
Sexual Organs

Male. Frequent erections, lasting, ten to fifteen minutes not accompanied with sexual desire but came on spontaneously (seventh day). Pain in the right testicle in the morning, which changed to the left side in the afternoon (fifth day). Female. Yellowish leucorrhoea in the morning, eight days after the appearance of the menses (three weeks after the exhibition of Kalmia), (during the leucorrhoea several old symptoms reappeared). The menses appear eight days too early (fourth day); the next time they make their appearance fourteen days too late, Menstruation insufficient and delayed with pains in the loins, back and anterior part of the thighs. Painful menstruation.

Respiratory Organs

Tickling in the trachea. Cough and Expectoration. Cough day and night. Cough excited by scraping in the throat. Cough with mucous expectoration in the evening. Cough with easy expectoration of a gray smooth, unctuous matter, which has a putrid, saltish taste, on spreading it out separates into small pieces. Respiration. A peculiar noise while breathing, like that caused by spasmodic affections of the glottis. Oppressed breathing (third day). Oppression and shortness of breath which obliges him to breath quickly involuntarily. Oppressed breathing with he palpitation of the heart and anxiety (third day), (after thirty drops, second day). Difficulty of breathing accompanied by anxiety (fifth day). Difficulty of respiration with erysipelatous eruption. Difficult respiration with pains in the limbs.


Oppression of the chest, after the fifth dose, every fourth day. Oppression of the chest with sensation of swelling in the throat. Oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing dullness of the head, and nausea and various pains. Sensation in the chest as if strained by lifting. Sticking pain in the right lung under the third and fourth rib, causing Dyspnoea (thirteenth day). Stitches in the lower part of the chest. Pressure in the right side. Tearing in the whole left side Stitches below the breast.

Heart and Pulse

Heart’s Action. Fluttering of the heart (second day). Slight fluttering of the heart (seventh day). Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart (this symptom was felt yesterday, but I did not heed it until it become pretty intense to day), (seventh day). Palpitation of the heart, on walking slowly upstairs (first day). Palpitation of the heart with anxiety and oppressed breathing (third day); (after thirty drops second day). Violent palpitation of the heart with a faint feeling (second day). Pulse. Pulse 84, at 10 A.M. (half an hour after first dose eleventh day). Pulse 66 at 70 (before proving);80 at 10 P. M.; 68 at 4P. M. (fourth day. Pulse 68 at 8 A.M. 80 at 10 P. M. (tenth day pulse 70 (ninth day); (at 9.30 sixth day). Pleura 62 at 9.15 a. 64 at 4P. M. (seventh day). Pulse 66 at 4P. M. 54 in three consecutive minutes (after second dose at 10 P. M. fifth day). Pulse 60 to 64 before taking; 48 strength not affected or only slightly affected (after third dose). Pulse 54 (fourteenth day). Pulse 58 before taking; 48 (after two hours and a half); 40 and very gentle in its action (after five hours) 37 (after six hours). Very feeble pulse of forty strokes in a minutes. Pulse extremely weak and creeping the artery seemed to slowly contract and dilate like the action of an earthworm; its frequency was 40 to the minute lasting two hours. Imperceptible pulse (after half an hour); when it reappeared it beat only forty strokes in a minutes. Pulse 35 when lying down (after three hours), continuing slow for some time. Irregular pulse (first day); (second day). Irregular pulse aggravated by mental effort and when leaning over to write (second day).

Neck and Back.

Neck. Pain in the neck extending down the back (sixth day). The pain in the neck has increased to stiffness, being the greatest at the seventh cervical (or vertebra prominens), (eleventh day). A little stiffness in the neck, in the morning (twelfth day). Pain in the neck with headache in the occiput (second day). Pain in the right side of the neck. Pain in the sterno cleido mastoid muscle (third day). Drawing and sticking in the left of the neck in the afternoon continuing eight hours. A pressure on both sides of the neck. Violent pressure in the right side of the neck and at the same time in the left foot. Something shoots down both sides of the neck externally. Acute stitches and itching on the left side of the neck at night. Tearing in the nape of the neck. Back. Pain in the back (fourteenth day) during menses. Pain in the back extending through the shoulders. Pain down the whole back (ninth day). Constant pain in the spine sometimes worse in the lumbar region, with great heat and burning. Severe pain in the back after retiring (fourth night). Violent pain down the back. A sensation as if the spinal column would break with an anterior convexity. Dorsal. Pain in the shoulder blades. Pain in the interscapular region (ninth day). Pain between the shoulders coming up over the head into the temples, not affecting the eyeballs (first day). Sharp pain in the three superior dorsal vertebrae extending through the shoulders. Sticking pain in the lower part of the left shoulder blade (third night). Lumbar. Lameness in the small of the back in the evening in bed, (third day). Paralytic pain in the small of the back at 10 P.M. in bed with continued dulness and pain in the head (second day). Aching pain across the loins worse in the evening. Sharp pain in the lumbar region (after thirty drops, second day). Sticking pain in the lumbar region (first day). Sticking pain in the lumbar region worse on motion (third day); continues to come and go (forth day).

