
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Moschus, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Inspissated and dried secretion of preputial follicles of the musk deer, Moschus moschiferus, L. Musk.


1. HAHNEMANN, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. i of original, vol. ii of translation. Contains 2 symptoms from self, 111 from three fellow – observers, and 39 from authors.

2. GUNTZ, on Feb. 9th, 1824, at 9 a. m., took 5 gr. of musk mixed with I oz. of water. The only symptom produced was a slight pressing headache in frontal region which came on after 11 a. m., and vanished a few m. later. (JORG, Materialien.)

3. KNESCHKE, on Jan. 4th, at 9 a. m., took 4 gr. mixed with 20 gr. of sugar and I oz. water. Towards 10 a. m. pulse was 74 as against 71 before taking dose; pulse also appeared fuller than usual. These symptoms disappeared towards 11 a. m. Some results followed from dose of 6 gr. On taking 10 gr. felt after 3/4 hours slight confusion of frontal region, changing after 15 m. into dull frontal headache, most perceptible on right side; after 1 3/4 hours this spread towards parietal and occipital regions, and was here also more severe on right than on left side. Whole head now felt somewhat empty and confused, and power of concentration was somewhat affected. This condition of head lasted till bedtime. Pulse all through was 2 or 3 beats quicker, and fuller than usual. Repetition of dose caused same train of symptoms, but lasting only 6 hours (Ibid.)

4. MARTINI took 5 gr. at 9 a. m., on Feb. 10th. After I hour there was moderate quickening of pulse, increased feeling of warmth with some sweat and distension of veins of hand; these lasted hardly I h. One hour after 10 gr. pulse rose for short time 8 beats per m. On going into open air noticed suddenly feeling of heat in right cheek spreading to right side of forehead, lasting barely I m. (Ibid.)

5. OTTO, after taking 2 gr., felt slight confusion of head, which did not last long. After dose of 8 gr. felt moderate confusion of head passing on after I hour to slight headache, and accompanied by absent-mindedness, which prevented his working for several h. After taking 10 gr. confusion of head followed, but was exceedingly slight. (Ibid.)

6. SIEBENHAAR took 10 gr. Only symptoms noticed were some quickening of circulation and rush of blood towards head, lasting hardly I hours (Ibid.)

7. JORG, on Jan. 31st, at 9 a. m., took 10 gr. rubbed up with same quantity of magnesia and suspended in I oz. water. After 1/2 hours felt slight oppression of whole head, bordering on pain, becoming better and worse by turns, and lasting till nearly midday; at same time feeling of fulness in region of stomach came on, accompanied at 10 a. m. by upward pressure towards thorax and stabbing in left shoulder – blade. Pressure and stabbing ceased midday, but fulness in stomach lasted longer and interfered with enjoyment to dinner. During same period (10 – 12) pulse was quickened several beats per m. At 6 p. m. felt burning in chest in direction of diaphragm. He then took 15 gr. After hours was seized with slight vertigo, changing at times into moderate parietal headache, and accompanied now and then by painful pressure over both orbits and outwardly over both eyelids. At midday these changed into sleepiness, which was relieved by dinner. At 5 p. m. same feeling or pressure in forehead came on, lasting till nearly 7 p. m. (Ibid.)

8. Frau CH – took 3 gr. in a tablespoonful of water on July 19th, at 8 a. m. At 8:30 slight confusion of head came on, changing for 5 m. into vertigo then into frontal region, which passed off at 10 a. m. Pressure in forehead returned p. m., and lasted till towards 5 p. m. From 9 till 12 a. m. pulse was several beats per m. quicker than usual. At 5 p. m. on same day she took 6 gr. in a tablespoonful of water. Soon afterwards felt pressure in region of stomach, coupled with sinking feeling. This pressure increased during I hour, and was felt not only forwards but backwards to spine as if right through body; it lasted uninterruptedly till midday following. At 5:20 head became confused, and later almost giddy, so that at 6:30 the meshes of her knitting appeared to run one into the other; there was besides troublesome pressure in frontal region, increased by movement, and lasting also till next midday. There was also dryness in mouth and oesophagus noticeable for 16 h. Between 7 and 9 p. m., pulse was six to eight beats quicker than usual. I hour after dose was overpowered with sleep, and yawned deeply and often. Next m. felt very unwell; head still affected, trembling all over body, weight and pressure in stomach. At noon most of these symptoms passed off, but she was very sleepy all p. m., and slept from I till 3 p. m. On July 21st, at 7:30 a. m., took 6 gr., experiencing same symptoms. At 10 a. m. had confusion of head, slight giddiness, moderate trembling and shaking through whole body, and quickening of pulse. Appetite at noon was very slight, but pressure in frontal region, which came on forenoon, was all the more severe, and lasted until e. During p. m. had also nausea, sleepiness, and frequent yawning. Sleep was not so good as usual, and on awaking next m. had confusion of head, pressure in frontal region, trembling and lassitude of body, pressure at stomach, and dryness of gullet, lasting till noon. ( Ibid.)

