
Chilliness. Paroxysms of slight chilliness over body (after thirty-five minutes). Sensation as though cool air were suddenly blowing upon him, especially on uncovered parts, chiefly on the hands. Coldness of the whole body (after four minutes). She complained f coldness all day, in a temperature of 62oF. Feeling of coldness; she wants to be near the fire always. Feeling of coldness, mostly in the spine, with a drawing pain. Sensation of external coldness, with a sensation of internal burning in the same spot (after six hours). Shivering over the whole body, from the slightest contact of air, so that he was obliged to get into bed, where only he was able to get warm. Slight shivering on the scalp, whence it extended over the whole body (immediately). Shivering over the whole body, and yet he could get no rest in the house, on account of flushes of heat; he was obliged to go into the open air, where he felt better (third day). Alternations of shivering and heat all day, with prostration, so that he was obliged to lie down (after eight hours). A feeling of coldness in the upper and lower extremities, rather external than internal, but not perceptible to the fingers (after five minutes). Feeling of coldness from the soles of the feet to the knees. A sudden cool sensation on the left tibia. Heat. Greatly increased warmth of the whole body, with profuse perspiration, and increased activity (immediately). Heat. On getting into bed, at 9 P.M., burning over the whole body (the right side seemed hotter), with a feeling of heat, dryness and scraping in the throat, and moderate thirst; the bed was intolerable; she was obliged to lie uncovered, with sticking headache in the forehead, dizziness before the eyes, bruised feeling in the whole body; sleepless, restless, she tossed about, experienced a jerk like grasping above the umbilicus, and dragging towards the genitals, with extreme ill-humor; the attack lasted an hour (after nine hours). After the shivering, a comfortable feeling of natural warmth, shivering crept again from the head down through the body (after fifteen minutes). While the hands seemed to him naturally warm, the right cold, to the face they both seemed cool (after two hours). Heat of the face, with dimness before the eyes. Face very hot, without being red (after twenty-eight hours). The head was very hot, and the whole posterior portion perspired profusely. Burning heat in the face, with eruption of pimples. Sweat. Perspiration; without heat. Slight perspiration, every morning. Slight cutaneous transpiration, continuing two hours (after a few minutes). A universal breathing sweat. Cutaneous exhalations smelled strongly of musk, even the next day. Much perspiration on the forehead.

Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), On waking, bitter taste; dry cough; perspiration. Forenoon), Vomiting. Evening), Dull pain in head. (Night), Diarrhoea; jerking pain in body. (After dinner), Tightness about pit of stomach. (After eating), Qualmishness. Motion), Headache, as from a weight; pressure in frontal region; pain in great toe. (Violent motion), Painfulness of head. (Stooping), Turning in forehead, etc.


(Open air), All symptoms from triturating; vertigo; drawing in head; cutting headache; feverish symptoms. (Moving about in air), Headache as from a weight. (Coffee), Constipation. (motion), Sensation in thighs, etc. (Rest), Stitches in side. (Stooping), Pressive pain in pit of stomach.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.