth day). Eyes a little irritable (fourth day); eyes feel sorer, and burn as if had been all day irritated by wood-smoke (fifth day); eyes smart as if smoked (sixth and seventh days); eyes feel sore on moving or rolling them, and the smarting continued (eighth day); eyes smart (twelfth day); eyes smart and feel disagreeable when exposed to the open air (fourteenth day); eyes smart and lachrymate very much in open air, and are congested (twentieth day); eyes sore and swollen, in morning on waking (twenty-third day); eyes sore (twenty-ninth day). Eyes smart and feel badly on reading for a time (twenty- sixth day). Eyes feel as if smoke were in the room (fifteenth day). Inner canthus itches, and feels pasty, in morning (second day). Brow and Orbit. Supraorbital region very much swollen (thirty-ninth day). Slight swelling of orbital region (seventh day); orbital region swollen (tenth day); whole orbital region swollen, on waking in morning, passed off gradually through the day (eleventh day). Slight oedema of orbital region, more marked in the right than the left (fourth day); orbital region somewhat swollen (eighth and eighteenth days); orbital region less swollen (fifteenth day). Slight oedema of orbital region, worse on right side (fourth day); some oedema of orbital region (sixth day); oedema of infraorbital region (seventh day); orbital region very much swollen, on waking (fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth days); orbital region swollen, on waking, but the swelling passed of in about an hour after rising, leaving a slightly puffy appearance (eighteenth day); whole orbital region very much swollen (twenty-fourth day); orbital region some swollen, in mornings (twenty-ninth day). Orbital region much swollen (fortieth day). Dulness and very moderate aching through supraorbital region (seventeenth and eighteenth days). Pain over right eye (ninth day). Awoke with moderately severe pain, from one temple to the other, over orbits, which continued all day (fifteenth day) Aching through brow and orbits (eighth day); aching in supraorbital region rather worse, and extends farther up forehead, and most intense immediately above orbits (ninth day); severe pain in supraorbital region and temples, on waking; severe till 4 or 5 P.M., then passing into the orbit posterior to and in the ball of the eye, with considerable photophobia; pain much severer in orbit than any other place, compelling him to lie down; never had this kind of pain before, except when taking the drug, on a former occasion; severe pain began to diminish about 7 P.M., and by bedtime had almost passed away, leaving a dull, supraorbital pain (twenty-fourth day). Awoke in morning with very severe aching across brow, above orbits, with considerable vertigo on moving about, and a sensation of lightness or largeness of the head while sitting, continuing severe till 3 P.M., when there was just enough pain to keep him conscious of it all the time (seventeenth day); about enough of the supraorbital headache to make him constantly aware that he has it (eighteenth day); frontal headache rather more severe (twenty-third day); first impression in morning produced by a severe pain in supraorbital region and temples, continuing very severe till 4 or 5 P.M., when it passed into the orbit, posterior to an in the ball of the eye (twenty-fourth day). Heavy, disagreeably full feeling in orbital region, reaching to temples (fifth day). Dull pain over orbits, reaching into the temporal region (fourteenth day). Dull aching across orbits (sixteenth day). Occasional shooting pains above right eye (eighteenth day); feeling as of thickening of the structures within the lids, the right eye feeling worst (twenty-fourth day). Lids agglutinated, in morning (second and thirty-eighth days). Difficult keeping lids from closing (seventh day); lids disposed to close down, with inability to open eyes as wide as usual (ninth day). Stiffness of lids (twenty-seventh day). Burning of eyelids, in morning (second day). Eyelids feel swollen, particularly of right eye, and outer canthus worst; lower lid of right eye feels swollen and itchy, as if a stye would make its appearance, in morning (second day). Edges of eyelids itch and burn (fifteenth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation in open air (tenth and twelfth days); worse in morning (eighth day). Moderate lachrymation on going into open air (seventh and twelfth days); eyes lachrymate on looking steady at an object (fifteenth day); lachrymate very much in open air (twentieth day). Eyes very watery for some time after waking, in the morning (fortieth day). On going into open air, tears