General Symptoms

Objective. Hands and face swollen and inflamed. Very active when at work. Convulsions. It causes sleep, trembling, convulsions, etc., like narcotic poisons. General debility all day (second, fourth, and fifth days). Prostration (fifth day). Obliged to lie down on account of the fever (which is slight), and quite a bad headache. She is obliged to lie down; with irregular pulse, cold extremities, and the greatest anxiety. He lies down, and gets up alternately (second day). Subjective. Inclination to lie down (sixth day). Inclination to remain lying (eleventh day). General heaviness (sixth day). A nervous sensation of lightness, as if he could soar into the air. Very disagreeable sensation on hearing the noise of a saw (second day). While listening to hammer-strokes, he feels their repercussion all through him (second day). Paralytic sensation immediately after rising in the morning; his hard trembles very much; he cannot open his room- door (second day). Malaise after drinking. Excessive malaise. Lancinations at irregular intervals in the left shoulder- blade, and in the muscles of the left side of the chest (second day). Lancination in the muscles of the right knee, also in the ribs and right side (fourth day). Sticking in the back and on the crest of the ilium. Sudden needle-like stitches here and there. Throbbing in the whole body. Burning in the stomach; swelling of the legs up to the knee, pitting on pressure; red swollen spots as large as the hand here and there on the abdomen and chest; extremely irritable and peevish; began to be better in cool weather; after several weeks there was an eruption of blisters half an inch in diameter, especially on the soles of the feet, when he felt better internally; the swelling remained longest on the ankles (poisoning). Pricking in the skin, together with feverish horripilation; succeeded by heat, with desire to be uncovered; then loss of consciousness; great debility; painful difficulty in swallowing; restlessness; copious urination. Emotional disturbances are accompanied by indescribable uneasiness, hammering pain in the chest, and loss of speech (fourth day).

Sleep and Dreams

Sleepiness. Drowsiness after breakfast (second day). Constant drowsiness (third day). Deep sleep in daytime (fifth day). Heavy sleep, and late waking (second day). Sleeplessness. Sleep restless, tossing about the bed, with frightful dreams (fourth to sixth days). Frequent waking at night in an indifferent almost unconscious condition, but suddenly falling asleep again. No sleep at night (fourth day). Dreams. Dreams first sad, then cheerful (third day). Dreams about ghosts and apparitions (sixth day).


Chilliness. Rigor. Coldness of the hands and feet; (fifth day). Shuddering in the abdomen, coming on at long intervals. Heat. Some fever at night (first day). Heat in face, and afterwards a burning like that occasioned by the scorching of the fire. Great heat in the forehead and eyes. Great heat in the back of the head. Sweat. Night-sweat. Sweat in the palms of the hands, while the rest of the body is perfectly dry (second day).


Redness of the skin (second day). Red spots on the nose. Yellow spots on the chest. Eruptions, Dry. Small pimples (second day). Eruption of small pimples about the mouth and chin. Many small pimples on the chin; they go off by desquamation, on the third day. Felt a great itching in the part, and perceived a few small red pimples, which occasioned an extreme itching and pricking; they disappear after a few days, without suppuration (second day). Fine red itching rash on the inner side of the wrist, extending up to the bend of the elbow. Miliary eruption on the face; afterwards the skin is wrinkled. Miliary eruption on the abdomen. Eruptions, Moist. Dew falling from the leaves upon the skin causes blisters. It is dangerous to sleep under the tree; the drops of water falling from the leaves cause blisters on the skin. The milky juice, burns, draws blisters, inflames, and destroys the hair. Heart rises to the face;soon followed by smarting, pricking and burning, which last all day (first day); face swollen, in morning; about noon vesicles appear of the size of a pin’s head, and full of yellow serum (second day); the vesicles are absorbed, and desquamation takes places (fourth day). Herpetic eruption, an inch in diameter, on the right arm; it disappears next day (eleventh day). Eruptions, Pustular. When rubbed into the skin it causes a pustular eruption. Subjective. Burning in the thighs and, especially in the ankle-joint. Burning sensation over the whole surface of his body; this way was presently concentrated on particular points, especially on the face and around the eyes. Raw pain in the skin of the abdomen. Pricking in the feet when sitting (fifth day). Formication in the forehead. Formication in the right hip, with lancinations when walking (seventh day). Continuous formication in both feet at once, especially the left (third day). Tickling on the left tibia, of short duration. Itching on the left eyebrow. Itching of the left lower lid, disappearing when touched. Itching in the right wing of the nose, disappearing on rubbing with the hand, but soon returning. Itching on the chest. Itching just below the condyle of the right elbow, now and then returning. Itching on the right wrist. Itching on the middle joint of the right index finger. Tickling itching in the ball of the left thumb, repeated several times. His lips were completely ulcerated and itched intolerably.

Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), On getting out of bed, vertigo; after eating a piece of bread, vertigo. (Evening), Palpitation; in bed, pain in tibia. (Night), The symptoms; eructations; sweat. (Mid-night), Cough. (Open air), Vertigo. (Anger), Some symptoms. (Beer), Eructations. (Becoming chilled), Anxiety. (Drinking), Cough; malaise. (After eating), Most symptoms; pain in praecordial region; palpitation. (Exertion), Cough. (Looking long and steadily), Vertigo. (Reading aloud), Vertigo. (Stooping), Eructations. (Walking), Anxiety; headache etc.; pain in hypochondrium.


(Open air), Vertigo. (Cool weather), Burning in stomach, etc. (Lying down), The symptoms. (Warmth), Most symptoms. (Yawning), Throat symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.