9. Fraulein CH – took 3 gr. During next 2 hours said it appeared to her as if she had not slept properly, head feeling heavy and empty, and yawning occurring frequently. On same day at 5 p. m. took 6 gr. After 1/2 hour pressing sensation in stomach, pressure in forehead, and oppression in whole head came on; frequent yawning and sleepiness soon followed, and all lasted till 10 p. m. On repeating dose at 7:30 a. m. after 1 1/2 hour felt heaviness of head, passing after another 1/2 hour into genuine pain, perceptible especially in forehead, lasting till 10 p. m. From 10 a. m. till I p. m. pulse was somewhat quickened, strong and full. From 10 a. m. was obliged to yawn frequently; this increased during p. m., when lassitude and sleepiness were superadded. (Ibid.)

10. TH. JORG took 3 gr. Noticed only hardly perceptible heaviness of head lasting 4 h. On same day at 5 p. m. took 6 gr. After 1/2 hours felt confusion of head, with slight frontal, alternating with occipital, headache, both lasting till 9 p. m. On repeating same dose at 8 a. m., after 1/2 hours felt confusion and heaviness in head, passing on to pressing pains, especially noticeable in frontal region and spreading downwards towards eyes and nose. Towards 9 p. m. remarked that gullet was unusually dry. these symptoms lasted till 10 p. m. (Ibid.)

11. Mrs. – had been married a year, but had no pleasure in sexual intercourse; otherwise perfectly well. Took 4 dr. of M. (strength not stated) every n., and had same quantity injected into vagina following n. Quantity swallowed later reduced to 3, 2, and finally I dr. On 2nd or 3rd day from Ist dose, dull pain in bones of left knee, afterwards extending up to hip, and down to great toe; still only in bones; ease found in lying on painful side. This ceased a few days after leaving off med. On resuming it 3 days later – 3 dr. per vaginum and I by mouth – same symptoms returned, exactly as before, only on right side instead of l. No change in sexual organs. (BERRIDGE, N. r. F. of Hom. ii, 308.)

12a. Miss – took 30 dr. 6th cent. at 2:45 p. m. At 2:55 sleepiness, stupid feeling in head. 2nd day – In afternoon sleepiness with slight aching in forehead. 6th day – Ever since, sleepiness with yawning when not actively employed.

12b. Same prover took 3rd trit. It caused inability to sleep. (IBID., Am. Obs., 1875, p. 307.)

13a. Miss -, Ist trit. Oppression of breathing; anxiety as if something were about to happen. Creeping on top of brain. Pricking in body and “fidgets,” preventing sleep.

13b. Same prover, 10 – 20 dr. 6th dil. Tingling all over body; low spirits; very nervous. (Ibid.)

14. Mrs. -, 3 – 4 dr. 2nd dil. Made her feel quiet and self – possessed; no fear of any kind; is usually nervous and timid. (Ibid.)

15. Miss -, 3 dr. 2nd dil. In 15 m. a stupid feeling in forehead. (Ibid.)

16. E. W. BERRIDGE, M. D., 30 dr. 6th dil. In 5 m., flat taste in mouth, lasting some time. In 35 m. paroxysm of slight chilliness over body. (Ibid.)

17. a. A man, aet. 52, triturated for I h. I gr. Mosch. with 100 gr. milk sugar. In the first 5 m. a kind of rush of blood to head, with staring eyes and spasm in mouth, so that he could not answer when asked what was the matter, though he understood what was said. In the 7th m. he began to speak, and spoke so rapidly and so confusedly that it was impossible to write down what he said, and he would not stop when asked. Till the 10th m. he was as pale as a corpse, and his hair dripping with perspiration. Vertigo as if intoxicated, he could not walk alone. Headache as if a weight lay on head, aggravated by movement. Roaring in both ears as from a strong wind. No memory, yet he answered every question, but when the first question was repeated, he seemed to be endeavouring to remember something, and then gave a wrong answer. Both eyes distorted upwards. Movement of lower jaw as if chewing something. Vomiting of phlegm 3 times successively. Severe pressure in stomach, followed by eructation smelling like a goat. Some rumbling in bowels, with discharge of flatus of like smell. Stiffness of penis and urging to urinate. Fingers of right hand quite stiff. He was taken into the open air, and in 1/2 hour all the symptoms were gone, and he then recommenced his triturating and continued it for 1/2 h.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.