

Pain behind the right ear on the right side of the head, and in the leg. Pain in the right ear (fourth day). Darting pain through the ears, which lasted but a moment at a time (two hours after first dose, fourth day). Stitches in the ears. Stitches in the right ear and behind it. Severe stitches in the ears, at 4 P. M. followed by pain in the arms. Servers stitches in right ear, in the night of the second day. Hearing. Buzzing the ears, (half an hour after second dose fourth day. Excessive ringing in the ears, in the afternoon (fourth day). Frightened by cracking in the head.


Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing and perceptibly increased sense of smell. The nose is sometimes obstructed particularly in the evening. One side of the nose has been occluded for three days (eighth day). Pain deep in the left side of the nose (third day). Continued pressure on the bridge of the nose, with frequent sneezing (second day). Tickling in the nose. Tickling in the nose like that which precedes coryza.

Face Objective.

Paleness of the face (first day). Face flushed (first day). Flushed face with the headache (fifth day). Subjective. Pressive pain between the right eye and right side of nose in the afternoon. Sticking in the bones of the face. The pain in the forehead is sometimes followed by tearing in the bones of the right or left side of the face on the top the head. Neuralgia in the face fifth day. Stitches in the left upper jaw and zygoma. Lips swollen, dry and stiff in the morning (second day). China Pain under the angle of the jaws (second day). Darting aching pain in the jaw (fifth day). Shooting in the jaws and teeth (first day). Tearing in the right lower, jaw. Stinging in the bones of the jaws.


Teeth. Pain in the upper teeth. Pain in the lower incisor teeth (fifth day). Pain in the molars at 10.30A.M. (fifth day). Pain in the roots of the right upper back teeth coming from the forehead. Short pains in the teeth of the right side in the evening (third day). Dull pain the teeth, especially in the incisor and eye-teeth. Neuralgic pains in the upper molar and bicuspid teeth of the side. Toothache (second day). Toothache as if the never were laid bare (third day). Drawing toothache (fourth and fifth days). Severe pressing in the molar teeth, which continues for several hours, after 10 p. m. Shooting in the right teeth, coming from the forehead. Tongue. Tongue white and dry. Inflammation of the sublingual glands. Cutting pain in the right side of tongue, relieved by biting on it (after second dose, eighth day). Stitches in the tongue. Saliva. Tingling in the salivary glands, immediately after eating, attended with a sensation of fermentation in the oesophagus and copious salivation. Secretion of saliva more free than from an ordinary emetic. Taste. Acrid, bitter taste in the mouth. (Hering).


Continual rising of a slippery mucus in the throat, with tickling in the larynx. Feeling of a ball rising into the throat (after three hours and a half). A feeling as of a ball rising up into the throat but without the least nausea. Dryness of the throat, which renders deglutition difficult. Swollen feeling in the throat. Pressing in the throat and nausea with stitches in the eyes. Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat which is painful while swallowing and is attended by throbbing in both tonsil. Scraping in the throat; (first day). Scraping in the throat which incites a cough day and night. Scraping sensation on throat which lasted all day and caused a constant desire to cough (fourth and eleventh days). Difficult deglutition. Pain in the region of the submaxillary gland, shooting towards the parotid, in the evening (eleventh day).


