Kali iodatum


Otorrhoea of yellow matter often mixed with blood. A feeling as though something had fallen in front of the ears, or as if a leaf were lying in front of them; still she heard well. It seems as though something had fallen in front of the ear, with tearing in the ears. Distensive pain and digging in the ears, as if an insect had got into them. Painful boring in the right ear. A violent pain in the left ear, as if one were boring about in it (after 16 days). Cutting pains in the internal ear. Lancinating and tickling pains in the ears, with desire to cough. Transient sticking extending into the left ear, making her start (2nd day). Violent sticking in the right ear, frequently during the day (after 5 days). An extremely violent stitch in the left ear extending into the head, in the evening in bed (3rd day). Tearing, now in the right, now in the left ear, for a long time. Frequently repeated tearings in the right ear, which becomes very sensitive on account of them, in the evening (after 4 days). Painful tearing deep in the right ear, in the forenoon (2nd day). Violent tearing in front of the right ear, extending into the temple, so that the whole side becomes painful on account of it (2nd day). Some violent tearings in front of the left ear, extending into the temple, in the bones (2nd day). A painful gnawing within and behind temple, in the bones (2nd day). A painful gnawing within and behind the left ear. Itching in the left ear. HEARING. Hardness of hearing. Hearing almost gone (4th day). Ringing in the ears. Buzzing and ringing in head,; (3 hours after 3rd dose). Vibration and roaring in the ears.


OBJECTIVE. Ineffectual efforts to sneeze. Sneezing (1st day). Frequent sneezing with running of clear water from the nose (3rd day). Frequent sneezing with lachrymation. Running from the nose. Coryza (4th day). Symptoms of severe coryza, and of bronchitis, with the exception of fever and mucopurulent expectoration. Acute coryza; great redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, nose, throat, and palate, with profuse lachrymation, violent sneezing, and running of water from the nose, frequent irritation to cough and swelling of the upper lids; this coryza lasted for a long time. Fluent coryza, the head being badly stuffed up. He can get scarcely any air through the nose on account of catarrh, in the morning after waking (after 23 days). (The catarrh previously existing disappeared), (after eight days). Found him in bed with his head wrapped up in a flannel nightcap; he had got a desperate cold, somehow, the day before, with which he woke up, but was getting better (2nd morning); he took no more Iodide, and was free from his desperate cold the next day. Accumulation of very tenacious mucus in the nostrils. Profuse discharge of thick yellow mucus from the nose. Discharge from the nose of greenish-black or yellow matter, of a foul and sickening smell. Burning water runs profusely from the nose and makes the skin sore. Nosebleed, whereby she lost more than half a pound of blood in two hours (2nd day). Violent nosebleed, which could not be stopped by anything (after 11 days). Discharge from the nose of decomposed greenish-red blood. SUBJECTIVE. Feeling in the upper part of the nose as though a leaf were lying in front of it, with burning (16th day). Stoppage of the nose, from which only clear water runs. Burning in the nose and throat (after one hour). Burning in the nostrils with running of water from the nose, and at the same time stoppage of them (after 11 days). Sensation of fullness in the nose, with beating pains in the nasal bones. Fine tearing in the upper part of the left nostril (after 12 days). Gnawing sensation in the nasal bones, with lancinating and boring pains extending to the forehead. Throbbing and burning pains in the nasal and frontal bones, with swelling. Loss of smell (after 12 days).


OBJECTIVE. Look characteristically quick and anxious. Remarkably earnest, wild, uncertain look. Remarkably sad and dejected expression of countenance. Looks sometimes excited, sometimes depressed. Paleness of face (after one hour). (Great paleness of the face, with the spasmodic attacks). Face colorless and transparent- looking, like a porcelain mask. Discolored complexion. Earthy-looking complexion. Bistre- colored complexion. Complexion rather yellow. Yellow, bilious complexion, with black circles around the eyes. Complexion more yellowish-green than dead white face yellow, greenish, dark, and much emaciated. Red puffy inflamed face;with a phlyctenoid eruption. Face very red (after 3 hours ). Swelling of the face. Swelling of the face, particular of the eyelids, and of the submaxillary region. (3 hours after the dose ) Inflammation and swelling of the facial bones. Emaciation of face and neck. Lengthened visage. SUBJECTIVE. Face very sensitive to air, which also aggravates all the symptoms of that part. An indescribable pain extending out from the left ear, and if she only moves the hand towards the ear without even touching it, it creeps over the whole side of the face as though it were mesmerized; in the evening. CHEEKS. Wrinkled, flabby cheeks. Swelling of the left cheek for three days (after 14 days). Such an uncomfortable sense of distention and stiffness about cheeks and submaxillary spaces that it had to be discontinued fine, but painful sticking and like a jerking in the left cheek, lasting a long time; afterwards the spot remained sensitive to touch for a long time. Tearing and sticking in the left zygoma, in the morning in bed, when lying upon it (after 4 days). LIPS. The lips are full of glutinous mucus in the morning after waking (16 th day) The upper lip and nostrils are very sensitive even not touched (4th day) The lips are dry and cracked (after 15 days) Painful drawing in the right side of the upper lip and gum second day. CHIN. Some uneasiness and stiffness in the jaws (2nd day); difficulty increased (2nd day); jaws immovable (3rd day). Sticking in the left lower jaw, in the tibia, in the left thigh and left forearm in the bones, in the forenoon (after 12 days). Tearing in the left lower jaw and corresponding teeth (12th day). Violent tearing in the both sides of the lower jaw, as if it would be torn out (after 15 days). Gnawing in both sides of the lower jaw.