Extremities in General.

Weariness in the limbs. Pain in the arms, hands and legs down to the feet. Pain in the left arm and on both legs in the evening. Pain in the right arm, and tearing in the left leg, white at rest which disappears on rising; it extends less severe through the whole of the left side and arm. Pain in the right shoulder and left arm, particularly the elbow and in both lower extremities, especially the knees. Frequent pains here and there in the limbs, continually changing from one place to another for ten days, during the exhibition of a few globules every second day; they lasted three weeks after the discontinuance of the medicine. Frequent pains in the muscles of the extremities and also in the head with dulness, vertigo and some nausea. Alternate pains in shoulder, hip, and ankle joint (fourteenth day). Brief pains in the left elbow arm and knee in the morning and in both arms in the afternoon; while lying is not observed (third day). Sprain like pain at times in the feet and hands. Pressing pain in the left shin, and in the muscles of the left arm, accompanied with the same kind of pain in the right foot. Pressing in the left shin and shoulder and also in the left arm, followed by pressing in the right shoulder and arm. Stitches in both upper and lower extremities rapidly changing their position (after thirty drops, second day). Tearing in the right shoulder, in the left arm in the right lower jaw, and in the flesh of the whole of the left leg downward. Limbs feel as if they had been beaten (third day).

Superior Extremities.

A tired sensation in the arms; I do not feel like writing (fifth day). Pains in the arms. Pains in the arms, and hands. Pain in the right arm. Pain in the whole right arm for weeks. Pains in the left arm. Drawing pain on the inner side of the left arm of short duration at night (third day). A pressure in the right arm. Pressure in left arm. Stitches under the left arm. Tearing in the left arm. Shoulder. Tearing from the right shoulder down the arm. Pain in the shoulders in the morning on waking (third day). Pain in the right shoulder; (first day). Pain in the left shoulder (ninth day). Alternate pains in shoulder and elbow- joint of right arm, locating itself in the elbow (second day). Rheumatism in the shoulder so that I could not rise my arm (sixth day). Rheumatic pains in the shoulder and scapula (first day). Pressuring below the left shoulder in the evening (second day). Pains beneath the left shoulder pressive. Pain sticking in the shoulder joint (third day). Tearing in the shoulder-joint. Tearing pain in the right shoulder. Arm. Pain in the left arm above the elbow and soon afterwards between the elbow and hand; frequent alternating between the two places during one hour and followed by pain in both legs below the knees which extend to the feet. Pressure in the upper arm. Lancinating pain in the middle of the humerus (two hours after first dose, fourth day). Elbow. Frequent violent cracking in the elbow-joints in the afternoon. Pain in the left elbow. Neuralgic pain in the right elbow which alternately drew to the shoulder and wrist joint but finally located itself in the elbow (first day). Pain in elbow which extended to the wrist and produced a sensation in the forearm as if it were in a vice (second day), increased (third day). Sticking pain in the left elbow-joint (third day). Forearm. Cramp like pain from the elbow down to the middle of the forearm. Sticking pain, which shoots along the ulna (seventh day). Tearing from the knuckle of the little finger of the right hand up to the elbow. Tearing from the left elbow down the arms to the index finger which is flexed in a jerking manner. Wrist. Pain in the left wrist so that the hand seems palsied (after weeks). Sticking pain and weakness in the wrist-joint almost disabling me writing (tenth day). Hand. Sensation like paralysis in the right hand (after six doses). Pains in all the joints of the hand (first day). Pains in the right hand. Pains in the left hand, particularly in the palm close to the wrist (after sixth dose). Pain in the hand as from a sprain. Aching in the left hand and fingers. Slight aching in the left hand and fingers and in the posterior part of the left leg, towards the heel with jerking of the heel. Repeated stitches in the hands. Gnawing pain in the palm of the hand at the metacarpo-phalangeal joint at 4 P. M. (fifth day). Fingers. Pain in all the fingers of the left hand at the same time (third day). Pain in the left little finger, extending to the wrist along the ulna to the elbow (first day). Pain in the left little finger forcibly flexing it (after thirty drops; second day). Pain in the little finger extending up the arm along the ulna of a drawing character (first day). Sticking pain in the index finger of the left hand (third day). Sticking pain in the index finger in the evening which is soon followed by a severe pain in the hollow of the right knee and in the calf of the leg, attended by difficulty of breathing (after six doses). Stitches in the fingers. Stitches in the right index finger. Stitches in the left index finger. Tearing in the index finger extending from the elbow.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.