Kali iodatum


OBJECTIVE. Inflammation and swelling of the whole throat, and even of the neck. Yellowish-gray spots and ulcers in the throat. SUBJECTIVE. Dryness and frequent cramp in the throat, with apprehensiveness. A feeling of dryness and itching was experienced in the throat, with burning at the epigastrium, copious salivation, running from the nose, intense injection of the conjunctive, and lachrymation. Disagreeable dryness and irritation in his throat (3rd taste). Burning and rawness in the throat, as from heartburn (13th day). Feeling of constriction in the throat. Choking in the throat, as if something were sticking in it; on hawking, a piece of thick mucus was raised, and the choking ceased (after 6 days). Dull stitches and ulcerative pain in the left side of the throat, only when swallowing, worse in the evening. Sore throat; sticking and a feeling of pressure in it on swallowing; even on reading she experiences pain (21st and 22nd days). Scraping sensation in the throat, with sanguineous congestion. Rawness and scraping in the throat. Rawness and dryness in the throat, with frequent hacking cough, in the morning in bed (3rd day). Sense of occlusion of the posterior nares (4th day). Burning and uneasy sensation in the oesophagus and stomach. The act of swallowing was painful and difficult, and there were redness and swelling of the soft palate and tonsils (particularly the right). EXTERNAL THROAT. The glands in the neck enlarged. The glands in the neck suddenly enlarged, and to a degree highly disfiguring; at least two months elapsed before the swellings showed the slightest symptom of subsidence (after 3 weeks). Swelling of the whole thyroid gland, increasing very rapidly, with some sensitiveness to touch, and pressure (after 8 days). A small swelling became after three years a large bronchocele, a ponderous tumor. Swelling on the neck like goiter. (Sensitiveness of the goitre to touch). The goitre seems smaller and softer for a short time. Swelling of the cervical and maxillary glands. Swelling of submaxillary region. Swelling of the parotids, with lancinating, crampy, distensive pains in the entire jaw. Bellows-murmur in the carotids. Muscular pain, extending over the whole region of the neck (4th day).


APPETITE. Improvement of the appetite. Appetite usually increased; it is remarkable how soon after taking Iodine the desire for food arises (1st day); diminishing or disappearing (2nd day). Great hunger, but he can scarcely eat on account of bad digestion, nausea, and vomiting. Balmy. Desire for milk, wine, and spirits. Loss of appetite. Total want of appetite; or rather she was convinced she could not eat. Anorexia. Aversion to all food; (after 17 days). Aversion to broth. THIRST. Thirst; several evenings in succession (after 5 days). Constant thirst (after 4th dose). Great thirst the whole day and even at night (after 3 and 15 days). ERUCTATION AND HICCOUGH. Eructations, with taste of food long after eating. Frequent gulping eructations of a large quantity of air. Frequent regurgitations of bitter matter, with desire to vomit. Raising of phlegm morning and evening, and often after meals. Hiccough, in the evening (after 4 days). Very frequent, empty, hiccough like eructations. Constant inclination to water brash, without its really occurring. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Nausea (immediately). nausea in the stomach, even vomiting nausea, with pressure in the stomach. Nausea with great straining, and tearing sensation in the chest. Frequent nausea. Constant nausea, accompanied with frequent vomiting and smart fever (4th day). Slight nausea. Retching (3 hours after 3rd dose). Inclination to vomit after an embrace. Vomiting. Vomiting and purging at the same time (after 4th dose). Copious and painful vomiting, frequently after meals, with drawing in the stomach extending to the back, and colic. Violent vomiting, with accumulation of saliva (after 1 hour). Spontaneous vomiting of a yellow fluid, tasting strongly of Iodine (after 1 hour). Vomiting of food and bile mixed with blood. Frequent and painful vomiting of food, bile, and blood. Vomiting of blood, preceded by heat and burning in the stomach. STOMACH. Indigestion. Digestion constantly deranged. The stomach feels empty and hungry, being unable either to retain or digest anything. Pain in the stomach like an emptiness and coldness, not relieved by warm soup, in the evening (16th day). Feeling of great emptiness and qualmishness in the stomach, not relieved after eating (after 21 days). Sensation as if the stomach were full of bile. Constant “cracking and crying” in th stomach (17th and 18th days). Discomfort in the stomach. After the pains in the abdomen have lasted for some time, the stomach also begins to pain, and both then together disappear. Pain in the cardiac portion of the stomach (after large doses). Slight pain and heaviness in the stomach (1st day); the pain, however, is not always present; diminishing or disappearing (2nd day). Sudden attack of severe gastralgia, lasting several months. Burning at the epigastrium. Burning sensation and very acute pain at the epigastrium (immediately). Burning in stomach during digestion. Burning in the stomach, as if there was a charcoal furnace in it. Burning and pressure in the stomach, relieved by eructations, but immediately returning. Burning pains in the stomach, with throbbing and contraction. Terrible burning externally in the pit of the stomach, as if the place were inflamed. Pains, as if the stomach was perforated. Sensation as if from corrosive ulcers in the stomach. Painful beating in the left side of the epigastric region, in the evening.