Thirst. Increased thirst (fourteenth day). Thirsty. Eructation. Eructation and nausea. Belching with wind. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, etc.; with the vertigo; with flickering before eyes; with entire loss of sight (after half an hour); with blankness before eyes, with incarcerated flatulence. Nausea, in the evening, followed by some dulness and aching in the head (second day). Nausea soon after the stool, at 10.30 A.M. (fifth day). Excessive nausea with dimness before the eyes. Momentary nausea, with incarceration of flatus in the afternoon while riding followed by a stool, with cutting pain in the bowels (third day after repeated dose). Continual retching (after half an hour). Vomiting with ruminating action. Vomiting began (after two hours and a half) recurred every three or five minutes for an hour without the least nausea; considerable bile thrown up towards the close with an action like rumination. Stomach. Digestion better. Rumbling and a sense of emptiness in the stomach, as if I had had no breakfast (third day). Rumbling and a sense of emptiness in stomach, as if I had had no breakfast (third day). Warmth in the stomach. Sensation of warmth through the epigastric region which gradually increased (half an hour after last dose). Glow through the epigastric region with a feeling as though some new action was going on there (after two hours and three quarters). Some glow in the stomach. Slight glow felt in stomach, with vertigo and prickling in the skin (after half an hour). Feeling of weakness extending form the abdomen up into the throat. Emptiness in the stomach (fourteenth day). Emptiness in the stomach which caused headache and nausea (after first dose, eighth day). Uneasiness at stomach not nausea, nor yet exactly the same feeling produced by the infusion. Disagreeable feeling at stomach (after six hours). Pain in the epigastrium (second day). Distress in stomach after dinner, as though it was overloaded (fourteenth day). Feeling of contraction in the stomach (after three hours and half). Sensation of gradual contraction of the stomach forcing its contents up into the oesophagus. Pain in the stomach as if something were tearing the walls form their connection (ninth day). Drawing tearing pain in the epigastrium, which was aggravated by the slightest movement, even on attempting to talk (fifth day). Pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by sitting erect aggravated by sitting bent over with a feeling as though something were pressed down beneath the pit of the stomach. (* Several provers had similar sensations, though only after the 30th; compare heart symptom. C.HG. *) Gnawing in epigastric region; a feeling of emptiness in same region at 8 A.M. (seventh day).


Hypochondria. Pain in the hypochondriac region (second day). Stitches in the left hypochondriac region (seventh day). Pain in the right side, in the region of the liver. Umbilical and Sides. Pain about the umbilicus (fifth day). Pains in the right side of the abdomen. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, followed by a pain in the right gluteus muscle. Pressure in the right side of the abdomen. Abdomen. Incarceration of flatulence with nausea. A sensation of weakness in the abdomen, rising up into the throat; when violent it is sometimes relieved by eructation, but returns immediately. Occasional pain across the abdomen. Sensation in the bowels as if there would be a cathartic oppression, but none followed. Pain in the bowels, which drove me to stool; stool passed with tenesmus at 10.30. A.M. (fifth day). After breakfast, cutting pain in the bowels followed by a loose stool, which relieved the pain (fifth day). Cutting colic during the stool.

Rectum and Anus.

Stool normal but followed by burning in the anus (ninth day). Excessive burning in the anus after stool; stool hard (seventh day); stool this morning very hard and large so that it was voided with difficult; after stool excessive burning in anus. (eight day). Inclination to go to stool in the forenoon (fourth day).

Stool Diarrhoea.

A soft stool, early in the morning, followed by a diarrhoea, which lasted two hours, and another soft stool the same forenoon (fourth day). Two soft stools and evacuation of wind, in the forenoon (fifth day). Easily discharged as if smoothed over pappy stool followed by pressing in the rectum. Constipation. Constipation (ninth and tenth day). Constipation so obstinate at this time that the proving was discontinued for thirteen days, during which the constipation subsided. An attempt at stool was unsuccessful, the stool being too large to pass in the morning; passed with great difficulty, at 10 A.M. (eleventh day). No stool the first day; scanty stool in the morning (third day); looseness of the bowels at noon after the stool in the morning; stools less frequent (third day).

Urinary Organs.

Urethra. Slight burning during urinating (second day). Micturition. Frequent desire to urinate (first day),; (after 30 drops second day). Frequent desire to urinate; the urine feels hot as it passes; only small quantities pass at a time; urinate about once in thirty or forty minutes (second day). Great desire to urinate (ninth day). Frequent discharges of yellow urine in increased quantity. Urine. Urine somewhat increased (fourth and fifth days). I thought there was some increase of urine during this experiment and the former one. Urine increased nor changed in color; slight burning on passing it (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.