flowed freely, but this gradually wore off (thirty-eighth day); eyes water profusely when reading, at 9.35 A.M. (forty- sixth day); tears secreted freely, at 8.55 A.M. (forty-ninth day). Conjunctiva. Vessels of conjunctiva injected (fourth, fifth, and eleventh days). Vessels of conjunctiva fuller than usual, and white portion of eye has perceptibly yellowish tinge (fourth, fifth, and seventh days); palpebral vessels more congested, and the conjunctiva, on inner surface of lids an on balls, disposed to gather into folds, as the eyes are rolled back and forth (tenth day); vessels not so full, and sclerotica not so oedematous (thirteenth day); vessels of ball and inner side of lids are full, causing a feeling, on moving the ball, as of something granular between them (fifteenth day); vessels of conjunctiva congested (sixteenth day); inner surface of lower lid distinctly granular in appearance (twentieth day); vessels of ball and lid both largely congested (twenty fourth day); vessels of ball and lids perceptibly congested (twenty-ninth day). Conjunctiva congested, on waking in morning (second day); conjunctiva of uniform redness (third day); congested conjunctiva (fifth day). Conjunctival vessels congested (third day); conjunctiva slightly congested (fourth day). Vessels of conjunctiva somewhat congested, especially on rising this morning (there are no vessels visible usually in my eyes), (twenty-first day); vessels of conjunctiva congested (twenty fifth day); vessels of conjunctiva slightly congested (thirty eighth day); eyes slightly congested, at 9.30 A.M. (forty-second day); conjunctiva congested, at 9.30 A.M. (forty- third day); conjunctiva but slightly congested, at 12.10 P.M. (forty-eighth day); conjunctiva slightly congested, and jaundiced (fifty-first day). Conjunctival vessels moderately congested (ninth day); turgid (eighteenth day); vessels on inner surface of lid quite full, and vessels of globe less turgid (twentieth day). Palpebral lining membrane thickened and quite red, and as the eyes are rolled from side to side, or up and down, the lining membrane gathers in rolls between balls and lids, the left eye appearing the worst (twelfth day). Ball. Stiffness of eyeballs (twenty- seventh day). Eyeballs seem large when closing lids over them, in morning, on waking (thirty-eighth day). Aching pain deep in eyeballs, after two hours’ reading; aggravated by opening eyes widely, and relieved by closing and resting them for a time (fortieth day). Balls sore and smarting (thirty-ninth day). Eyeballs sore on pressure, all day (twenty-fifth day). Balls sore to touch, or if pressed upon (fourteenth day). Eyeballs sore when closing lids, and pressing ball (fifth day after recommencing taking); left eye sore; continual scratching beneath lids on rolling the ball; light aggravates (sixth day after recommencing taking); continual scratching in left eye, as if sand was under outer part of upper lid (eleventh day after recommencing taking). Eyeballs feel sore and tender; pressure on ball does not produce pain directly, but when the pressure is removed the pain becomes severe, at 12.10 P.M. (forty-eighth day). Pupil. Pupils somewhat distended in morning (second day); pupils a little dilated (thirty-ninth day). Pupil of left eye much larger than that of the other (from two to three diameters), there seeming to be but little difference between the eyes in the power to discern objects, but on noticing closely, an object looked at has a misty appearance to both eyes; the distension of pupil passed off while walking, and did not return for the day, at 1 P.M. (fourteenth day); pupil of left eye very much enlarged, at 5 P.M., and to some extent at 11 P.M. (seventeenth day); somewhat dilated (nineteenth day). Vision. Eyes dim, at 8 A.M. (forty-first day). On looking long at an object, the sight becomes dim (fourteenth day); sight very much weakened from the condition of health (twenty-ninth day). Vision indistinct; frequent wiping of eyes for relief (fourth day); concentrated effort necessary for distinct vision (eleventh day); vision poor for long distances (twelfth day); vision remained [poor for a considerable time, and was the most lasting symptom (fifteenth day). Objects loose all distinctness and become blurred; dimness of vision on rising from a seat, at 11.55 A.M. Slight photophobia (eighth day). Consider- able photophobia (twenty-fourth day). Eyes sensitive to light (twenty-second day); a good deal of photophobia, at 12.10 P.M. (forty-eighth day). Flickering before eyes when closed, at 8 A.M. (forty-first day). Eye symptoms worse in open air (ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.