
Hypochondria. Pain in the hypochondria (fourth day). Pain in the right hypochondrium, worse when walking. Sudden sticking in the left hypochondrium. Lancinations in the hypochondria and scapulae (third day). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen. After an hour, the abdomen became greatly swollen, while a burning fire raged in his bowels, with trembling of the whole body, cold sweat, weakness and constant faintness. Increased emission of flatus and empty eructations. Copious emission of flatus (second day). Pains in the abdomen. Tension of the abdomen. Griping in the bowels (before the menses). Griping at the appearance of the menses. Dull pain in right flank, lasting all day. Transient boring pain in the abdomen on respiration. Twitching pain in the bowels (fourth day). Cutting in the abdomen, followed by diarrhoea. Lancinating pain in the bowels (fourth day). Frequent violent lancinations in the abdomen and bowels (third day). Repeated violent lancinations in the right side of the abdomen (second day). Great pain in the abdomen, as if had been struck with a pointed stick (first day). Colic and diarrhoea (fourth day). Colic and four stools, one of them bloody. Hammering pain in the abdomen after breakfast (second day). Bruised pain in the abdominal walls. Sensation as from a blow in the abdomen, followed by an evacuation (seventh day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Pain in the lower portion of the abdomen, followed by a stool. Cramps in the hypogastrium during menstruation. Griping pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, immediately followed by emission of flatus. Dull pain in the left groin. Lancinations in the groins (fifth day).

Rectum and Anus

Swelling of the hemorrhoids, which become blue. Dark blood from the hemorrhoids, which coagulates at once, and is offensive. Inertia of the sphincter ani, as if paralyzed. Pain in the anus after stool. A Pressive pain in the anus during and immediately following a stool. Pulsation in the anus after stool. Feeling of fullness in the rectum, with a sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Dragging in the rectum. Urging to stool.


Diarrhoea. Frequent diarrhoea, with much emission of flatus; after the diarrhoea ceased, he was attacked with pains in the legs, from the hips to the ankles, feeling as if the flesh were beaten. Two attacks of diarrhoea and colic, with twitching pain in the bowels, at midnight (second day). Diarrhoeic attack, with pain and tenesmus. It began with a natural stool, followed by frequent painful evacuations, at first black and offensive, then watery. Lasted more than two hours (fourth day). Copious stools, with colic and dizziness. Frequent stools (eleventh day). A great many stools, with discharge of blood, colic, drowsiness, and dizziness. More than twenty stools, from 2 to 8 P.M., with pain and burning heat in the bowels. Thirteen stools. Nine green stools, without blood. Two stools. Easy stools (second day). Sudden desire for stool in the morning, and entire inability to retain it, followed by tenesmus. Constipation. Constipation for eight days following the diarrhoea.

Urinary Organs

Bladder. Considerable excitement in the bladder. Lancinations in the bladder when beginning to urinate; he feels better while finishing (fourth day). Urethra. Burning in the urethra. Micturition. Copious micturition. Diminished micturition (fourth and sixth day). Infrequent micturition. Urine. Urine scanty, whitish (first day); copious, but always whitish (second and third days); clear, copious, and whitish (fourth day); clear and profuse (fifth, sixth and seventh days).

Sexual Organs

Itching on the scrotum. Sexual desire (fifth day). Menstrual blood pale.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Tension of the larynx. Cutting in the larynx. Cough and Expectoration. Coughed a little during the day. Cough caused by irritation of the larynx. Cough after drinking. Cough, with sweet taste in the throat. Violent cough, with painful pricking in the throat, on the least exertion (fourth day). Cough, with bloody mucous expectoration. The cough is more frequent at midnight. White expectoration (second day). Respiration. Slight rattling noise in chest during respiration. Deep and frequent inspirations (fourth day). Difficult breathing when falling asleep again (second day). Suffocation and throbbing in the chest when about to laugh (fourth day). Sudden suffocation, and violent throbbing in the chest, just as he begins to speak (fourth day).


