
Violent stitches in the anus, that so extended to the bladder. Crawling in the anus, relieved by rubbing.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea at night, passing while sleeping (after thirty hours). Diarrhoea, mostly at night, with violent urging, and pressive pain in the anus. Diarrhoea, with most violent colic (after three days). Profuse diarrhoea, with retraction of the stomach. Diarrhoea-like stool; three or four thin stool a day, always mixed with faeces. Violent rumbling and urging to stool, which at first was hard, afterwards soft, at last followed by a natural stool (after twenty-four hours). Urging to an evacuation of stool and flatus; the stool was natural, preceded by easy emission of flatus, which, however, did not accompany the stool. The stool looks as though he had taken Sepia (after three days). Constipation. Constipation, for several days. Constipation throughout the whole time of triturating; relieved as he drank coffee.

Urinary Organs

Much burning in the urethra, especially with erections (after eleven hours). Urine clear as water, and very copious. Urine scanty, and thick as yeast. The urine smelled strongly of musk, even the next day.

Sexual Organs

Male. A small and retracted penis, as in an octogenarian, suddenly attains its former size. A robust man, forty-six years old, who had been unable to have coition for four years (resulting from a cold), and for which everything that he had tried had been unavailing, became perfectly healthy when triturating Moschus, and has remained as for now two years. It seems to excite sexual desire. Excited sexual desire. Sexual desire, while triturating; great relaxation for an hour afterwards (every day). Sexual desire, with two involuntary emissions (third day). Greatly excited sexual desire in both sexes, with intolerable tickling (after seventeen hours). Desire for coition, with tensive pain in the penis (after fifteen hours). Great desire for coition, and after satisfaction, nausea and vomiting (after three hours). Painful emissions, without erections (fifth day). Female. Drawing and dragging towards the genitals; feeling as if the menses would appear (after nine and twenty-two hours). Menstruation very irregular for three months. It brings on the menses (even the odor). It promotes the menstruation. Menstruation, which had occurred two weeks previous, reappeared next day. Menses, that had occurred eleven days previously, returned (after eighteen hours). Menstruation six days too early, and very profuse (after five days). Menstruation six days too early, with drawing pain low down in the abdomen, never before experienced (after five hours). The menses, that had disappeared for a year, returned always on triturating, and lasted a few hours, when they disappeared; in a woman, aged forty-eight (after fifteen minutes). Sexual desire excited in a woman, sixty years old, who in her whole life before had never had such a sensation (after three hours).

Respiratory Organs

Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. Very tenacious mucus in the chest, without cough, which seemed to take away her breath, because she could not clear it away; somewhat relieved by drinking. A feeling as of sulphur vapor in the larynx, with constriction of the trachea (immediately). A sudden sensation in the upper part of the larynx, as if it closed upon the breath; almost as if had inspired sulphur vapor. On inspiration, which was quite free, he had a sensation almost as if he had previously inspired the sulphur vapor. Cough. Severe dry cough, worse in the morning, and pain under left breast on coughing. Respiration. Breath smelled strongly of musk, even the next day. Short respiration, with stitches in the right side, better during rest, though not entirely ceasing (after four days). Oppression of breathing. Oppressed respiration; she was obliged to take a deep breath. Difficult respiration, with violent sticking in the chest, so that he could take only very short breaths (after three minutes).