HYPOCHONDRIA. Pains extending from the liver into the stomach and chest, and giving rise to frequent suffocative paroxysms. Violent burning externally in the left hypochondrium, and in afterwards in both groins (after 6 days). Sensation of swelling and distention in the hepatic region with throbbing and cramp like pains. Sensations of fullness and heaviness of the spleen. Painful constriction in left hypochondrium on a line with the cardiac orifice of the stomach (soon after); this sensation was felt after each daily dose of spoonful, for five days. Stitches in the left hypochondriac region. Sharp stitch in the right hypochondrium, and at the same time in the left side of the chest, on talking (12 th day). UMBILICAL AND SIDES. Distension about the umbilicus and movings in the abdomen, followed by 2 soft stools (16th day). Great painful distension beneath the umbilicus, disappearing after a stool. Gripings and movings about the umbilicus. Gripping and burning about the umbilicus (after 18 days). Cutting and burning about the umbilicus, with qualmishness in the stomach and inclination to eructate, which afterwards even occurs; violent itching externally about the umbilicus, an inclination to emission of flatulence. Infrequent attacks lasting a quarter of an hour, in the afternoon (after 17 days). Cutting pain in the left side near the umbilicus (2nd day). Stitches in the left side of the abdomen at the side of the umbilicus (14th day). Violent Tearing, extending from both sides of the abdomen towards the umbilicus, as if the flesh would be torn off (4th day). GENERAL ABDOMEN. Swelling of the abdomen as in ascites, with emaciation, constipation, constant thirst, and scanty, turbid, red and brown urine. Sudden distension of the abdomen as if it would burst, disappearing after emission of flatus, afterwards diarrhoea twice, in the morning after waking (after 7th day). Inflammatory inflation of the abdomen with inactivity of the bowels and great constipation. Inflammation of the bowels, with burning crampy and tearing pains extending to the loins. Much incarcerated flatulence. Moving as of flatus in the abdomen, followed by tension in both groins (after 4 days). Moving about and rumbling in the abdomen from time to time. Rumbling in the abdomen as though something alive were moving in it, so that she started up (6th day). Loud gurgling in the abdomen, especially in the stomach, audible at a distance (after 16 days). Great emission of flatus. Respiration is strongly felt in the bowels. Indescribable uneasiness in bowels, especially at night, without anorexia or dyspepsia. Griping in the abdomen and groins, with a feeling as if something would come out through the pudenda (2nd day). Pain as if the bowels were perforated. Great pressure in the abdomen and loins. Cutting and tearing from above downwards in the abdomen. Lacerations in the abdomen, with sensation as if it were distended and torn. Colic (2nd day). Colic and lancinating pains in the abdomen, extending down to the legs. Burning colic, passing from the abdomen to the loins. Flatulent colic, with spasms and contractions of the abdomen; he is obliged to twist about in every direction, so severe is the pain. Irritation of the bowels. The pains in the abdomen and stomach disappear in the evening after lying down, but return in the morning after waking. In the open air there is no trace of the pain in the abdomen, but immediately on going into the house the cutting- burning pains return, for several days (after 16 days). HYPOGASTRIUM AND ILIAC REGIONS. Feeling of heat in the lower abdominal region; she could keep nothing warm upon it, during menstruation. Pinching on the right side of the lower abdomen, extending up above both groins. Pressure and dragging pain in the lower abdomen, as if in the uterus, while walking, disappearing while sitting. Sudden burning as from a glowing coal in the left groin (6th day). Drawing in the left inguinal region, with a feeling as though something living were in it. A sudden extremely painful dragging in both groins, so that she was obliged to bend together, after taking the usual cold milk in the morning; frequent yawning, great weariness in the thighs, violent griping in the abdomen extending to the thighs, extreme restlessness, so that she could not remain in any position, chilliness, with gooseflesh; anxiety and warmth in the head; followed by eructations and rumbling in the abdomen. The menstruation which had just commenced, partly stopped; afterwards nausea and pressure in the stomach, with inclination to vomit, aggravated by moving about; shivering in the face and hands, with heat and perspiration of the face (after 14 days). A cutting and extremely painful stitch in a small spot in the right groin. Pressive bruised pain in both groins and in the small of the back, during menstruation. RECTUM. Inflammation and swelling of the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids, with very painful pimples at the anus. Great itching at the anus, especially at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.