TEETH. A feeling as if the teeth were too long, with painfulness of them in the evening. Grumbling in the left lower hollow back tooth (after 13 days) Grumbling in a hollow tooth, when walking in the open air (6th day). Toothache, with swelling of the cheek. Painful griping in a left lower hollow back tooth, in the evening (1st day). Painful drawing in a left lower back tooth. Tearing in the left upper row of teeth (4th day). Painful tearing in the upper back of the teeth and margin of the right orbit (12th day). Feeling of tearing in both lower rows of teeth, and feeling as if weight hung from the lower jaw, in the evening (1st day). Violent ulcerative pain in the teeth, beginning in the evening and continuing the whole night, and even the next morning (after 5 days). Gnawing in the right upper teeth, afterwards in the left ear, and at last in the tendons of the hollow of the left knee, in the forenoon (2nd day). Violent jerking or shooting in the right eyetooth, scarcely to be endured frequently lasting for an hour, but worse in the evening after lying down till midnight, and from 4 to 5 A.M.;aggravated by cold, relieved by warmth; at times the pain is so great that it seems as though tooth would break off, or as a worm were digging in it (after 25 days). GUMS. Tumefaction of the gums. The gum is swollen and painful (after 25 days) Swelling of the gum about a hollow tooth (after 15 days). Painful stitches in the gums, frequently during the day (after 18 days). Slight, though strongly marked, soreness of the gums, with headache and nausea. Ulcerative pain in the gum of the right lower row of teeth (after 16 days). The gum of the right side is painful as if ulcerated and swollen, for several days (after 8 days) TONGUE. Tongue swollen hypertrophy of the tongue, which was tender and covered with lobes or nodes and fissured by deep cracks. Tongue in some places hard and lobulated, in others fissured by deep cracks. A blister on the tip of the tongue, with burning pain (after 16 days). Burning in a small spot in the left margin of the tongue (after 7 days). Burning on the tip of the tongue as from a vesicle (after 17 days. At night, after retiring, but before going to sleep, had a terrible spasmodic pain at the root of the tongue, extending to both sides of the throat; for about fifteen or twenty minutes the pain was excruciating, causing a fear that death was impending; there was a sensation as if a spasm would close the pharynx. GENERAL MOUTH. Very offensive odor from the mouth, which makes even herself nauseated (after 15 days). Horrible odor from the mouth, almost as after onions, in the morning after rising (16th day). Aphthae in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Dryness in the mouth with thirst, during the chill in the evening (4th day). Mouth dry and slightly fuliginous. Dry and bitter mouth and throat. Mucous lining of the mouth dry, on waking in the morning. Numbness of the mouth, in the morning after waking (after 2 and 15 days). Burning heat in the mouth, as if she had eaten something hot (4th day). Scraping all over the mouth, with sensation as after chewing tobacco. SALIVA. Increase of saliva. Increased secretion from the salivary and pituitary mucous membranes. Increased flow of saliva. Saliva dribbled from the mouth (in 2 cases). Copious salivation. Abundant salivation and desire to vomit, with drawing in the stomach, and headache as if a nail was sticking in each temple. The patient was profusely salivated. The salivation very much resembles that of pregnant women; the saliva has very little viscidity; it seems to come not only from the cavity of the mouth, but to be also the product of a kind of regurgitation; the mucous membrane of the mouth may be rather irritated and oedematous, but there are not any signs of inflammation, as in mercurial stomatitis, nor is there observed any tendency to the ulceration peculiar to the latter; in the majority of cases it is impossible even to discover any appreciable alteration of tissue; the salivary glands are not the seat of any tumefaction, nor is there any peculiar odor from the breath; patient complains that the saliva has a saltish taste, resembling that of the Ioduret of Potass. Bloody saliva, with disgusting taste in the mouth (after 3 days). Flow of mucus and saliva from the mouth, without alteration of the gums or mucous membrane (3rd hour after 3rd dose). Collection of water in the mouth, with nausea in the stomach. Salivation rear in women (only one case). TASTE. Dreadful taste in the mouth (9th and 10th days). Rancid taste in the mouth always after eating and drinking (after 4 days). Astringent metallic taste, excessively disagreeable, for some days; this can usually be got rid of by cleaning the teeth and gargling the mouth with fresh water. Bitter taste. Bitter or sour taste in the mouth. Great bitterness in the mouth, and still more in the throat, disappearing after break-fast (2nd day). Sweetish bitter taste in the mouth after waking (2nd day). Saline taste in the mouth, subsequently giving place to that of Iodine. Taste of tobacco in the mouth. Food has no taste, or a taste like straw (after 13 days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.