The chest is very much affected; it is painful generally, with violent dry cough (after one hour and three-quarters). Fullness of the chest. Tightness of the chest, so that he was obliged to take a deeper breath than usual. Compression of the chest. Suffocative constriction in the chest. A kind of cramp in the lung, beginning with an inclination to cough, gradually increasing and making him perfectly desperate; during the first twenty-four hours, passing off in five minutes. Pressure in the chest, very frequently stopping his breath, for five days in succession (after four hours and a half). Pressure upon the chest, so that he was unable to lie down; he thought that he would suffocate, and gasped for air (after twelve hours). Pressive pain on the chest, now on the left, now on the right side, now extending through the chest into the spine, without entirely leaving the chest (after thirty-two hours). Stitches in the chest, with a red, puffy face, dilated pupils, dry, bright- red tongue, and excessive thirst (after three days). Dull intermitting stitches in the left half of the chest (after twenty-eight hours). Gnawing pain in the chest, with a sense of suffocation. Sides. Pinching in the left side, beneath the short ribs, on deep inspiration. Itching pinching in the sides, by the short ribs. Sticking in the right side, extending down into the hepatic region. Intermitting dull stitches, almost like fine pinchings, in the right side, beneath the short ribs, that oblige rubbing. Mammae. A pressive pain in the left breast, as though the pain would force itself through the nipple (after thirty-five hours).

Heart and Pulse

Palpitation, as from anxious expectation (after four hours). Pulse more rapid than usual. The pulse is less full and much more rapid, 72 to 88 (after six hours). Pulse 6 to 8 beats more rapid than usual. Increased frequency, fullness, and softness of the pulse, with excitement similar to that which is caused by wine, continuing two hours (after a few minutes). Pulse fuller, 4 or 5 beats slower than usual.

Neck and Back

Neck. Violent pains in the nape of the neck, so that he was unable to turn the head (after three hours). Drawing pain from the second cervical vertebra as far as the right shoulder (after thirty-four hours). Pressure in the nape of the neck (after four minutes). Drawing pressure in one cervical muscle. Sticking pain, now in the neck, now in both shoulders (after fifteen minutes). Pain in the muscles of the neck, as if they were torn from their upper and lower attachments (second day). Back. Drawing pains in the spine, which extend into the hip-joint, and there become so violent that he cries out (after four hours and a half). Violent drawing pain in the back, which feels drawn tense, as before menstruation. Intermitting dull stitches in the left side of the spine, in the middle of the trunk. Partly jerking, partly drawing pains in the spine, that become firmly seated, mostly in the upper part of both thighs, and so impede walking (first day). Acute pressure in the left side of the sacrum, above the coccyx, as if caused by a dull instrument.

Extremities in General

Involuntary throwing about of the hands and feet, in which he feels violent pains (after five hours). Stiffness of the limbs, with desire to urinate. A kind of stiffness of the hands and feet. Aching pains in upper and lower limbs.

Superior Extremities

Jerking in the right arm, with a cramp like pain and falling asleep of the fingers (after thirty-one hours). Jerking pain from the right shoulder-joint to the thumb. Shoulder. Tearing-sticking pain in the left shoulder, that causes heaviness in the whole upper portion of the arm, so that its motion is impeded (after twenty-eight hours). Arm. Pressive pains in the muscles of the upper arms, extending from the shoulder-joints to the elbows. Forearm. Drawing and sticking in the left forearm, extending from the wrist into the elbow-joint, in the evening in bed after lying down, preventing falling asleep; she was obliged to put it out of bed and move it up and down to relieve the pain, lasting half an hour (after six hours). Paralytic drawing in the right forearm, just above the wrist. Pinching pressure on the inferior surface of the left forearm, followed by burning (after eight hours). Hand. Swelling of the hands, with a stinging pain (after thirty minutes). Her right hand, in which she held the pestle of the mortar, became stiff, the fingers of the same hand were quite rigidly outstretched. Cramp like drawing in the hands and fingers, as if a cramp (rigid spasm) would occur. Rather dull stitches in the left hand. Fingers. Involuntary motion of the fingers (after one hour). Paralytic jerking in the left thumb. Stiffness in the fingers of the right hand, lasting two days (after seventeen hours). Complete stiffness of the fingers of the right hand. An internal simple pain in the last phalanx of the left index finger; it makes the finger tremble (immediately). A kind of cooling burning in the last joint of the right index finger. Paralytic drawing in the left thumb, as if a cramp like spasm would occur. Complained of sticking in finger-joints (on coming to his senses, after loss of mind), (after twelve hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.