Objective. The chest is much dilated when drawing breath, even with the mouth closed (third day). Spasmodic contraction of the thoracic walls. Weakness of the chest (fourth day). Subjective. Pain in the chest on the least movement (fifth day). Sensation of heat and trembling in the chest (first day). Burning in the chest. Constriction of the chest. Constant dull pain in the left chest. Oppression of chest. Lancinating pain in the chest (fourth day). Bruised pain in the chest, with difficult breathing (third day). Bruised pain in the clavicles, on turning the head to either side (twelfth day). Lancination in the sternum. Intense lancinating pains in the left side (third day).

Heart and Pulse

Praecordium. Pain in the praecordial region, after eating. Cramps in the heart. Pricking through the heart (fourth day). Heart’s Action. Palpitation in the evening. Palpitation after eating. Pulse. Pulse 80.

Neck and Back

Neck. Pain in the nape of the neck and in the forehead, when stooping; it is so confused that he cannot describe it (second day). Hammering pain all around the neck (second day). Hammering pain on the left side of the neck (second day). Hammering pain in the neck, relieved for a few moments by holding the head backwards (eleventh day). Back. Crawling as from worms on the right side of the back, close to the middle of the spine. Dorsal. Weakness in the dorsal muscles. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder- blade (second day). Tearing in right shoulder-blade. Lumbar. Pain in the region of the kidneys. Raw pain in the lumbar region. Sacral. Boring in the sacral region. Pain in the coccyx.

Extremities in General

Lassitude in all the limbs, with indescribable malaise. Feeling of tension in the joints generally. Bruised feeling of the limbs.

Superior Extremities

Trembling of the arms. Stiffness of the arms. The arm feels swollen. Pressure in the arms. Lancination in the arms. Three slight beats on the arm, like finger-taps (second day). A sudden electric-like shock through the left arm and shoulder, when writing in the evening. Shoulder. Lancinating pain in the left shoulder (fourth day). Arm. Intense lancinating and constrictive pain in the muscles of the upper part of the right arm, for more than an hour (third day). Elbow. Continued pain in the elbow-joint (third day). Heat in the elbow. Tension in the elbow-joint. Very sharp pain in the elbow-joints (second day). Wrist. Pain from morning to night in the wrist and metacarpus, as if strings were tied tight around them (second day); the constrictive pain in the wrist shifts to the middle of the left arm for nearly an hour, after which it returns to the former place (third day). Hand. Redness of the hands during the day (second day). Swelling of the veins of the hands (second day). Twitching in the hands. Awkwardness of the hands. Lancination in the hands. A dull stitch along the metacarpal bone of the left index finger. Fingers. Blue finger-nails. A dull stitch in the ball of the left thumb. Tearing pains in the finger like gout.

Inferior Extremities

Objective. Trembling of the lower limbs. Twitching and jerking in both lower extremities. Paralysis, first of the thighs, then of the legs. Subjective. Pain up and down the legs, after the diarrhoea; at last the pain in the left lower extremity disappears and becomes seated on the lower posterior portion of the right thigh, just above the bend of the knee, with a feeling as if a boil would develop, very much impeding walking (repeated after a second dose). Constriction of the thigh and legs, as if a string were tied around them (fifth day). Cramps of the legs and feet. Sudden needle-like stitches in both lower extremities. A bruised sensation in the lower extremities. Thigh. Needle-like stitches posteriorly on the thigh, near the hip joint. Twitching and jerking posteriorly in the middle of the thigh. Knee. Lancination in the right knee-joint (third day). A sharp stitch as with a needle, in the left patella, somewhat relieved by rubbing, but immediately returning. Pricking for two hours in the left knee-joint (eleventh day). Bruised pain in the bends of the knees (fifth day). Leg. The right lower leg falls asleep in the evening. Violent pain like a cramp in the right calf, extending upward to the lower portion of the back, and transversely across the small of the back, with so great weakness that she could scarcely walk. A sore pain on the tibia, in the evening in bed; on applying the hand the pain became a violent burning; next morning there was found a small inflamed spot covered with a crust. Ankle. Swelling of the left malleolus (eleventh day). Foot. Painful heaviness in the feet, when walking (fifth day). Burning pain on the top of the right foot, as from a glowing coal. Dull pain in the bones of the foot, extending from the heel of the toes. Toes. Repeated dull stitches on the inner side of the left great toe.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.